Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, Book 3)

by L. M. Montgomery

Paperback, 1983





Starfire (1983), 243 pages


Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm and proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her.


Original language


Original publication date

1996 (Nouvelle édition française, Presses de la Cité)

Physical description

243 p.; 6.88 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member atimco
Anne of the Island picks up the story with Anne, Gilbert, and Charlie going off to Redmond College. Mrs. Lynde, now a widow, has moved in with Marilla at Green Gables, thus enabling Anne to go off to school. So Anne joins the ranks of the coeds and has her college years enriched by new friendships
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and academic challenges.

The romantic tension picks up in this story, with Gilbert declaring himself and meeting with a firm rebuff. Anne is certain that he doesn't fit her ideal, though she values him greatly as a friend. When a tall, dark, melancholy man does come along, Anne is swept off her feet and only realizes at the last moment how flat life would be with a humorless hero. Anne is a believable character; she makes mistakes in her relationships and suffers the humiliations and jealousies that most people experience at some point in their lives.

I have always enjoyed this installment because Anne is an adult, but very much still herself. Her adventures at Redmond are always less important than the characters and their interactions. I get the impression that Redmond and really all the external circumstances of Anne's history are frames for the character sketches and funny episodes at which Montgomery excels. I love the descriptions of Anne's girlfriends in college; Philippa Gordon has to be one of the funniest, most lovable side characters in fiction. Aunt Jamesina isn't bad either, though I've always felt we didn't get to see enough of her.

I found it interesting that Montgomery makes an effort in several places to defend humor. At one point she has Anne quote one of their professors, who says that humor is the best condiment for the feast life spreads for us. Montgomery's body of work testifies to this truth and I'm thankful to partake of her contribution to the feast.

This is a very satisfying read and another of my favorites in the series. Long live Anne!
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LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
L.M. Montgomery's irrepressible red-headed heroine, Anne Shirley - she of the high ideals, fiery temper, and elfin beauty - returns in this third volume devoted to her adventures, first published in 1915, and following upon the initial Anne of Green Gables (1908), and its first sequel, Anne of
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Avonlea (1909). Picking up one week after the events of the preceding book, Anne of the Island is the story of Anne's four years at Redmond College, and follows her as she leaves the island - Prince Edward Island, that is - for the fictional town of Kingsport, Nova Scotia. Here she plunges into the labor and leisure of the college experience - her studies, in which (predictably) she excels in English; her friends, both old and new; her living situation, first in a boarding house, and then in the delightful Patty's Place; and finally, her first serious "beaus" (and proposals!) - emerging, in the end, transformed from girl to woman.

I have always loved this book, enjoying everything from the love-triangle involving Anne, Gilbert Blythe and Royal Gardner, to the many little holiday and summer interludes, in which Anne returns to Avonlea, and to her circle of family and friends at Green Gables. The doings of those four college girls - Priscilla Grant and Stella Maynard, two of Anne's old school chums from Queens; Philippa Gordon, a flighty but lovable rich girl whom the others meet for the first time at Redmond; and Anne herself - who take up residence together, make for an engaging story (I particularly adore the three cats!), and I cannot think of Patty's Place without wishing that I too had had the experience of living in such a house, while in college!

Of course, this being L.M. Montgomery, it isn't all sweetness and light, and the early death of Ruby Gillis - one of Anne's grade-school chums - from consumption, provides a poignant counter-balance to the more carefree aspects of the story. While there's no doubt that this particular part of the novel functions as a cautionary tale - so much so, that a number of other reviewers have found it offensively preachy - I have always been moved by Anne's genuine struggle, in her discussion with Ruby, to articulate her own inchoate beliefs about the metaphysical. This balancing of the inner and outer life - of the everyday and the eternal - is something I always find particularly well done, in Montgomery's work, and in her characters.

All in all, Anne of the Island was as delightful on this reread (hard to say how many times it's been), as the first time I encountered it! I think I may reread the next "Anne" book - Anne of Windy Poplars - sooner, rather than later.
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LibraryThing member mutantpudding
This isnt really the kind of book I would normally be into, but I love all the characters already so I keep on reading.

One thing I did find a bit disturbing is the casual (though probably historically acurate) animal cruelty. Anne and her housemates attempt to euthanize a cat and there are several
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mentions of killing animals for fun or convinience. Im not naive to the fact this happens but did not expect to find it here.
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LibraryThing member DeltaQueen50
By this, the third book of the series, Anne is a young woman and after working for a couple of years as a teacher, she has saved enough money to go to University in Nova Scotia. Some of her friends are also enrolling at Redmond, and she makes new friends as well. By the second year, tired of
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boarding houses, there are four girls who decided to rent their own house and together with the elderly Aunt Jimsie, as a chaperone, they set up house for the remaining three years. Friday nights are designated as the evening for receiving gentlemen callers and these attractive girls have plenty of those. Gilbert Blythe is a regular and it is very obvious to everyone that he has deep feelings for Anne. Anne who is very fond of her childhood chum, dreads having to hurt him,

As Anne leaves girlhood behind and matures into a young woman, there is little trace of the orphan girl that was. Anne has become serene, sensible and very steady in purpose. In one area however, she seems to lag behind her friends and as she attends one wedding after another, she appears to not be able to see the love that is right in front of her, instead she is still holding out for that elusive Prince Charming that she imagined as a young girl. It takes a dark time and an almost tragedy for Anne to be able to understand where her heart is leading her.

I am loving my re-reading of this series, and have come to love Anne as much now as I did when a girl.
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LibraryThing member rachelellen
Usually I like this one pretty well but it just fell really flat for me this time. Maybe because the older I get, the more distance I feel from the lighthearted college life depicted in this book. I've "grown up" with Anne Shirley -- when I discovered her books I was the same age as Anne when she
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arrived at Green Gables, and I've read them over and over through the years, getting older (necessarily) as I went, passing up Anne as a teenager and then Anne as a college student and then Anne as a working woman and then Anne as a young wife and new mother, until now I'm more in a Rainbow Valley sort of stage. And that's kind of depressing -- because Rainbow Valley is where Anne pretty much completely disappears.

Oh, wait a minute. This was a review for Anne of the Island, wasn't it. Sigh. Um, OK. Less Philippa next time please, Maud.
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LibraryThing member 1morechapter
There was nobody else — there never could be anybody else for me but you. I’ve loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.

I’m so glad I’m finally getting around to reading this series. I enjoyed the first two Anne books, and this one was no exception. This one
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is about Anne’s college years, her relationship with her friends Priscilla and Philippa, and also about her beaux Gilbert and Royal.

Spoilers ahead, but it probably doesn’t matter as most of you have already read the book anyway…

Of course, how could she choose anyone BUT Gilbert? I do wonder why it took her so long to realize that. Besides their relationship, I enjoyed reading about Patty’s Place, Davy’s further development, and all the other girls’ drama. I do think I enjoyed Anne of Avonlea just a bit more than this one, but I still fell in love with Anne of the Island as well. I probably won’t get to the others in the series until next year, but I’ve enjoyed these first three books tremendously.
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LibraryThing member savageknight
The feeling I mentioned in my review of the previous book (as though one were re-visiting an old friend) continues in this third novel. Anne's college life is filled with the typical anne-like situations and fascinations that just make reading these novels a comforting pleasure.
LibraryThing member kaulsu
College life and living in a wonderful house with one's girlfriends can only happen at a certain time during youth--at least for most women--. Montgomery didn't write too much about their academic life except to say they studied as hard as they played and all who wished achieved honors.

Learning to
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understand what it means to truly love someone (beyond the romantic expectations we hold) is a nice minor theme. I wonder if young teens can absorb that message when there is so much sex being hurled their way by other media?
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LibraryThing member susanbevans
Anne of the Island is book 3 in L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series. It is a continuation of the story of Anne Shirley as she goes away to school at Redmond College in Kingsport. Some of Anne's old chums from Avonlea are also at Redmond - Charlie Sloane and Gilbert Blythe, but Montgomery
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also introduces new and interesting characters. L.M. Montgomery certainly has a way with characters! She writes people that are really believable. These are people you will wish were in your life - as you follow them on their journey, they become your friends as well.

Anne of the Island is the book that finally sees some serious development in the Gilbert/Anne dynamic, and for this reason it seems to be the favorite of the series for a lot of Montgomery fans. While I enjoyed the story just as much as the previous two books, I wouldn't say it would be my favorite - my heart will always belong to the little orphan girl from Anne of Green Gables. She becomes a remarkable young woman over the course of the years, but some of my favorite Anne-escapades take place in the first book.

As always, L.M. Montgomery is a master of the literary form. Her descriptions are well-formed and breathtaking in their scope - not a single word could be omitted:
"The sea was roaring hollowly in the distance, the fields were bare and sere, scarfed with golden rod, the brook valley below Green Gables overflowed with asters of ethereal purple, and The Lake of Shining Waters was blue-blue-blue; not the changeful blue of spring, nor the pale azure of summer, but a clear, steadfast, serene blue, as if the water were past all moods and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams."
Isn't that fantastic!? Drink in the beauty...

These are wonderful books for all ages and there is a little something for everyone here: adventure, romance, drama, suspense, and comedy. If you give Anne a chance, you'll have a bosom friend for life!
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LibraryThing member doxtator
This part of Anne's story follows her from just before entering college until just after her graduation.

This third installment follows the tenor of the whole series. The narrative focuses quite a bit on description, both of the natural surroundings and of Anne's feelings, and it tells the stories
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of those whole lives touch Anne's. In general, it is a gentle tale, with some few trials and tribulations, and some sad parts, but overall life for Anne is very determined and grand, even if just through her determination and perspective.
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LibraryThing member bell7
This was a reread of a book I last read as a young teen. I had remembered it, along with Anne of Windy Poplars, as a fairly boring read in the midst of a good series. Part of it was probably my age, as this book is all about Anne's time in Redmond with college friends, studying for her B.A. and
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declining several proposals for marriage. The story was a faster read than I remembered, though it still has its flaws, in my opinion, particularly in the tendency to introduce random characters and only keep them around for only a chapter or two. Plus some of the dialog at the end just struck me as a little bit cheesy (but I was tired and possibly more critical as a result). But it is still an old favorite, and I'll probably revisit it again someday.
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LibraryThing member mandochild
Most of this book seems filled with what are clearly meant for insightful, witty character sketches, both humorous and poignant. It is less of a novel than a series of vignettes. Or so it seems at present. And I suppose the character sketches are insightful - they've just become a little
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predictable and a little author-omnipotent-ish for me. I don't know why this should suddenly feel the case; it's very annoying. But I've never been keen on a narration style that knows more than its characters about "the human condition". I also find Anne's ability to be close to unfeeling about cats quite unsettling. So much imagination when it comes to people, and so much pragmatism for animals!

However, there are a couple of really lovely moments, including the one in which she realises that her own blindness has led to Roy Gardner's pain. It is her own fault that things work out badly and she is not at all a perfect person. Her ongoing blindness about Gilbert is painfully maddening, but at least that's over now. Finally. When I read the next book I won't have that tension spreading onwards unnaturally like an episode of the X Files.

And now to see what my shelf offers up next by way of a Sunday read!
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LibraryThing member Kiwiria
This is probably my favourite Anne book, although it's difficult to say as they're all good :) I love reading about her life at Patty's Place, and I'm a hopeless romantic so the end is all good :) Also, I think the Roy-issue is very well written and a very atypical inclusion in this type of book.
LibraryThing member Magadri
This is a good love story. We get to see Anne grow up and finally be honest with herself.
LibraryThing member TheLostEntwife
This is my favorite book of the Anne of Green Gables series (well, one of two favorites). The story held in the pages of Anne of the Island is one filled with the growing pains of youth, the losing of dreams, replaced by the gaining of new dreams, the making of new friends, saying goodbye to old
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and life continuing it's everlasting journey of passing us by.

Although the times were different, much of what L.M. Montgomery wrote of Anne's experience at college is still the same today. It's a time for discovering yourself, of getting to know who you are. And for Anne, who's mind is "constantly changing" so she's having to "reacquaint herself" with it (one of my favorite quotes in the book), college is everything I remember it being for me as well.

I think one of the reasons I love Anne so much is because she has such a perfect, wonderful appreciation for home. Sure, she sees it through rose-tinted glasses, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I think we all long to have that place in our minds, that home filled with memories and the ghosts of our youth. Remembering mine helps to steady me when things get rough, but also has such a bittersweet taste to it - and that's what Anne of the Island captures so well.

Ruby Gillis, Gilbert Blythe, Patty's Place, Diana (Barry) Wright, the births of new characters, the deaths of some old favorites, all happen in this story and it's very much a turning point. The ending of something special and the beginning of something new and exciting.
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LibraryThing member ThorneStaff
Anne has finished teaching and is headed to Redmond College. At the beginning of her adventure, she feels like a provincial, backwards girl, but quickly renews old friendships, gains new ones, and settles in to college life. As she and her three closest girl friends grow weary of boarding, they
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decide to rent a place together. In a typical twist of fate for Anne, the perfect house becomes available and the girls set up housekeeping at Patty's Place, a quaint cottage among the well-to-do mansions of Kingsport. Anne is desperately wishing that things with Gilbert could be as they always are, but he has other designs. And a new man has entered the picture, someone who nearly matches all Anne's dreams of what a proper beau should be like.

Every time I read this story, I want to live in Patty's Place, so full of charm and fun. Of course, amidst this fun and charm are some very real dilemmas for Anne, including proposals, and dealing with her feelings about life and men. Not only do I want to live in Patty's Place, I wish I could have enjoyed similar college experiences, both the bitter and the sweet!
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LibraryThing member lucygirljb
Certainly my favorite Anne book in the series; in college, I dreamed of living at Patty's Place with my girlfriends. Such a sweet time that means so much in your life - so glad that I could share it with Anne.
LibraryThing member SeriousGrace
Anne of the Island is the third "Anne Shirley" book by Lucy Maud Montgomery (L.M. for short). The first two books, Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea cover Anne Shirley's childhood from ages 11-18 but Anne of the Island takes over when Anne leaves Avonlea for Redmond College in Novia Scotia.
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The title comes from Anne's distinct connection to Prince Edward Island while away at the landlocked college. This leaving is a pivotal phase of Anne's life and the title is supposed to reflect that. While at college Anne is making new friends, rediscovering her past (she lost both of her parents and was adopted by Miss Marilla as a baby), and has the unfortunate task of warding off many suitors asking for her hand (she has no less than four marriage proposals during her time at Redmond).
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LibraryThing member hopefully86
Anne of Avonlea was one of my childhood favorites. The series follows Anne on her many escapades, through funny and memorable adventures alike. Anne has every stubborn and quirky quality found in any girl...and her love of life is contagious. When I think of these books I am transported to a field
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of green and a warm summer wind.
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LibraryThing member Othemts
The third book of the Anne Shirley series sees Anne off to college on Nova Scotia, studying, making new friends, and setting up a new home. Letters and visits to home emphasize Anne's growth and change as she spends time away from her beloved home. There's also continuing intrigue regarding her
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relationship with Gilbert Blythe. Enjoyable, but lacking the magic of the first book.
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LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
So we spend the whole book wondering when Anne is going to finally get her act together and realize she's in love with Gilbert. She almost doesn't of all things! Meanwhile, she's having a wonderful time at college and learning as much about life as anything else. She's beginning to try her hand at
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writing for real, even though it makes her feel dirty to sell her work.
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LibraryThing member amerynth
Anne of the Island is one of my favorites of the series. It's in this book that Anne heads off to Redmond college -- discovering herself and finding a way to balance her romantic notions with the real world around her. Anne and her circle of friends truly grow up in this novel -- finding their
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future careers and husbands. Anne retains the spunk of the earlier novels but has mellowed a bit with age, so she remains an interesting heroine.
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LibraryThing member chlebo
My favorite Anne book so far! Probably because this book had the most of the dashing Gilbert in it...heheh. Oh, and I liked Anne's cat too.
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
This book makes me frustrated with Anne - she lets her imagination run away with herself and makes a muddle of her life. Things I like about this book - the delightful picture of Patty's Place - I wish I had lived somewhere like this when I was going to college! The way in which Anne finally has
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her eyes opened and the way the resolution of Anne's romantic life somehow resolves Marilla's too in a sort of karmic way. The comedic moments that still find their way into Anne's life, despite the fact that she is more adult than child now.
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LibraryThing member mahallett
anne is a little too goodie-goodie. and why doesn't she want gilbert?. didn't like the reader. she gushes. the story is already gushy. a little tone-down would have been better.

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