The Little Prince

by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Paperback, 2000





Clarion Books (2000), Edition: First Edition, 96 pages


An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet who relates his adventures in seeking the secret of what is important in life.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

96 p.; 8 x 0.31 inches

Media reviews

35 livres cultes à lire au moins une fois dans sa vie
Quels sont les romans qu'il faut avoir lu absolument ? Un livre culte qui transcende, fait réfléchir, frissonner, rire ou pleurer… La littérature est indéniablement créatrice d’émotions. Si vous êtes adeptes des classiques, ces
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titres devraient vous plaire.
De temps en temps, il n'y a vraiment rien de mieux que de se poser devant un bon bouquin, et d'oublier un instant le monde réel. Mais si vous êtes une grosse lectrice ou un gros lecteur, et que vous avez épuisé le stock de votre bibliothèque personnelle, laissez-vous tenter par ces quelques classiques de la littérature.
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4 more
Antoan de sent Egziperi (1900) linijski i ratni pilot, poginuo 1944. kao pilot-izviđač, oboren od nemačkih aviona. Pored niza romana o pilotima ("Južna poštanska služba", "Noćni let", "Zemlja ljudi", "Ratni pilot") napisao roman "Tvrđava", te neobično poetsku knjigu "Mali princ". Egziperi
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neguje kult razumevanja i duboke moralnosti, razvijajući vanvremensku veru u moć preobražavanja čoveka i dosezanja do pravog saznavanja njegove prirode. Mali princ je knjiga za male i velike, napisana poput bajke ona otkriva utopijski svet kroz priču o dečaku dospelom sa udaljene i sićušne planete i njegovom traganju za odanošću i ljubavlju. Ovo je knjiga i o stvarnom svetu, o čoveku, njegovim zabludama i grehovima, o nevinosti u otkrivanju najdubljih i najdragocenijih vrednosti postojanja, koja svojom sugestivnšću i poetskom toplinom osvaja decenijama generacije mladih i odraslih čitalaca.
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"Il Piccolo Principe" è una di quelle letture che entrano nell'animo del lettore. Antoine de Saint- Exupéry con il suo stile semplice e poetico mette il lettore davanti ad una riflessione sul senso vero della vita e sull'importanza di coltivare i sentimenti. Una fiaba senza età e per ogni età,
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da leggere e rileggere.
Vi segnaliamo la pagina del blog di Liberrima in cui parliamo del racconto dello scrittore francese:

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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, most metaphysical of aviators, has written a fairy tale for grownups. The symbolism is delicate and tenuous. It challenges man the adult, and deplores the loss of the child in man.
"The Little Prince" is a parable for grown people in the guise of a simple story for children-a fable with delightful delicate pictures of the little Prince on his adventurings. It is a lovely story in itself hich covers a poetic, yearning philosophy- not the sort of fable that can be tacked down
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neatly at its four corners but rather reflections on what are real matters of consequence.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member StormRaven
My first contact with The Little Prince was the Gene Wilder/Bob Fosse movie, which I found incomprehensible as a young boy. I then read the book, hoping that the printed version would allow me to make sense of the movie. It didn't, and I was just more confused by descriptions of pictures of hats
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that were actually boa constrictors, talking flowers, foxes, and people on tiny planets.

Then I reread the book as an adult, and found it quite good. I think The Little Prince falls into that category of children's books that are actually not primarily aimed at children. The main character lives on a tiny planet with three volcanoes that is always in danger of being overrun by baobab trees. An entirely unique flower grows on his planet, and the Prince falls in love with it (although the flower is demanding and petulant). The Little Prince takes a journey to find out what is most important in life and meets a number of individuals, all of whom believe a different thing is the most important thing in the universe - the conceited man thinks praise for himself is the most important thing, the businessman thinks owning things is the most important thing, the lamplighter thinks doing his job is the most important thing, and so on.

Eventually, the Prince's travels take him to Earth, where he finds that his unique floawer is not unique, but rather an ordinary rose, a discovery that causes him great dismay. It is not until he meets a fox that he learns what is important - that the time he spends with his rose is what makes her unique, that one is responsible for those that one tames, and finally, the most important things in life are the things you cannot see.

The whole story is couched as a whimsical fantasy, with pitcures drawn of sheep inside boxes and baobabs dominating a tiny planet and so on. The ending may be a bit frightening for a young reader, involving a poisonous snake, but if they have gotten that far and understand the point of the book, they are probably mature enough to handle it.

The fundamental message of the book is idealistic and laudable. It may be hard for a child reading the book to find these elements buried in the Little Prince's adventures, which is why I didn't give the book a higher rating. However, if accompanied by some adult guidance, this would probably be one of the best books you could hand to a child.
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LibraryThing member saroz
"This a beautiful, sweet tale built completely on metaphor and symbolism. I don't remember reading it as a child; instead, I remember seeing the Will Vinton claymation cartoon version, which I did not like. I saw it again recently and I still didn't like it: it's unnerving, trippy, and despite what
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were probably the best intentions, so determined to be meaningful it becomes oblique. Unless you're a real connoisseur of stop-motion animation, it's best to skip it.

The book is another beast entirely. Freed from the constraints of a half hour time limit and an adult performing a child's voice, ""The Little Prince"" reveals its simple, imaginative (and very European) power. There is no reason to try and ingest this story all at once. It should be dwelled upon and enjoyed, like a series of fables. And once you've rendered it down to the language of fables and fairy tales, it becomes obvious that none of it is to be taken too literally. You have to look beyond concrete information - as the story says, the sheep *inside* the box.

I had the fortune of reading ""The Little Prince"" on the last night I spent with my old cat, a wild warrior creature who wandered into my backyard fourteen years earlier and decided not to leave. Over time, we tamed each other - much like the little Prince and his fox. I read those lines of the story aloud to her that night, even as I knew I was saying goodbye, and I realized they had a deep truth. Religious, spiritual or otherwise, everybody is affected by relationships. Everybody has to say goodbye to a loved one sometime. And everyone looks for some kind of meaning or reason.

""The Little Prince"" does not offer that meaning or reason. What it does offer is a profound way of looking at the beauty of life and the world and people around you. Answers are irrelevant and completely distinct from inner truth.

I'm not sure I would have understood this book as a child. I'm so happy to have discovered it now. Now I know how to listen to the stars, and I know that it is so important...
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LibraryThing member reading_fox
Utterly charming.

Roughly divided into three section, The Little Prince is a possibly imaginary character our narrator (a desert-stuck, crashlanded pilot) meets whilst trying to repair his engine. The Prince instently demands "Draw me a sheep". The pilot isn't too handy with a pencil and his first
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offerings are rejected. However he draws a box (with airholes) and tells the Prince his sheep is inside it. With the innocent and childlike wonder so beautifully invoked by simple and elegant prose, the Prince agrees, and peering at it, insists the sheep inside is asleep.

This initial exchange captures all you need to know about the Little Prince. It has wonderful childlike simplicity of thought and absolute trust. Simply delightful, even for grown-ups, to read with your inner child encouraging you.

The middle section drags a little as the Prince decalims his experiences with various grown-ups he met en route to the Earth. This does drag slightly and is perhaps a little overbearingly moralistic in tone, and too deliberately intending to instruct a child in proper behavior. The accountant being too obviously greedy, the king too arrogant, etc. However once the Prince has dismissed these grown-ups as 'certainly altogether extraordinary' he lands on Earth in the desert near the pilot, and returns to the charming interactions of the initial dialog.

Children will enjoy the tale just because it is fun, for adults there are deeper levels to be considered. There are almost certainly huge philosphical points one can mae about the imaginary nature, or not, of the Prince and how the pilot's situation influenced his mental faculties, but these would all detract from the essential joy of the book - which is as a guide and reminder to how children see the world and the fun they can find in innocuous things.

It is worthwhile seeking out a version with all the original charming drawings in it. Not all of them are very good, the fox for example is especially bad but that however is no the author's fault " The grown-ups discouraged me in my painter's career when I was six years old, and I never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside."

Read this book. Learn to see the elephant, gaze at the stars, and wonder if a sheep has eaten the rose. It really does make life more awesome.
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LibraryThing member tmarks
The story of little prince that falls from his planet to find friends.
LibraryThing member sarah-e
I have asked my friends and a few others, as a random question for musing, if all of mankind were shuffled off Earth to live in spaceships for a hundred or so years (enough time so that none of the currently living people had previously lived on Earth), and then brought back - what single book
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would they either want to eliminate from the planet altogether before the return, or to put in every person's hands as they disembarked their spacecraft?

I think I would pick The Little Prince.

It has just enough wisdom, whimsy, intellect, and sadness to remind me of my humanity every time I read it. I know it's idealistic. I know it's quaint and a little old-fashioned - but so am I. So it makes sense that I love it so very much.
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LibraryThing member Daniel.Estes
I first read this story over ten years ago, and it is my favorite children's book. I am continually captivated by how the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, shows a world through the eyes of a child. The watercolor paintings are effectively imaginative, no doubt due to their simplicity.

The Little
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Prince has a rose that is very special to him. He doesn't appreciate knowing her until he is away for a long time. He meets many curious characters during his year-long travels and he begins to doubt the uniqueness of his rose upon seeing so many others. Perhaps his most important meeting is with the fox, whom he also befriends, who teaches him a secret about life.
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LibraryThing member MeditationesMartini
Such a funny one, for me. It starts out pitch-perfect, the Prince's (that capital P just came out, but perhaps we could one day see the LP well rendered as a childlike version of the Purple One?) surprising and whimsical home planet, and gently nuanced relationship with his flower (someone I care
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about very much calls her loves "flower" and I don't think it has much to do with this but they go together now, for me), and adventures with different silly types of grownups all nestled within the stony backdrop of the Aviator's lip-cracked efforts to get his engine up and running and get away from death in the Sahara--a striking and singular kind of "et in Arcadia ego" that makes the fabulistic power of the space narrative crisper and cleaner like some kind of palate cleanser, a bleached bone. (It also intersects the Prince with The Sheltering Sky in a weird way, or makes him a strong riposte to The Stranger--other works in which Europeans are reduced to their basic materials in the desert, and the world simultaneously narrowed to a pinhole moment and expanded intolerably, wonderfully.)

And then this contrapuntal thing is maintained so brilliantly as the Prince falls to Earth; where many, many other modern fables stumble as they try to transfer to a kind of de rigueur social allegory, this one skips those trappings and sticks to commenting directly on our relationships (of which, the extensive efforts of sociologists notwithstanding, society in meaningful ways still makes up merely the aggregate), even as the prince's symbolic encounters with foxes and flowers and humans become smaller and harder and more dislocated--it all reaches its apotheosis in the fox's three dialectically balanced maxims (A, but on the other hand B, via C), which somehow against the odds (I don't understand quite how myself) manage to resonate with an authority: "One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eye." "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." "It is the time you have lost for your rose that makes your rose so important."

And then it kind of fractures, turns into a desert double image, the kind that would be seen through tears, but instead here gets this dehydrated mind-body-dual treatment: the Prince doesn't know how to leave the flesh behind, but instead of Gethsemane tears and an athlete-on-the-cross or Mel Gibson–style mortification of the flesh Passion, with its ructions of torment, we get, like, a powdered lachrymosity. The prince's spirit leaves his flesh behind: what is essential is invisible to the eye. And he does it knowing the Aviator will weep (like he conspicuously does not for his lost France, the daily interactions and tastes and folkways that he has gone away from in American exile, from the sensory experience of which he is left out of joint as he never can be from the cool, refracted comfort of their Platonic forms--and so this then also places Saint-Exupéry somewhere in the garden or food court of postwar European exiles between the dusty, nervous Apollonian pedantry of the late Mann, alluding with gentle, tasteless insistence to what has been lost, and the--do I need to do the one hand/other hand thing here and mention "Dionysian"? It seems so pat--but the auto-da-fé of Walter Benjamin, whose suicide on the Spanish border to avoid falling into the hands of the Nazis is also in some way a spectacular self-immolation in the face of (what to us, if sadly not to him, remains the alternative plot line, the escape foreclosed) having to drink that swill Americans call coffee).

And he does it knowing the Aviator will weep, I was saying, and preferring not to weep himself, like a little wise Bartleby (like what you'd get if you took out Bartleby's stuffing and crammed him with wonders). But--and anyone will understand this who's loved a little (okay, blond) child (okay, boy) with a penchant for scarves (with a penchant for scarves), and who imagines tearing their beard in a wild adoration of their sweet enfant's terrible corpse, the "worst day" avoided so far but perhaps not forever ((my son's mum is a paediatric palliative nurse and such imaginings are sort of inevitable, from time to time, for us; and in the face of the arbitrary mutation of cells or slip of the wrist as the preschooler strains to run to that playground cross path of death-dealing cars, mean machines), and knowing the wild oscillation that would result between that insanity that's grief and the conscious choice in moments to zoom out and focus in and weep with gratitude at the bigness of the universe and what the beautiful son gave (because to do otherwise would be an obviation of the him)--the prince leaves behind not a fleshly mangle to be placed on the tongue and worshipped in fragments by religionists still, let me suggest (I'm thinking of the Catholic Church here) vexed by our status as worm-food, even though all may be saved. No, with the Aviator's left hugging is merely a pupa--calmly, insistently, now: what is essential is invisible to the eye. Bye, Little Prince! Hope your flower's okay! Though we know that flowers die too, and like, in no time.

I started writing this review feeling like the way things get sad and sublimate at the end was a but of an aesthetic failing and then I thought it out (through writing it out--thank you for being understanding of my process), and, the Little Prince as Cartesian Jesus? I can get behind that.
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LibraryThing member flashlight_reader
This is one of my favorite books of all time! Don’t be fooled by the simple appearance of this book; there is some really deep material between the covers. I’ve pondered whether to call this book a fable or a parable. Ultimately, I’ve decided it’s some form of both. As the Little Prince
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travels through the universe he meets many different people (and animals) that teach him great lessons about life.

The story begins with the Little Prince leaving his small planet because he is not happy. As he travels the universe he stops on other planets and talks to the inhabitants. Most of the people that he meets on these planets are adults and represent the worst of human behavior and foolishness. My favorites are the Vain Man who “cannot hear anything but praise” and the drunkard that drinks because he feels guilty about drinking. While these characters are not meant to be likeable, they represent many of the problems that we face in society (i.e. the need for applause and constant praise and the drunkard’s guilt cycle).

Eventually the Little Prince makes his way to earth, which is where he meets the narrator of the story—a pilot who has become stranded in the middle of the Sahara Desert because his plane crashed. Before meeting the pilot, the Little Prince meets a snake and a fox. The Prince’s time with the fox turns out to be a life changing moment. Through his interactions with the fox he learns a great secret: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” With this knowledge the Prince realizes that his life is special and he decides to make the hard journey back to his small planet and the precious flower that lives there.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this book. As a small child I remember watching the cartoon adaptation of Nickelodeon. Of course, I didn’t realize there was a book at that time. In high school we had to read this book in our French class. That was the first time I read it, and I instantly fell in love. As an adult it has an even deeper hold on me. The author of the book wrote this story after his town in France had been overrun by the Nazis during World War 2. Knowing that information gives this book an even deeper illumination of the human spirit—both good and bad. The content is both deep and moving, while funny and simple at the same time. You can find humor in the generalizations about adults and children, and I’m sure we can all see a little of ourselves in some of the characters. As a whole, the story is beautifully written and immensely thought provoking. You cannot read this book and not ponder life’s greatest questions. It’s impossible.

If you have not read this charming children’s book, you are missing one of the greatest stories ever written! It’s a quick and easy read, but it will linger in your thoughts well after you have finished reading.
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LibraryThing member dictator555
Some so-called classics are boring or outdated. I never like classics just because they're classics. But The Little Prince is a real classic, withstanding the test of time.

I first read The Little Prince in French class in high school. It's beautiful and simple to read in it's native language. But
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I didn't really appreciate it until I read the English translation. What a book!

Simple and deep can come off as pretentious, but I don't find that to be the case with The Little Prince. It's too sweet, and too heartfelt to be pretense.
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LibraryThing member yukaw
this is very pretty but not easy and simple story.
there is a lot of suggestion and we must think.
I taught many things from this story.
LibraryThing member LarissaBookGirl
When a man's plane falls out of the sky to land in the Sahara Desert, the last thing he expected to find was a boy who had fallen from the stars. Like all children the Little Prince asks lots of questions and sees with his imagination. He is curious and charming and wise beyond his years, but he is
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also lonely and misses his home. Over a week the man and the Little Prince share stories and their lives as they form a friendship that, although only short lived, would last the rest of their lives. And neither will look at a star the in same way again.

The Little Prince is a beautiful story that will touch your heart. Imagination, something that seems to fade over time as many adults do not seem to appreciate it, here is cherished and encouraged. As is the importance of the little things in life, as many of us become more easily distracted from those oh so important things in life the older we get, such as tending a flower or a friendship. This is a book that asks you to not only to believe in a Little Prince from the stars but ask why not believe in a Little Prince from the stars.
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LibraryThing member sintesbooks
I normally refrain from reviewing books, but this one I have found worthy. It is easy to overlook The Little Prince, it’s a small book and one that appears on the exterior to be aimed at children for their enjoyment. It’s easy to believe after reading the first chapter, that it is for children,
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many authors have started books by writing about the close mindedness of adults. However I found that once I got beyond the first few chapters could I really see the brilliance of Saint Exupery, the brilliance in part is that everyone who reads it will see a different moral. I personally believe the author is trying to help us see what is important in life and that it isn’t necessarily what we always want it to be, I think that is most beautifully exemplified by the fox who appears near the end of the book. In conclusion this book is not for everyone, but it is a book that tries it’s best to make you think, to question what you think is important, to encourage us to keep our eyes open to the beauty of all things, and that even when we try to do right there will always be complications. I would encourage anyone who has refrained from reading it to try it, that your eyes may be opened like a child’s once again.
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LibraryThing member DanaJean
This made me a bit sad. To me, it spoke of the loss of childhood innocence and wonderment in learning and experiencing new things, being open to meeting new people, enjoying simple pleasures. I'm an adult, and I do feel I've lost some of that sense of awe and inspiration that I used to find in the
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things around me. I remember being swept up in the feeling of amazement and excitement as a child--and I'm losing that feeling. Or maybe I've lost it and this just reminded me of what I once felt. I need to remember to appreciate what is offered to me and to not allow something to trap me in some narrow-minded way of thinking.
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LibraryThing member WholeHouseLibrary
What can one say about this book that hasn’t already been written? It’s a wonderful little story that focuses on the fact that as adults, we lose perspective. This story is a bare knuckles punch in the face that drives the point home, and if you don’t get it, you deserve to be on an asteroid
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all alone by yourself.

My copy of the book is a small format, 110 page, paperback. Easily 27 pages of it is illustrations. I’m a slow reader, so it took just a few hours to read. The story centers on a lad who lives on an asteroid, tending to its needs, develops a relationship with a rose, and then goes on a journey. He meets several adults alone on other asteroids along the way. Each of them are narcissistic in their own way, and the boy abandons them in their self-importance because he rejects the vanity of their lifestyles. This eventually gets him to Earth, the Sahara Desert specifically, where after a few Life Lessons, he meets and befriends the Pilot/Narrator/Author, and it is this relationship (understanding things from the boy’s perspective) that the P/N/A brings to us, the readers. The lad returns to his asteroid in the end, and that part of the tale is bitter-sweet.

I won’t expound the Life Lessons because it would make this review a larger text that the book that contains them. Suffice to say that this is a book that ought to be read by everyone, and several times by each.

It’s such a simple story with a very simple and obvious lesson. Heed the Fox.
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LibraryThing member lt999
I loved this book. I read a review (not here) saying Saint-Exupery tried so hard to be profound. I don't think that's the case. These are simple truths in life and Saint-Exupery did an excellent job delivering it. It's hard to come up with metaphors to begin with. This book will 'tame' you without
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knowing it. By the time you finish the book, it makes you sad and pause for a moment. And you'll hear the echo of what the fox said to the Little Prince, 'What is essential is invisible to the eye.'
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LibraryThing member kaho.i
This book taught me many things.
There are many comparisons and irony and even wishes.

L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

What is essential is invisible to the eye.
LibraryThing member wendyrey
Nope sorry don't get it. It's just a simple children's' story, what's all the fuss about?
LibraryThing member veens
The Little Prince is my first graphic novel, which I picked up because I found a free eBook. I have read a graphic short story and loved it, and so I thought I would love this too.
As it started off, I thought it was for kids, but then it being in the 1001 list of books, kept me moving forward[ mind
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you, i am talking about the first page here :D ].
This narration is done by a small boy, 6 year old. His point of view of "grown-ups" is so interesting. There are many a passages I read and stopped to just ponder over it. It was so true. Maybe because the narration was done by a small boy, is what amazed me more, or the amount of light this small boy threw upon the grown-up stereotypical behavior is what amazed me, I can't say. But whatever it was, it really did keep me hooked to this simple but thought-provoking book till I finished it.

And that it was written some where in 1960's is just unbelievable. It is amazing to say the least. I wish you all pick it up and read. It is just 78 pages, but so rich and profound, that you will want to re-read it again!

It is an AWESOME book. If any of you wants the eBook, comment with your mail IDs and I would be happy to send it to you...
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LibraryThing member Rosenstern
Do not be fooled by its apparent childlike features. This book is bound to resonate with readers of all ages. It was the story of a boy who was the prince of his own planet; he goes on an epic journey of the universe and finds people of varying qualities and all the while a memory of his rose
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follows him around. The Little Prince was hugely allegorical and definitely worth the read.
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LibraryThing member mountie9
Mini Book Review: My goodness what an absolutely delightful and wise story. I cannot believe I had never even heard of this one before. The author has a true understanding of children and what children think of adults. The language at times is a little difficult for modern younger readers, but you
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have to remember this was written in the 1940's. I do recommend this one as a story that you would read with your children and explain to them some of the language. I don't have the words to describe why you should read this or why I enjoyed it so much, so I will leave you with a quote from the book, that really explains the main idea of the story

"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."

4.5 Dewey's

I borrowed this from the collection at the North Campus of the Humber College Library (And read it in my office without checking it out -- shhh don't tell Natasha). I read it as part of my BBC Challenge
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LibraryThing member anncampbell
Very simple illustrations but they just match the story. A pilot is stranded in the sahara desert and he meets the Little Prince who has come to earth from outer space. The pilot hears the story of the Little Prince and his travels through the universe. Through the Little Prince's travels to
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different planets he discusses different human traits by the person who inhabits the planet. The King who wants him to stay on the planet so he has someone to rule over, the drunkard who drinks because he's ashamed of his drinking, the businessman who claims to own all of the stars, the geographer who makes maps from what others have told him about places, and the faithful lamplighter. The vain man who must be admired and be given compliments. The Little Prince appreciates the simple things in life, his rose, sunsets, and then he tames the fox.
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LibraryThing member beckystandal
All Ages. "The Little Prince" is the story of a pilot downed in the Sahara Desert and his encounter with a Little Prince from Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince tells him about his planet, the rose that he cares for, his visits to six other planet - each inhabited by a different kind of grown-up -
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and his arrival and experiences on Earth. The illustrations are original pen and watercolor drawings by the author and are acknowledged within the story as being drawings by the pilot for and about the Prince. "The Little Prince" is a classic story about the wisdom of children and what's really important in life. Recommended for all sizes of public libraries, and elementary, middle, and some high school libraries.
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LibraryThing member AmaliC
I adore this book.

Everything from the dedication - "To Leon Worth when he was a little boy" - through to the author's parting words is gorgeous. The book asks some big questions and explores the human condition in a manner simple enough for younger readers to digest and older readers to appreciate.
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Passages are often profound, occasionally funny and thought provoking without fail.
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LibraryThing member ColeReadsBooks
What a beautiful, interesting little book! I wish I’d read this one sooner!


The story follows a little Prince who lives on a planet with a single flower, he decides to leave the comfort and safety of his planet and travel around the universe, he visits various planets before eventually
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reaching Earth, he meets an airplane pilot stranded in the desert and learns about life on Earth and the vagaries of adult life.


The Little Prince is a book that can be enjoyed at any age, but after having finished it I can’t help but think how interesting it would have been to read it as a child, purely enjoying the story of a little prince travelling from planet to planet. As an adult though, you can see plainly the moral questions Saint-Exupery is asking about life, and his cautionary advice towards adults becoming too absorbed in money and themselves - "Don't you see - I'm very busy with matters of consequence!" It offers many interesting comments about life as an adult, about taking things too seriously and not having enough time for love, family and really enjoying life, but instead being busy with matters of consequence - obtaining money etc.

Although these messages hardly sound like the stuff of children’s books, it is handled in a very sweet, simple way and the book has some very lovely interesting moments in it. It’s a really enjoyable story, one that seems to be loved and read again and again, no matter what age. There are some humorous moments in the story and such a unique way of looking at the lives of grown ups - through that of an alien child.

Coupled with the sweet little drawings that accompany the novel, it’s a real delight to read and something that can impart some real words of wisdom, no matter if you’re reading it for the first or the fifth time, or if you’re seven or seventy.It’s a book that I most certainly think I will return to, and a book that touches many people, it has so many great quotable lines “All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.” and it stands to reason that we could all do with being a bit more like children, and not take life too seriously.
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LibraryThing member dilots
I absolutely hate this book. Its pretentious "deep meaning" and obvious symbolism grated on my nerves. Every single sentence was filled with so much pretension that I wanted to grate my teeth. I had to force myself to keep reading it. It could have used a little more subtlety, and a little less
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pompousness. But these specific problems aside, this book just annoys me in general. This is the only book I've ever read that I've had such a strong adverse reaction to - don't ask me why, but I hate it.
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