Lions at Lunchtime (Magic Tree House #11)

by Mary Pope Osborne

Other authorsSal Murdocca (Illustrator)
Paperback, 1998



Call number



Scholastic Inc. (1998), Edition: First Scholastic Printing, 72 pages


The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to Africa where they meet up with wonderful wild animals, a very hungry warrior, and where they even solve a riddle.

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User reviews

LibraryThing member hem143
In this book Jack and Annie are taken on an adventure to Africa via their Magic Tree House. They encounter various different animals that live in the savanna including lions! This is one of my favorite of the three Magic Tree House books I read and I believe children would enjoy it as it is more
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real time than the previous ones which focus on traveling back in history. About a 3rd grade reading level, highly recommend.
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LibraryThing member altonalibrary
Jack and Annie are on their way home from the grocery store when the see a gazelle in the woods not far from their house. They run to the “magic” tree house where they are transported to Africa to figure out the next riddle. While in Africa they learn that the different animals follow each
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other in the migration as each animal eats a different layer of vegetation. They also found out about a bird that helps people find honeycombs so that it can share in the feast after the people take care of the bees. They learned that lions will sleep for a few hours after eating and during that time, the other animals know they have nothing to fear and will graze right around them
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LibraryThing member kayceel
Nice mix of fiction with nonfiction tossed in. Though it is a little bizarre how these siblings simply wander around in the wild with *no* problems...
LibraryThing member bknight07
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Age: 2-4th
Summary: Two children go to the magic tree house before lunchtime. A lady sends them on a safari adventure with the job of uncovering a riddle. The riddle is something to the affect of, what is sweet and golden with danger all around. The answer ends up being honey.
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The children go on many adventures along the way and make it back before lunchtime. The book is filled with fun facts about Africa and the animals they encounter.
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LibraryThing member YouthGPL
Kearsten says: Nice mix of fiction with nonfiction tossed in. Though it is a little bizarre how these siblings simply wander around in the wild with *no* problems...
LibraryThing member cody.parker
mary and his brother go to africa. So marry goes to the tree house and see a book light up. So she gets his brother and goes inside the book. Then as they go to africa they see lots of animals.After they get there they fix there camp and camp for the night.Then the next day they get up and look
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around africa. Then they see a tiger and it tries to get them but they ran way back to there tree house. They were happy they came back after africa.
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LibraryThing member Amy_Marie
Jack and Annie find themselves on another adventure trying to solve a riddle. This time, the siblings travel to Africa and encounter all kinds of animals! They learn about a certain native tradition, learn all sorts of facts about animals, and barely make it home safe! This book is very exciting
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and full of adventure as the two kids have to figure out how to deal with hyenas and race past lions to safety!
I would definitely recommend this book to young boys who are looking for adventure. It's also educational so that's always a plus!
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LibraryThing member maddie.albert756
You should read this book because it is a very interesting book if you like mysterious books. They have to travel to become librains and try to find the books. They have to try to get five riddle. They all ready got two and was looking for the third one. They foud it but you got to read if you want
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to know.
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LibraryThing member skeeterbo
I liked it beacuase it was about lions. I liked it because it was about alot of diffetrnt types of animals.
LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
Now Jack and Annie have to solve a riddle and avoid being eaten by lions! They manage both on their adventure in the savanna and the jungle.
LibraryThing member cindyzhou2010
i love the females
LibraryThing member kristynzonsius
"Jack and Annie are whisked off to the vast plains of Africa, where they must solve Morgan le Fay's third magical riddle. But that's only the beginning! Once the riddle is solved, they still have to get past a pride of lions, a humongous herd of rampaging wildebeests, and one very hungry Masai
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warrior." - Amazon
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LibraryThing member jjones58
Jack and Annie are adventurous young children that live the lives every elementary and middle schooler would be envious of. In this book, Jack and Annie travel to Africa and are faced with dealing with the vast animal population including wildebeests upon the first few seconds of their arrival. The
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riddles from Morgan le Fay intrigue young readers (and even me too!) and cause them to keep wanting to read more not only in this book, but the series as a whole. It also encourages students to learn about geography and facts about the world. I never read these books as a child and I am actually very upset about it; I loved this book! The main message in this story is to help teach children to always use your imagination.
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LibraryThing member sstelz2
In my opinion, the chapter book, “Lions at Lunchtime” is an exciting book for children to read. The best parts of the book are the plot, illustrations, and language. This book tells readers about an adventure that Jack and Annie take with their magic tree house. Jack and Annie are given a
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riddle to solve, and they wish that they could go to Africa to solve it. The magic tree house transports them to Africa. In Africa, they come across many wild animals. They even try to help wildebeests. While trying to help the wildebeests, Annie falls into a mud pit and starts to sink. Jack comes to the rescue and saves her. When they start to walk back to their magic tree house, Jack and Annie see a bunch of lions resting below the tree house. Jack remembers reading that lions avoid giraffes. Annie and Jack walk behind a giraffe so that they can walk by the lions without being noticed. The lions see Jack and Annie as they safely run up the ladder to the magic tree house. When Annie and Jack get home, they do not tell their mother where they went. The language throughout the story is very descriptive. Annie and Jack describe the animals and nature of Africa. The sketched illustrations make reading this book much more entertaining. The illustrations in this book provide readers with great visuals that help them see what the animals look like in their natural habitat. The big idea is to educate readers about Africa and the animals that live there.
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LibraryThing member AmyGelle
Jack and Annie are sent to Africa to solve yet another riddle. But once they solve the riddle they have to also sneak past a pride of lions.
I like this book because it keeps the reader intrigued the whole time.
I would have an older elementary child read it due to the length and the reading level.
LibraryThing member csmith109
In my opinion, this is a good informational book. It is in the form of a story but that makes the information easier and more fun to read. I really liked how well the book was written. The writing throughout the book is very well organized and clear which allows the reader a clear path to
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understanding the information. The facts are interesting and very useful.
I also really liked the illustrations throughout this book. Chapter books can often times be difficult to follow along with but the illustrations give the reader another source for information. Meaning that, if the reader does not fully comprehend what is going on in the book they can look at the illustrations to get a better idea.
The main focus of this book is to learn about lions.
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LibraryThing member benuathanasia
I picked this book up expecting to feel brain cells dying as I read it. I was very wrong; I can see why my students enjoy this series so much. It's very well written (albeit extremely simplistic) and interesting. It was an extremely quick read and is educational, to boot!
LibraryThing member NMiller22
The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to Africa, where they meet up with some wonderful animals and where they even solve a mystery. Book #11


Original publication date


Physical description

72 p.; 7.4 inches


0590706373 / 9780590706377


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