The Paris Architect

by Charles Belfoure

Other authorsMark Bramhall (Reader)
CD audiobook, 2013



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Random House Audio (2013), Edition: Unabridged, Audio CD


Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML: The New York Times Bestseller! "A beautiful and elegant account of an ordinary man's unexpected and reluctant descent into heroism during the second world war." �Malcolm Gladwell An extraordinary novel about a gifted architect who reluctantly begins a secret life devising ingenious hiding places for Jews in World War II Paris, from an author who's been called "an up and coming Ken Follett." (Booklist) In 1942 Paris, gifted architect Lucien Bernard accepts a commission that will bring him a great deal of money ? and maybe get him killed. But if he's clever enough, he'll avoid any trouble. All he has to do is design a secret hiding place for a wealthy Jewish man, a space so invisible that even the most determined German officer won't find it. He sorely needs the money, and outwitting the Nazis who have occupied his beloved city is a challenge he can't resist. But when one of his hiding spaces fails horribly, and the problem of where to hide a Jew becomes terribly personal, Lucien can no longer ignore what's at stake. The Paris Architect asks us to consider what we owe each other, and just how far we'll go to make things right. Written by an architect whose knowledge imbues every page, this story becomes more gripping with every soul hidden and every life saved..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member bookczuk
This book just didn't work for me. I liked the architectural details, but the voice of the main character didn't ring true to me. I really wanted to like it as it was given to me by a guy I saw every week at PT, reading it in the waiting room while his wife got treatment. He commented that I always
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had a different book with me, while he just had one, and then left me that one when he was done with it.
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LibraryThing member booksinthebelfry
That I persevered in finishing this book, despite its graceless prose style and one-dimensional characters, is due to the dreadful fascination exerted on us by stories detailing the harrowing experiences of Jews at the hands of the Nazis and their sympathizers during World War II. Stunned by the
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conundrum of evil, one is compelled to read on even as one begins to fear that at the last minute the author will veer away from stark, uncompromising conclusions about human nature and settle instead for an insipid resolution touting the supposed "triumph" of the human spirit. There is really nothing inspiring or redeeming about the Holocaust. Nothing.
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LibraryThing member readingwithtea
Lucien Bertrand is given a very specific commission by a very rich man: make a hiding space for a certain guest of his client’s. Despite his initial revulsion at helping the Jews evade Nazi capture, he is intrigued intellectually and by the chance to outwit the Nazi occupiers of Paris. One
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commission leads to another, and soon Lucien is leading the Gestapo a deadly dance all over Paris.

Lucien is written extremely well – he’s not perfect by any means. His courage grows slowly over the course of the novel, his willingness to help the Jews built up in tiny layers. Herzog is similarly revealed, bit by bit, to be quite a sympathetic character and the way that Lucien trusts him without really knowing if he can keeps the reader in suspense. As do any number of other ways that the Nazis are about to catch up with Lucien do – at one point I glanced at the progress bar on the Kindle, thinking the remaining 21% were a bit too long if Lucien was going to die in this episode which seemed certain to result in his death, but maybe if there was a long torture, or we spent proportionally more time with the characters, or we followed him to Drancy and the camps in Poland...

The women in this novel were somewhat one-dimensional (the wife, the lover, the mother), but still well-written. Bette in particular develops well as a character – and this is something that AUTHOR does very well; weaving in different characters and giving them waxing or waning significance as the story progresses.

Belfoure conveys wartime Paris very well – the rations, the long queues for food, the black market in butter and chicken, the overarching fear of the plain clothes Gestapo in their fedoras. I found some of the torture scenes overly graphic – but it’s torture, it’s supposed to be, and it lent a gritty undercurrent to a novel set in a horrific era which otherwise.

Recommended, but bring a strong stomach.
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LibraryThing member TFS93
This is one of my favorites of 2013. I find the Holocaust fascinating, while this is a fictional story, it very well could have been true. I really enjoyed the architectural aspects of the storyline. I found Lucien's thoughts and ideas fascinating. Although he was hard to like, by the end he had
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won me over. My favorite character was Pierre. He was hardened long before a child should be. He was so strong, and loyal, and very smart. When he did what he did, I wanted to cheer out loud. Most of the characters had good and bad sides and couldn't necessarily be trusted to do what you thought they would. The mysteries of the characters and architecture abounded throughout. In the end it is a story of triumph, but not one without some slip ups along the way. I can highly recommend it to fans of architecture and historical fiction. I really enjoyed the writing and would like to read more by Belfoure. Bravo!
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LibraryThing member bjmitch
Author Charles Belfoure is an architect as well as a writer. He is also the son of a woman who survived a forced labor camp in World War II. Combining these has resulted in a novel that is a serious contender for the best book I've read this year, or perhaps longer. I've studied that war for many
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years and learned that the way the Nazis turned human beings into monsters is beyond my comprehension. This story shows that monstrosity in spades.

The hero is an architect named Lucien Bernard who had deserted from the French Army along with many other officers when their post along the Maginot Line was not attacked by the Germans who had circled around the end. The French destroyed their uniforms and military IDs, and quietly melted into the civilian population. Soon he was back in Paris with his wife and no one the wiser. Being in Paris was horrible during the German occupation though. There was little food, people stood in line for hours only to find the shelves empty, or that the inflated price was more than they had. They kept rabbits in a hutch on the balcony so they could have meat occasionally. Bernard could find no work, and his marriage failed with the stress.

Then a wealthy French manufacturer contacted him about a job. Bernard soon found himself earning fabulous amounts of money, but the jobs were not only factories. They were also jobs that could get him tortured and killed: hiding places for Jews while they awaited transport to Switzerland or Spain. Bernard is terrified but also excited at the prospect of fooling the Germans, and it turns out that he has a gift for it.

As the story progresses we see terrible acts of violence with German soldiers laughing at the pain and terror they cause. Bernard is alternately proud and scared out of his mind, and so is the reader. I was totally wrapped up in this book, even dreaming about it. Meanwhile, he comes to care about the people he is protecting and enjoy the frustration of the searchers.

The Bernard he becomes makes me wonder whether I could possibly be that courageous, inventive, and loving. It's a wonderful tale of the power of love and decency to overcome evil, but this is no fairy tale with a happy ending. It's believable, moving, and exhausting.

Highly recommended
Source: Amazon Vine
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LibraryThing member juniperSun
The blurb I read made it sound pretty interesting, but really there was more romance among dilettantes than I wanted to read. I got about halfway, then read the ending, then went back & skimmed to find out what happened to his wife.
I'm tired of reading about rich people who only care about
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themselves, and have affairs endlessly, even if they learn something in the end. Obviously I don't fit in the current cultural meme.
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LibraryThing member kiwifortyniner
I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed till the end. It was a book with a different take on World War 11. It was not an easy book to read because of its subject matter. The main character Lucien is an architect by trade. He has deserted the French army and is back in Paris looking for
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work. He is approached by a wealthy business man and asked to build hiding places for Jews in his buildings and in return he will get work building factories for the Germans. Lucien is not at all keen at first but does the first one and realises he gets a thrill from being able to outwit the Germans while at the same time being terrifed. It was interesting to see how Lucien's attitude to the Jews changed over the duration of the book.. (spoiler) I felt that this book could not have a happy ending. I kept waiting for him to be caught but the book ended in a different way with hope. It was a very real picture of the time - a time when it was difficult to know who to trust and who your friends were and it was full of really interesting characters. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member BooksCooksLooks
Lucien Bernard is an architect living in Paris. It is the second year of the German Occupation during WWII and he is just trying to earn a living, gain some respect in his chosen field and stay alive. He hates the Germans but has little feeling for the plight of the Jews. As the book opens he is on
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his way to an appointment when a Jewish man is gunned down by a German soldier right in front of him. His main concern is that he not be late for his appointment.

Despite some excess blood, Lucien makes it to his appointment; he is meeting a man of means who offers him two commissions. He cannot take one without the other. One is for a large factory, the other for a secret room in which to hide someone. A room that will never be discovered no matter how well a house is searched; rather like the "priest holes" of yore. Lucien needs the money and he wants the challenge so he accepts. Little does he know how it will affect him.

This first novel by Mr. Belfoure takes on a very difficult subject in a very troubling time in the history of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. His architect's eye translates well to fiction and it allows his reader to experience the beauty of the buildings and the space of the city. His characters are not perfect and some of them seem to just disappear into the night but Lucien shows remarkable development and growth. He is the lodestar of the novel and it all really rests upon him. Trying times cause great change in people collectively and individually and that is shown to great effect in this arresting tale of one man's efforts to fight evil.

It was a book that I found hard to put down even when reading the more disturbing passages. It is not a perfect book but it is a book that certainly left me thinking.
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LibraryThing member cathyskye
I loved the depiction of Paris during the occupation, the creation of those beautifully designed hiding places, and the efforts the Nazis made to find them, but this wasn't enough to make The Paris Architect a winner for me. Everything hinges on the architect, Lucien Bernard, and I mean everything.
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At first he is a self-centered creature who wafts through life trying to gather all the riches to which he feels entitled. In this regard, his wife is a good match for him. Bernard has a mistress (because-- naturally-- men of his station do), and the only time he really pays attention to what's going on around him is when he worries about his own safety or comfort. In short, the man may be talented, but he's a jerk.

However, within the blink of an eye, this self-centered man changes completely. One of the hiding places of which he's so proud fails, and normally a person of his character and attitude would feel badly and either stop accepting further commissions or resolve that future projects will contain no errors. Instead, Bernard does a complete about-face. He's filled with empathy and compassion, and he thinks nothing of risking his own life to save Jews-- when he didn't particularly care for them in the first place. It's too big of a change too quickly, and unfortunately-- although I applauded the fact that the man found the courage to do what was right-- it just wasn't believable.
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LibraryThing member jmchshannon
The Paris Architect is brutal in its matter-of-factness. The German attitudes and actions towards Jews, in particular, but also anyone caught undermining German rule are nothing new; many a book discusses them or uses this malevolence to further their own stories. What makes The Paris Architect
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such a difficult read is the speed with which a situation devolves into violence and the even more shocking speed of recovery from that violence. People shot for living in the same apartment building as someone hiding a Jew, people shot for looking Jewish, for running without cause, for running with cause, for failing to collaborate, for capitulating too easily – no one was safe, but also no one looked askance when such things happened. People are shot, the bodies picked up and driven away, and everyone goes about their business as if there were never any interruptions. It is a cold picture of the blinders people wear in order to survive. Along the same lines, the torture scenes are also very uncomfortable to read. However, it is not the gory details, of which there are plenty, or the mere idea of torture that are the most disturbing. Instead, it is the idea that people would go to such extreme lengths to find one or two persons. Violence happens without warning, and people are brutalized in the most extreme fashions. As realistic as it might be, The Paris Architect is not for the easily disturbed.

In some regards, each of the characters is an archetype. Colonel Schlegel is so extreme in his hatred and vengeance. Lucien’s mistress, Adele, is too mercenary in her ambition. Manet is too enigmatic in his compassion and contradictory collaboration. Yet, these archetypes provide readers with a well-rounded view of the personalities at play during the Nazi occupation. While Schlegel may be fanatical in his hatred and single-mindedness and not every Nazi was quite as vitriolic as he is, there were still plenty of Germans who did fit Schlegel’s description. Conversely, Adele, Manet, and even Lucien are at the other end of the spectrum, struggling to survive, if not thrive, during the Nazi regime by having to balance the appearance of resistance with collaborative actions. One has no doubt that even if they are fictional characters, similar real-life people could easily be found. Even the Jews that flit onto and out of scenes with regularity are no more than caricatures as they show the wealthy and formerly powerful minority with the means to escape the tightening Nazi snare. Still, the generic impressions left by these one-dimensional characters drives the plot better than any fully-developed character because one knows what to expect from them. There are no doubts to Schlegel’s propensity for extreme behavior, or Adele’s greed, or Manet’s bribery skills. This general understanding of these secondary characters allows readers to focus on the real drama taking place within Lucien.

The Paris Architect is not all doom-and-gloom, although it is easy to get sucked down into the despair that comes with a seemingly hopeless situation. As Lucien evolves from the self-centered egoist to genuine humanitarian, the faith generated by his invisible hiding spots, as well as the courage of those hiding in such spots, infuses the entire story with hope – hope that good will prevail, that humanity’s compassion will out match mankind’s cruelty, that even the bleakest of situations is survivable in some regards and that all bad deeds are punishable. Lucien may be somewhat detestable in the beginning with his hatred of his wife, his anti-Semitism, his mistress, and especially his greed, but he definitely undertakes a metamorphosis that peels away the negative influences of his life and allows him to show readers his true self. In that aspect, The Paris Architect is a beautiful story of change, an adult’s coming-of-age story.

The action is fierce, the pacing blindingly fast, and the architectural details intricate. Combined with the thoroughly developed Lucien and his generic secondary cast, these elements create a novel that is spectacular in its scope and vivid in its imagery. The Paris Architect may be a glimpse into a significant, life-altering period in time in Paris’ long history of existence, but it is also a fascinating study in human nature and the broad spectrum of behavior one can find in any population. For all his faults, Lucien crawls under a reader’s skin and makes one care about his flaws as well as his innate goodness. The emphasis on people rather than on ideology makes it easy for readers to get lost in the plot, so absorbed in what is happening that the ending comes as a shock. With all this in its favor, it is no wonder The Paris Architect is October’s Indie Pick as well as a Bloggers Recommend selection for October.
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LibraryThing member PamelaBarrett
When architect Lucien met wealthy French businessman August Manet, he thought it was about a commission to design a factory for the German war machine. He was offered a lot of money, and jobs were hard to come by, but this job came with one stipulation; that Lucien design a hiding place inside an
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apartment for a Jew, and in 1942 Occupied France that meant death for anyone caught by the Germans. Lucien needs the work, but this is too dangerous. Other than the promise of designing the factory, he has no reason to get involved: he is not compassionate, not religious, and he mainly cares about himself; and yet he considers taking on the challenge.

The author of this life or death novel pulls no punches: the German soldiers and Gestapo are ruthless, the French betray their fellow citizens, the Resistance doesn’t care about collateral damage, and there is torture, derogatory foul language, and sexual content—definitely rated R; and yet it is true to life at that time period during the war. It’s in the rank of Schindlers’ List and Sophie’s Choice. There is some light at the end of the sewer. You will definitely be left with the question “What would I do?” There are many memorable characters, each with their own choices to make. I liked this book, but preferred reading The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom about what happened to her family during the war in Holland. I’ll need to read something lighter after this: a palate cleanser. 4 stars and a thank you for letting us see this war through an architect’s eyes.
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LibraryThing member bookmagic
Lucien Bernard is an architect trying to make a living in German-occupied France during WWII. He has no particular feeling about what is happening to the Jews and thus is very hesitant when a wealthy manufacturer named Manet asks him to build a hiding spot in an apartment that could not be detected
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by the Nazis in one of their raids. He offers Lucien a lot of money and a chance to design a new plant for him ordered by the Germans to build warcraft. Lucien agrees to do it just once and creates a brilliant, undetectable hiding space. He gets to work on plans for the German plant and becomes friendly with one of the officers who appreciates art and architecture. Lucien is asked again by Manet to create another hiding place in a different location. Now Lucien is not just tempted by the money but by the challenge to his talents.
The book is very well-written even if the plot is a bit predictable. Lucien starts to care about the people he is hiding and becomes horrified by the atrocities inflicted on the Jews, who, as it turns out, are actually people, too. The characters are a bit predictable. A very evil Gestapo officer and a German officer who actually has some sympathy. The predictability is what makes this a good read instead of a great read. I would recommend it but probably not to people who only read lit-fic. I will be interested to see what the author writes next. This was his first fictional novel and is much better than some other debut work I have read. Belfoure could easily write a great novel.
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LibraryThing member jakesam
A great book, I could not put it down, a different twist on WW2
LibraryThing member CasaBooks
I had to read this with some dedication and stamina, because it has the reality of the German occupation of Paris and it's brutality. One of the few books that I nearly closed and gave up on because it had so many distressing events and the pacing of just KNOWING that things probably won't turn out
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well . . . . ,
Then I thought - about how fortunate I've been by luck of birth and country. I don't normally give up on any book I've started and it would be a chicken-hearted thing to give up on the author's well-crafted depictions of characters and events.
The book does end with surprise and with hope and redemption.
So, be a bit brave and read this. I picked it up for the intrigue of the architect devising hiding places and the architectural story-line is well done, as well.
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LibraryThing member mancmilhist
Save your own and your family's skin or save the life of someone you don't even know? We all know how we'd like to think we'd behave, but in reality...?

This is an unusual story that provides an excellent depiction of the tension in occupied Paris, particularly of those hiding from the reach of the
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Lucien (the architect)is quite an anti-hero, but as the story unfolds you start to learn a lot more about him. I don't want to give too much away, but this is one of the best reads I've had this year.

A fascinating and quite haunting read.
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LibraryThing member SilversReviews
Can you trust the people you used to trust? Can your life be normal? That question was asked every single day of Lucien's life and every single day of any French citizen living in Paris during the Nazi occupation.

Life definitely was not the same as before. You had to watch everything you said and
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did. Lucien had to make a decision about doing something he knew was very dangerous. Lucien was an architect and was asked to design hiding places for Jewish friends of Auguste Manet, a well-known businessman in Paris.

Lucien feared for his life but couldn't pass up this offer. Lucien agreed only because he had no money, and because he would be paid a large sum.

You will feel Lucien's fear as he is doing something he loves, but also considering whether it is worth the cost of his life if he gets caught. You will grow to love Lucien as his truly caring side comes out in the uncaring society of this era.

You will become immersed in Paris's new way of life that had to be endured, and you will share the fear of the citizens as they waited for the dreaded knock on the door looking for Jewish residents or for a French citizen who was hiding a Jewish citizen.

The horrors of occupation will be with you as you read as well as become involved with the authentic characters and marvelous writing style. The characters were perfectly portrayed from the deviousness and cruelty of the Gestapo to the cowering citizens. The author has an easy style and draws you right into the story.

THE PARIS ARCHITECT is another WWII tale but with a different twist and one where the tension builds and your fear for Lucien increases as you rapidly turn the pages.

This is an excellent historical fiction book with some graphic scenes that depict the atrocities of WWII, but will hold your interest until the last word because of the characters and their stories. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member mamzel
This novel portrayed a man who was desperate for work and reluctantly and fearfully designed hiding places for Jews in Paris. Lucien Bernard was approached by a man with a proposal and he took it on as a challenge which had the added pleasure of pulling one over on the Nazis. We meet Monsieur Manet
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who is protecting Jews and who introduces Lucien to Wehrmacht officer, Major Dieter Herzog who arranges for Lucien to build factories for the Nazi war effort.

At the beginning of the story Lucien feels nothing but disdain for Jews and can't conceive why Christians would risk their lies to hid them. As the story progresses he becomes more sympathetic and devoted to their safety. The more he does the more danger he faces and the more tension is felt as the reader grows concerned for him. His wife, Celeste, leaves him, and his mistress, Adele, is also meeting with a Gestapo officer so he is left with only his new friends and lots of secrets. He fears he will not be able to withstand the style of questioning the Gestapo is famous for and that he will give away all he knows if he is captured. When his new bright assistant turns out to be sympathetic to the Nazis, that danger gets closer and closer.

This book is not as thick and convoluted as books by Uris and other authors but the slow growth of tension and fear grows. This reader was always sure something bad would happen. The 384 pages flew by.
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LibraryThing member picardyrose
Beautiful description of the buildings, but ... Nazis.
LibraryThing member Smits
Lucien is a young and ambitous man who is very self centered. You don't really like him at first but as the occupation of Paris grows, Lucien finds himself working for 2 groups, creating hiding places for jews and designing factories for the Nazis. This novel grows with Lucien in maturity and
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consience. It also is a thriller too as Nazis tear apart homes in search of hiding places Lucien has created. The part where the Nazis light a fire in the fireplace behind which an elderly jewish couple is hiding ( and they die with hankerchiefs in their mouths) is a deeply moving scene. A very good book.
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LibraryThing member DonnaCallea
Didn't like this as much as I thought I would. Set in Paris during the Nazi occupation, it's about a talented architect who, despite his many character flaws, puts his life at risk designing hiding places for Jews and ends up becoming a better person than he ever imagined himself to be.
LibraryThing member MarkMeg
Lucien, a second rate architect, is enlisted by Auguste Monet to find hiding places for Jews in Paris within their homes that can not be detected by the Germans. In return Monet guarantees him jobs designing factories for the Germans. Lucien gets deeper and deeper into the role of helping the Jews,
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taking care of an orphaned Jewish boy and falling in love with a woman who has also taken on the care of two Jewish children. Prior to that his wife leaves him for helping the Germans and his mistress becomes involved with a Gestapo officer, dumping him. The novel ends as he, Bette, his true love, and the three children are heading for Switzerland. Some unreality but a good read.
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LibraryThing member wareagle78
Lucien is a young architect in Nazi-occupied Paris, growing desperate for a way to show his talent and, of course, to eat. He considers himself an atheist and was raised to hate Jews. So when a wealthy aristocrat who has turned to business offers him a commission with a potentially fatal catch, he
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wars with himself. Monsieur Manet is collaborating with the Nazis, refitting his automotive engine plants into war machinery plants, and helping the Nazis to build more. The pay for these fabulous opportunities is small, but the buildings will stand as testament to Lucien's skill. But to get these commissions, a price must be paid - clever hiding places built for the Jews Manet is helping to save. These commissions must be done before Lucien will be awarded the plant designs. They come with staggeringly generous fees, but if he is discovered, he will be tortured and killed by the Nazis.

The story is a study of how Lucien works through and grows in this moral thicket, and how it changes him over time. The architectural descriptions were compelling, the views of war-time Paris readable, and the characters worth knowing. It's inevitable that the reader ends with soul-searching. How would I have behaved in similar circumstances?
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LibraryThing member Pattymclpn
This is a well written tale for a debut author. It depicts what it was like in German occupied France during World War II. I found this story to be very believable. I wanted it to be true. Lucien is involved in a terrible game. The stakes are high. If he is discovered he will become a victim like
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the Jews in his hiding place. Money is what has been driving him. It allows him to purchase food on the black market. When a Jew that was in his designed hiding space dies, Lucien feels responsible. What effect will this turn of events have for Lucien? How will he deal with the day-to-day fear of being caught? Will he be arrested and killed? A fascinating and fast paced book. The portrayal of events and the history make this story entirely believable. I would be interested to see more from this writer. I feel that his style is developing and that the story line was a great one. I liked the ending! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars
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LibraryThing member Sarah_Gruwell
Absolutely intense! The world of Nazi-occupied Paris comes to vivid life in this novel. From the torture chambers of Gestapo prison to the glitter of ritzy Parisian fashion shows to the fear of impromptu police searches, Charles Belfoure brings this world to vivid life in all its horror, suspense,
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and finally hope.

I especially enjoyed the author's specialty, architecture, in the novel. He's able to describe the details of the homes and halls of the novel in a way that transports the readers right there into the rooms with the characters. The ways the author uses architecture as well in Lucien's hiding schemes was clever as heck. I was fascinated to see how many different ways Lucien was able to find to transform a simple architectural detail into a life-saving device.

The place where this book really shines, however, are the characters. Lucien stole my heart from how real and three dimensional he felt. His growth from a callous individual only concentrating on his own survival and self interests to a man who starts to see the larger world and wanting to take action against the harshness blew my mind. He's one of the more complex individuals I've read about recently and I loved him for it.

The secondary characters didn't suffer from lack of characterization either. Everybody had their own foibles, complexities, and personalities. I adored Bette and her sexy and caring persona; there was a lot hiding behind that lovely exterior. Pierre surprised me more than once with his actions, developing into a man so early in life to deal with the horrors of his times and taking some very adult actions to protect those he loves. Herzog was not your typical German. His love of architecture, his friendship with Lucien, and his surprising actions towards the end of the novel made me love to read his character.

I only wish the novel had ended on such a strong note as the rest of the book. I was left wanting so much more than I was given. I felt like the book needed more resolution than I got, and I had some unanswered questions that I really wanted answers for.

This book really stands as a wonderful example of Holocaust and WWII fiction. It's got a suspenseful story, a vivid setting, and characters that you'll love. Despite some issues with the sudden ending, I devoured this bad boy in only a day. And that to me says how much I ultimately came to like this book.
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
When this story begins Lucien is on his way to what he thinks will be an architecture job, one that will be prominent enough to enhance his reputation for the future. The Nazi& have taken control of Paris, Jews are being rounded up and sent to the camps, there are food shortages, ordinary Parisians
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are in fear of their lives and co-operate with the Germans superficially, while secretly hating them and what they stand for. The beginning was strong, the discussion and details of architecture are impeccable and any conversations having to do with these subjects are natural. The author is an architect so this is as to be expected.

The characters though are for the most part not likable or I just could not relate to them in a way that made me really care what happened to them. Lucien's mistress and anything to do with her I dislike immensely and wished it had not been part of the story. The prose itself, except for the aforementioned parts is just okay, uneven at times, almost awkward at others. Wanted to like this more than I did but felt it was worth reading if just for the detailed descriptions of architecture, that part was most interesting.

ARC from NetGalley.
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Dublin Literary Award (Longlist — 2015)


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5.9 inches


080419081X / 9780804190817
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