The Evening Chorus

by Helen Humphreys

Hardcover, 2015



Call number



HarperCollins Publishers (2015), Edition: Second, 304 pages


The story of James, a pilot struggling to survive in a German POW camp, his young war-bride, Rose, back in England trying to make sense of her life, and his sister, whose own story is also rewritten by the tragedies of WWII.

Media reviews

Absorbing, richly characterized, and marked by smart, delightful twists and turns, the novel’s fruitful visitation of war and its aftermath never fails to captivate. If there is such a thing as a cultural vocabulary of war, Humphreys adds welcome new words to it.....In highlighting the wondrous
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(if at times vexing) unknowability of our lives — that a sudden impulsive idea, or a decision to turn left instead of right, can usher in unforeseeable consequences — The Evening Chorus artfully imagines how that might play out for one quartet. And with her usual faultless eloquence, Helen Humphreys makes our witnessing of their causes and effects memorably instructive.
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1 more
Though Humphreys’s prose is characteristically elegant and restrained, from time to time she allows the novel’s avian theme to get out of hand...The Evening Chorus, when all is said and done, is a formally conventional but for the most part satisfying yarn; a quiet novel about a calamitous
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event whose most trenchant passages show the cast of Humphreys’s poet’s eye: “The song of the redstart begins as a melody and ends in dissonance, as though the song itself comes undone in the process of singing it, finishing up with all the right notes presented in the completely wrong order.”
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User reviews

LibraryThing member vancouverdeb
The Evening Chorus starts out well, with the newly married James Hunter taken as WW11 POW by the Germans. He is in a work camp, and spending much of his free time studying birds. Meanwhile James' wife Rose is living alone in a small cottage in the countryside of England. Feeling lonely, Rose falls
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in love with another man. When James' sister Enid loses everything in the London Blitz, Enid arrives to live with Rose. As you might imagine, while there is a certain friendship between the women, there is also a great deal of tension. All of this is in the front flap of the book, so I am not giving anything away.

The story started out well and grabbed my interest. Helen Humphreys is a beautiful and simple writer. Unfortunately for me, I found that as the story broadened out to include even more plot lines that I've described, Evening Chorus just was too diluted and failed to maintain my interest in the last third of the story. The book is small hardcover, with just 289 pages, which I think would be quite a bit shorter if the book was a normal size. Though all of the varied plot lines fell together, I felt it was not as engaging as it could have been if[Helen Humphreys had focused on fewer plot lines. You may love it, but I was disappointed, perhaps because I was expecting a riveting story similar to Coventry , which I think was a 4.5 or 5 star read for me. It is beautifully written, but somehow there was just not enough detail about each character or the later plot-lines to really grab my interest.
3.5 stars
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LibraryThing member whitreidtan
You know how sometimes you pick up and read a book that is something special? How sometimes you find a book that is so stunningly gorgeous that you want everyone you know to read it? Sometimes the most unexpected books turn out to be this sort of book. Helen Humphreys' The Evening Chorus is one of
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these books.

It's 1940. James Hunter crashes over the English Channel, is picked up by the Germans, and taken to a POW camp. There he stays mostly aloof from camp life, neither participating in escape attempts nor developing close relationships with his fellow prisoners. Instead he spends his time close to the perimeter of the camp observing birds. He watches and makes notes on his redstarts every day, intending to write a book about them after the war. His observations are solitary but he has an ally in his study: the camp Kommandant, a former university professor. Thinking to spare his wife the monotony and occasional horror of life in a POW camp, all of James' letters home center on the impersonal: the birds which so consume him even as he holds his memory of her and their short life together unwritten but close to his heart.

At home alone in their small cottage on the edge of Ashdown Forest, James' young, new wife, Rose, is finding that her recollections of her husband, their brief courtship, and even briefer marriage are fading. What is more current for her in this war is what is closer to home. She makes rounds to ensure that everyone in the neighborhood is following proper blackout procedure. She takes rambles with Harris, the dog she got after James left to fight. She visits her parents across the forest despite her mother's constant ill-temper. Her life is generally uneventful and predictable, even if it's not the one she envisioned when she and James married. And then there's Toby, the RAF pilot with whom she's fallen in love.

When James' older sister Enid's London apartment is destroyed in a bombing raid, she loses everything, home, job, and lover, all in one random instant. There's nothing for it but for her to join Rose in the countryside while she tries to sort out what to do with her life. The two women know each other very little and despite the fact that they share the worry of husband and brother being imprisoned, they are each hiding their deeper, more intense suffering from the other.

Split into two sections ten years apart, the story of these three people and the lives they live is completely compelling and utterly engrossing. Humphreys is a masterful writer; her prose is quiet and simple yet devastating and perfect. The tone of the novel is meditative and understated and a haunting melancholy pervades much of the tale. She has captured the poetry of nature, detailing the exquisiteness of the creatures and plants that exist so often unnoticed and undisturbed around us, the things that only become obvious given the unhurried time and silence in which to observe them. Humphreys' language flows over readers, immersing them in the gentle, subtle and nuanced world of the novel. It is one of those rare books that you only wish you could have read slower to give yourself longer to savor it. It is about what it means to be constrained, to be a prisoner, and to be free, in ways that are often unexpected and unsuspected. But most of all it is an elegant novel about what it means to be human, to embrace life. All I can really say is read it.
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LibraryThing member jnwelch
The Evening Chorus, another high quality novel by Helen Humphreys, is, like Coventry, set during WWII. Newly married British pilot James Hunter is shot down on his first mission and spends the war in German prisoner of war camps. His wife Rose and sister Enid are back home in England. The camps
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observe the Geneva Conventions, so there is none of the prisoner misery depicted in novels like The Narrow Road to the Deep North, although food is scarce. James' fellow prisoners find ways to fill their time like reading and building a model of a home village. Trying to escape is number one on the agenda for many, but not James. James devotes his time to his fascination with birds. He observes redstarts mating and building a life outside the camp fence, and begins to take detailed notes. Wanting to avoid sounding tragic, his letters home are filled with information about the birds. That doesn't sound too romantic or even particularly brotherly, right? His wife begins to feel distanced from him. She lives is a small cottage by a forest with a dog, with the job of making sure the village inhabitants observe the blackout (no lights showing at night) to impede bombing. When his sister Enid's London apartment is bombed, she's forced to move in with Rose. Like her brother's diversion with birds, Enid turns to documenting the local flora and fauna, and some of the best parts of the book are her descriptions of them, with thoughtful asides. Meanwhile, both women have secrets they're hiding, and are uncertain what the effect will be of James returning.

There are moments of war-arbitrary violence, both in the camps and in the German's bombing of England, balanced against the ordinary issues of daily living. Once again this author uses her spare and beautiful prose to convey life during war time, and strongly affects the reader in doing so.
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LibraryThing member janerawoof
Beautiful novel, simply written. Heartbreakingly emotional honesty. In WWII, James Hunter, in a German POW Camp, finds his way of coping with camp life; he studies meticulously a family of redstarts. The Kommandant, Christoph, shows him a bit of kindness regarding birds. Meanwhile, wife Rose, back
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home in England copes with her lonely life. James's sister Enid is bombed out in the Blitz and lives with Rose for awhile, the two becoming friends. But after the war we see what has happened with each of them. The book is a meditation on love, loss, grief, how we bear the consequences of our actions, and how Nature binds us. Lovely prose; strong pacing; the author delves into the heart of each person's feelings.

Most highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member EvaW
A quiet, contemplative book, with little of the drama of the war, more of the day-to-day lives of the main characters - James, in a prisoner of war camp, who studies restarts at the camp, and then devotes the rest of his life to bird study; Rose, his recent and young wife, who hardly remembers him
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and falls in love with another; and Enid, James' sister, who is bombed out of her London apartment and moves in with Rose. The book is fiction, but three of the incidents in it are based on true events. It is a book of three lives, with only a little overlap, but each influences the life of the others in a major way. A deceptively simple book, which draws you in. The stories are unhappy ... but (spoiler) each has the glimmer of a happy ending.
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
I am hoping to write an amazing review for this one to try to explain how fantastically this author writes. So I need to think about what I want to say and will finish this review tomorrow.

A relatively simple story about three people, James who will spend five years as a prisoner of war in a German
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camp, his wife Rose, left alone in a small cottage in Ashton Forest and James's sister, Enid, who will lose her house, job and lover during the London Blitz. Yet, in this simple story told in straightforward but wonderful prose, lies the magic of Humphrey's writing. In the beginning reading this, I found a story that was just interesting enough to entice me to keep reading, especially if one likes nature, and I do. But before long I found myself totally immersed in these characters lives, ordinary lives of people caught in extraordinary circumstances. This author has the ability to slowly draw you in and using many tidbits and interesting information about the fauna and natural life found within the forest, keep the reader interested.

Although this is a quiet story, about three lives and one reluctant commandant, changed irrevocably during the war, I wanted to know what happened to these people after the war. How did they pick up the pieces and continue on? Where did they end up and what did they do? I cared for all three of them. Her writing offered such insights, on relationships, family and memory that the sentences sometimes seemed to literally take my breath away and I had to stop, think and then re-read the lines. That so much can be contained in a book this size is surely a work of magic. And that is just how I feel about her writing and this book, rather magical and awe stuck.

That this novel is partially based on three actual events makes it even more special.
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LibraryThing member Lindsay_W
True love, like the marsh gentian, is a rare thing. Its rarity makes it so desirable to attain and so heartbreaking to lose. James, locked in a German POW camp, and his wife Rose and sister Enid, back in England, have all suffered devastating losses. The Evening Chorus has them reflecting on the
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choices they’ve made and reconsidering the truly important moments of their lives. Some are able to find love again, or see the promise of it, others find joy in observing nature to understand what we are all truly connected to. The Evening Chorus finds the perfect balance between poignancy and hopefulness and weaves the characters’ stories together beautifully.
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LibraryThing member MEENIEREADS
Not one unnecessary word in this touching,exquisite novel.
While this book takes place primarily during the second world war and
in 1950 in the UK it is not a war story. These times serve merely as
a catalyst that causes the characters to act or react to the circumstances
it puts them into.
We are
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drawn into the interior lives of a small group of ordinary human beings
who are just trying to carry on carrying on!!!!
There are small acts of kindness along the way for some that actually brought
tears to the eyes of this hard hearted Hannah!
I read this book on my iPhone but will buy it to re-read in the future.
Jill on Goodreads listed some of the good quotes from this book in her review!
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LibraryThing member eachurch
Compelling story, beautiful writing. A moving story about the necessity of love, kindness, and feeling like we have a place in the world.
LibraryThing member tinkerbellkk
This story takes place during World War II. It touches on the lives of 3 people who are connected through marriage. Their stories are sad but the author does a nice job of weaving their connection to each other and nature into this simple story.
LibraryThing member LynnB
The writing in this book is superb...maybe the best written book I've read this year (and that number exceeds 100).

The plot, however, wasn't tight enough for me. The breaks between characters and the 10-year jump between sections left too many loose threads for me....and I'm not someone who wants
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things nicely wrapped up in general. I felt I didn't really get to know the characters (except Rose) and therefore the book didn't have much emotional punch for me. But it is still a beautiful read.
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LibraryThing member msbaba
“The Evening Chorus,” by Helen Humphreys, is a wise, psychologically rich, comforting, and heartfelt literary novel that celebrates resilience in the face of emotional loss. Humphreys is an entrancing storyteller and this novel is brilliant in its construction, lyricism, and emotionally
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honesty. For me, the quality of the reading experience brought to mind Marilynne Robinson (in “Housekeeping”), Elizabeth Strout (in “Olive Kitteridge”) and Margaret Atwood (in “Surfacing”). I would not go so far as to say that this specific book belonged equally alongside those three stellar works of fiction…but it’s very close. Regardless, it is a five-star work of literary fiction.

The story takes place in two separate time periods (1940 and 1950) in various locations in Germany and England. The story revolves around James, a 32-year-old RAF pilot who becomes a prisoner of war in Germany. He has lost his freedom. Meanwhile, living in a rented cottage on the lip of Ashdown Forest, in the tranquil open heathlands of East Sussex, England, is James’ young bride, Rose. She must learn to cope on her own, alone, without her husband during the stress of wartime. She’s barely 22 years old and the couple only knew each other for a very brief time before James was whisked off to war. The third main character is James’ older sister, Enid. She’s 34 and has been living in London as a successful spinster career woman, but suddenly, she loses everything important in her life due to a bomb that destroys her flat…and other things even more precious. She must flee to live with Rose, her new sister-in-law, a woman she hardly knows at all. Rose and Enid couldn’t be more different, but survive together they must.

Although this book deals with loss, it is important to know that this is definitely not a sad or melancholy book. This is a book that shines a reassuring spotlight on our human capacity to spring back from adversities. As one of the characters laments: “It’s so hard to get life right!” But, get it right they must, and do…and we, the readers, take comfort in that knowledge.

This is very much also a book that focuses on the interlocking and interconnected fabric of life, especially how human life connects with the natural world. Every chapter heading bears the name of a biological entity that serves an important role in that chapter. The chapters are headed: Redstart, Ash, Rabbit, Dragonfly, Swallow, Wild Horse, Marsh Gentian, Arctic Tern, Cedar Waxwing, and Mallard.

Humphreys uses words artfully to breathe life into her characters and the world they inhabit. This book left me with a feeling of intense intimacy and wholeness. The characters lingered. This was definitely one of those rare books that caught me in its net…a book I became lost in for the duration of the story…one where I felt transported back in time and space. Humphreys is a writer of significant consequence…and I loved this book.
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LibraryThing member janismack
This could have been so much better if the author would have developed the characters a little more. All of the characters were interesting and I would have liked toknow more about them. This story was way too short.
LibraryThing member gypsysmom
For a relatively short book there is a lot packed into it. And, of course, given the author the writing is lyrical.

James Hunter's plane is shot down on his very first mission. When he is picked up by a German boat from the English channel the first words he hears are "For you, the war is over." He
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spends the next 5 years in a German prisoner of war camp. Back in England his new bride, Rose, is living in a small cottage on the edge of Ashdown Forest in Sussex (in a quirk of fate the cottage is near Forest Row which is the town my husband's grandfather lived in before he went off to join the Merchant Marine). She has a job and she is the blackout warden for Forest Row and she has got herself a dog but she still finds time hangs heavy on her hands. Then she meets another airforce officer staying in the village and they have an affair. Rose falls in love with this man and wonders if she ever loved James. In the prison camp some men try to escape but James sees that as futile. So he decides to undertake a "proper study" of a pair of redstarts that are nesting in a stone wall just outside of the prison grounds. At first this activity is viewed as suspicious but when he explains to the Kommandant what he is doing he finds a kindred spirit and is given the green light. James tries to interest Rose in his study by suggesting she find a similar nest and observe it but Rose is not keen on nature study. James' sister Enid, who has come to stay with Rose after her London apartment was bombed, does like the natural world and she gives her days over to studying the flora and fauna of Ashdown Forest. So amongst the horrors of war people manage to find beauty and grace; even after the war these characters are appreciative of small wonders and this helps them heal from the tragedies they experienced during the war.
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LibraryThing member Anietzerck
Love in the time of war. This book tells the story of Rose, a young bride at the start of World War II and her husband, a soldier and bird watcher. The multiple points of view let you inside the main characters varying emotions as they adjust to this new life. However, most of the secondary
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characters seem one-dimensional.

[I won this book as part of the Goodreads's First Reads program]
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LibraryThing member RandyMetcalfe
In the lengthy opening section of the novel, James Hunter becomes a POW at the outset of WWII. He is likely to be held for a long time (though how long he couldn’t have guessed) and settles upon a project to occupy his time — the close study of a set of restarts, birds whose charming song forms
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part of the titular evening chorus. James’ incarceration is not untroubled. He witnesses things that will haunt him the rest of his days, and at one point is firmly convinced he is about to be killed. At that moment, it isn’t the redstarts that are on his mind. It is his young wife, Rose, waiting patiently for him at Sycamore cottage on the Ashdown Forest. Only Rose hasn’t been waiting quite so patiently as he imagined. Time and her affections have moved on. What’s more, her liaison with Toby, who is much closer to her in age than James, has made her realize that her relationship with James was immature. Meanwhile, Enid, James’ older sister, has decamped London after her apartment building gets bombed, and has requested Rose to take her in while she sorts herself out and deals with a trauma she can barely speak of.

Humphreys handles the emotional and relational terrain of her characters with characteristic aplomb. She has an assured and confident tone that lets the sometimes horrific events detailed waft over the reader. She concentrates instead on quiet moments of valour and decision, moments unwitnessed by others as James, Rose, and Enid each separately need to find their way through the war and its aftermath. Is it a close study like James’ study of the redstarts? No. It paints in broader brushstrokes. Nonetheless Humphreys manages to capture something essential about her characters. And her writing is never less than a pleasure to read even if the novel, taken as a whole, is not entirely successful.

Gently recommended.
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LibraryThing member Dabble58
Lyrical and slightly off kilter, generous in spirit and particularly lovely to read. Like all of Helen's books, it rewards the reader.


Dublin Literary Award (Longlist — 2017)
ALA Over the Rainbow Book List (Selection — 2016)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

5 inches


1443415480 / 9781443415484
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