The Hiding Place

by John & Elizabeth Ten Boom Corrie; Sherrill

Hardcover, 1995


Checked out
Due June 28, 2024



Crossings Classics (1995), Edition: Family Bookshelf Edition, 224 pages


Biography & Autobiography. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. The amazing story of Corrie ten Boom, a heroine of the Dutch Resistance who helped Jews escape from the Nazis and became one of the most remarkable evangelists of the 20th century, is told in her classic memoir, now retold for a new generation.

User reviews

LibraryThing member cbl_tn
Corrie ten Boom was the youngest child in a family of Haarlem watchmakers. Corrie's brother became a pastor and one of her older sisters married a school teacher. Neither Corrie nor her oldest sister, Betsie, married, and Corrie went into the family business while Betsie took care of the
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housekeeping after their mother's death. For as long as Corrie could remember, their house had been home to more than just their immediate family. Several of her mother's sisters lived with the family until their deaths, and her father took in several foster children after his own children were grown. It was natural for the Ten Booms to offer hospitality and a place of refuge to Jews and to others who were sought by the Nazis during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Their home became the nucleus of an underground network that funneled Jews to safety. When the network inevitably became known to the Germans, several family members were arrested, and Corrie and her sister, Betsie, eventually ended up in the concentration camp at Ravensbruck. Their strong Christian faith enabled them to endure much suffering during their imprisonment.

This was a re-read for me. Corrie has been one of my heroes since I first read this book as a young adult. What impressed me on the first reading was Corrie's encounter with one of her former guards at Ravensbruck who had come to hear her speak at a church in Germany. He sought her out after the meeting and asked for her forgiveness. This time through, I saw Betsie's influence in this encounter. In the concentration camp, Corrie was moved by the suffering of their fellow prisoners and dedicated herself to ministering to them. Betsie was moved by the spiritual poverty of the guards and other officials, and she dreamed of ministering to them after the war. It would seem that Betsie's dream motivated Corrie to speak of God's forgiveness in German churches in the years following the war.

I've learned much more about the war and the Holocaust in the years since I first read this book. There is no question that European Jews were persecuted for their faith, and I'm thankful for every Holocaust memoir that preserves the stories of individuals who suffered in the concentration camps and who witnessed the mass exterminations of Jews. Corrie ten Boom's account is a reminder that it wasn't only Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis. It seems that Christianity wasn't welcome in the camps either. The Ten Booms were arrested when they had gathered for a Bible study in their home. Corrie and Betsie smuggled Bibles into the prison and later into the concentration camp. They held Bible studies and prayer meetings with other prisoners in secret.

This time through I was struck by how well-written this book is. The authors take an episodic approach to Corrie's life, and each chapter tells a story. The audio production is outstanding, and the narrator tells Corrie's story as if she had lived it herself. This is a classic of Christian literature that probably hasn't been out of print since its publication. It will also appeal to readers interested in accounts of occupied territories and resistance movements in World War II.
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LibraryThing member jeaneva
A righteous Gentile, indeed! The ten Boom family courageously sheltered, helped provide ration cards, assisted Jews to escape the Nazi-occupied Netherlands.

Three vignettes stick in my mind. 1)Corrie explaining to her Bible class of retarded children that she was like the glove she held. By itself
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it could do nothing, but with her hand in it (representing Christ in her life), it could do whatever was required. 2) When afraid she would not be able to face death, her father asking when he gave her (a child) the ticket to get on the train when she accompanied him to Amsterdam. She replied--just before we get on. He explained that dying grace is not given ahead of time either. 3) Learning to be thankful for the infestation of fleas!!

I not only recommend the book, but also the movie of the same name. I see it at least once a year and reread the book to be reminded that "there is no pit so deep that His love is not deeper still."
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LibraryThing member bell7
Corrie ten Boom, a watchmaker and spinster living with her father and sister, began working with the Resistance and taking in Jews during World War 2. This is her story of faith, family, survival, and forgiveness during a terrible time.

I read and reread this book as a teenager; I read it so many
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times I got rid of it thinking I'd never read it again and then bought it years later because I couldn't quite bear not to own it. Looking at it with fresh adult eyes, I found myself with slightly more mixed feelings. The book is preachier than I remembered, and the writing clunkier than it could have been. I would have liked for some of Corrie's story to stand on its own rather than having the lesson spelled out for me. I realized rereading this that there were some experiences she had that I didn't quite get when I was younger, and understood better now with greater knowledge about World War 2. I wished that some historical or political information was spelled out a bit clearer to ground her story more. But as far as inspirational memoirs go, it's still a good read, and I as I read I realized how much some of her statements - about love and forgiveness, for example - had stayed with me and shaped my own views over the years.
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LibraryThing member jenzbookshelf
The Hiding Place is one of my favorite books.

Corrie ten Boom was 48 years old when Hitler invaded her hometown in Holland. She had spent her life caring for the family home and working in her father’s watch shop. But at 50 years of age, she became one of the leaders in the underground resistance
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in Holland. For 2 ½ years, she helped many Jews go into hiding. Not only did she risk her life for this mission, but she also lived her life for it.

She spent nearly a year imprisoned in the concentration camps. During that year, she ministered to the other prisoners and the Nazi officials trying to bring them peace and joy. After the war was finally over, she worked to catalyze the healing of both the victims and those who had joined the Nazis. She turned a former concentration camp into a bastion of healing. She traveled around the world teaching people how to forgive and be healed.

While lecturing in Germany, she came face to face with one of the guards from the concentration camp. He thanked her for her words and the healing they brought to his soul. As he reached out his hand to shake hers, she was put to the ultimate test. Could she practice what she preached? The anger and hurt swept through her and she despised him. But after she turned it over to God, she was able to touch his hand. And as they shook hands she found that “into [her] heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost overwhelmed [her]."

What made Corrie become great? It was 50 years of preparation—years of study, years of work, years of service. The Hiding Place is the story of her preparation. Corrie could never have led the resistance, survived the concentration camps, and gone on to become such an inspiration to so many without that vital preparation. She was led by the Voice of Conscience—first in her preparation and later in her life's mission.

When you finish reading The Hiding Place, make sure you pick up a copy of Tramp For the Lord. Tramp For the Lord continues Corrie's story after The Hiding Place.
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LibraryThing member cmbohn
Reading this book, I had to ask myself, what is it that makes some people so much stronger than others? And I think that love is the answer. I just finished reading Man's Search for Meaning, and taken with that one, I found myself so impressed by the strength and faith of these people. I was just
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so inspired.

I love to read Corrie Ten Boom. She makes me feel like I can do more, I can be better. Another thing I noticed about this book and about Viktor Frankl's is that neither one of them spent much time feeling sorry for themselves. They just went on with what had to be done.

And even after Corrie returned home, having lost her sister and her father, she went ahead with her life, serving others who had lost just as much as she had, but still needed help.

I could go on more about this book, but I'm not sure how to put into words what I felt. I know that I did feel that I can handle my challenges. She inspired me to become better myself.
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LibraryThing member bethfeger
This is the most inspiring book I have ever read.
LibraryThing member LibrarysCat
I first read this book as a young teenager after attending a Rally for Jesus workshop. I found the story compelling and showing a different perspective than other Holocaust narratives I had read. The author reminds us that it was not only Jews who were persecuted during this time. Her story is
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intended to show the power of prayer and the triumph of faith. As my reading became more targeted in this area of history, I valued this perspective mostly for its uniqueness.
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LibraryThing member nesum
A truly awe-inspiring story of a Dutch Christian who helped protect Jews during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. This book is especially notable because ten Boom is very rarely the hero in it. Yes, her bravery and compassion shine on nearly every page, but the constant focus on this story is
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on Christ. In this way, the book sets itself apart from many other like stories, but rather turns us, even in the darkest moments we can imagine, to the love and sovereignty of God, where we can rejoice even for fleas! (Which the characters ultimately have good reason to do!)

I would wholeheartedly recommend to all Christians and to all people as a truly worthwhile and inspiring read.
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LibraryThing member Bookish59
A wonderful, salt-of-the earth clockmaking family doesn't think twice about saving Jews during the Nazi occupation of their town of Haarlem, Holland. Corrie, Betsie, Willhelm and Nollie were brought up by the ten Booms, positive parents who read and practiced bible teachings. Kind, sweet, generous
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and caring they often sacrificed to help others.

Corrie and Willhelm along with others create and manage an underground system to provide shelter, food and transport for targeted Jews. They save many until an informer changes their lives but not their integrity and character.

So glad I discovered and read this gem about true goodness and selflessness. Read this and be moved and inspired.
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LibraryThing member Schmerguls
This book lists Corrie Ten Boom as its author, but was published in 1971 and tells of Corrie's life before 1940 and then of the years she helped the Resistance in the Netherlands, till Aug 14, 1943, when she was arrested and spent time in prison and concentration camps till Jan 1, 1945. She was
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helped by the strong faith of her sister and herself, and thie book was published by a religious publsher in Grand Rapids, MIch. It has a lot of good pages, and I found it good reading, including the account of the years before the war.
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LibraryThing member revslick
thanks to Fowles referencing this in his sermon, I had to reread this classic tale of a time in our history that should never be forgotten.
The ending is in my top ten best book endings of all time.
LibraryThing member npl
Extremely moving memoir of a Christian woman and her sister who were sent to a concentration camp during World War II for helping their Jewish neighbors.
LibraryThing member Jthierer
I'm really glad my book club picked this one to read, because otherwise I probably would never have read something shelved in the Christian Inspiration section. Unlike some of the other books I've read in that genre, this one actually was inspiring. I didn't feel like I was being preached at or
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pressured to think or act a certain way. The story Corrie ten Boom tells about her captivity during World War II was truly moving and well-told.
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LibraryThing member Hamburgerclan
This book surprised me. I knew it was a great story--the tale of a Dutch woman whose family hid Jewish refugees in the early days of the Second World War, until they were caught and sent first to prison and later to a concentration camp. I had read the book years ago. What surprised me, when I
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picked the book off from my shelf to read for my daughter's schooling, was just how pleasant it was to read. The Sherrills and Ms. ten Boom have done a great job of presenting the sights and sounds, the people and events that makes up The Hiding Place. It's a suspenseful tale under-girded by a strong sense of faith and compassion.
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LibraryThing member dawnlovesbooks
was really into the book to begin with, but just lost interest.
LibraryThing member KJBdesign
The hiding place starts with a Holland family and how they tried to help Jews in their country during World War Two. They were caught and then put into jail but all were released except for the two sisters and that is where the true story starts. It tells of their time in concentration camps and
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how one survives. This book was written by the surviving sister Corrie Ten Boom. She tells of the hard times in a way that compels you to feel her pain. But not only did she explain the difficulties that tear your heart apart, she shows how forgiving and strong she is after everything has ended, all because of her never failing faith of God. Becoming an inspiring and humbling book it is one of the best books about the terrors of World War Two, I have ever read.
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LibraryThing member LyndaHuntley
Corrie Ten Boom was a clockmaker. She, her father, Casper Ten Boom, and sister, Betsie Ten Boom helped rescue hundreds of Jewish families. It all started when a woman showed up at the door with a baby. The women asked Corrie if they would take care of it for a few days until someone could take it
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to the countryside to be safe. The Ten Boom began sharing their home with Jews hiding them from the Nazis, and gave them stolen ration cards so that they could buy food and get to another safe home. She knew the price was high, but she did everything she could to save the lives and families of Jews.
In 1939, Holland was attacked by the Germans under Adolph Hitler. The Gestapo, a Nazi police organization, would raid people's homes and kidnap young men between the ages of 17 and 30, and force them to work in the army. They were imprisoned, killed, and sent to extermination camps to die. Not only the Jews, but also anyone that assisted them would suffer. Ten Booms continued to hide Jews in a hidden room behind a wall in Corrie's room. The soldiers found out that the Ten Booms were helping the Jewish people. They came at a time when Corrie was sick with the flu. She managed to help the people into the room before the soldiers got to them. The police interrogated the family but the Ten Booms refused to give up the other people in the underground. They were sent to Scheveningen. Corrie and Betsie were separated from their father in another part of the prison. They moved to another camp where Betsie died. Two days later Corrie was set free on a clerical error. Shortly after she was released all the prisoners were exterminated.
This was an in depth viewpoint into the lives of people who lived in Europe during World War II and how their lives were impacted by the invasion of Hitler. It was very inspirational to stand up for something that was right. The forgiveness that Corrie and her sister portrayed toward the soldiers who treated them badly was remarkable. This book should be read at least in the eighth grade because of the realities of war. Some activities that could be used with this book would be a timeline of the countries that Hitler invaded or a web quest of Corrie Ten Boom Home with the Hiding place. There is a web site that shows the actual home where she lived.
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LibraryThing member normaleistiko
One of our library patrons said it was so good she could not put it down! It is out in audio CD and in VHS video too
LibraryThing member litelady-ajh
Great, classic book about the holocaust & the brave few who dared to help their Jewish neighbors. I just re-read yesterday. The first time I read this was in my teens (a few years ago) & it was the first book on the holocaust that I had ever read.
LibraryThing member akreese
This was the first book I read that dealt with World War II and the Nazis. Corrie ten Boom grew up in Holland in the house above her father's watch and clock repair store. As she grew she learned compassion and love from her close-knit family. It only seemed natural then that when there were people
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in trouble, that the ten Booms would help.

During World War II, the ten Boom family hid Jewish people in a secret hiding place in their house. Because of their acts of kindness, Corrie and her sister Betsy were sent to a concentration camp.

Every time I read this book I am struck by the love and forgiveness that Betsy and her sister had for their captors. I always admire Corrie because she admitted that loving and forgiving was sometimes hard work.

My copy is well worn from many readings. It is one of my favorites and I plan to keep it even if it falls apart.
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LibraryThing member lucymaesmom
I knew forever that this book is a Christian classic that I should have already read, but dreaded it thinking that the book would be dry and boring and preachy. Far from it. I was moved by the story, Corrie's faith and her struggles.
LibraryThing member Cammare3
Amazing details which brought me into that tragic time in the authors life.
LibraryThing member skf
This is my all time favorite book for the excellent writing, fantastic story and especially the humble faith evidenced by Corrie Ten Boom. I've probably read it eight or ten times including once to each of my four children, who were also captivated by the suspense of the story.

Corrie Ten Boom, her
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sister and her father chose to put their Christian faith into action by protecting Jews in their homeland in Holland from the Nazi killing machine. The hiding place in their home eventually cost them dearly, but Corrie learned many lessons as well as how to forgive her captors.
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LibraryThing member lauralkeet
Corrie ten Boom and her family operated an underground movement in Holland during World War II, providing safe passage to Jews during the German occupation. Corrie's father owned a watch repair business; Corrie and her older sister Betsie remained unmarried and assisted their father in the shop.
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They were well-known for their kindness and hospitality, so it was natural for neighbors to turn to them for help. As they developed connections with others involved in the movement, their operation increased in scope and required both more sophisticated methods and more caution. A secret room was built in the house to hide the occupants in case of a raid. A buzzer system was installed to alert occupants to a raid or other emergency, and drills were held to ensure people could hide without leaving evidence. Signals were arranged to communicate when it was safe to enter the house.

The ten Boom family performed an important ministry during the war, but eventually the authorities became aware of their work and the family was arrested and taken to a political prisoner camp. Corrie and Betsie ten Boom spent nearly a year in a series of prison camps, under appalling conditions. Their deep Christian faith was key to survival. After the war, Corrie set up rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands, lectured about her experience, and taught others based on the Christian Gospels and themes of forgiveness. Corrie ten Boom's faith and ability to forgive are an inspiration; it takes an extraordinary person to survive such a harrowing experience and be able to forgive your persecutors.

The Hiding Place was an interesting memoir from a dark time in the history of humankind.
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LibraryThing member FolkeB
Corrie Ten Boom’s book, The Hiding Place, tells the triumphant true story of the Ten Boom family and how the town of Holland was overturned by Nazi rule. It is a novel filled with adventure, courage, and moral battles that encourages the reader to quickly turn the page to see what happens next.
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It is written so well that the reader becomes attached to the Ten Boom family and all of the Jewish people they sacrifice their lives for.

In the book, Corrie Ten Boom is the secret leader of the underground, helping save Jewish lives in the dark of the night. The story keeps the reader on edge and pulls at heart strings. It is filled with loss and struggles, but also triumph and success. It is a book that will teach you the true beauty in people, long after you set it down.

Meredith E.
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1568651295 / 9781568651293


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