A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett of the State of Tennessee. (Tennesseana editions)

by David Crockett

Hardcover, 1973



Call number



Univ of Tennessee Pr (1973), Edition: 1st, 211 pages


Even as a child, Davy Crockett "always delighted to be in the very thickest of danger." Better known to us as "King of the Wild Frontier," Davy Crockett was not only a frontiersman but also a politician who became a celebrity and a folk hero during his lifetime. Here, in his own inimitable style, he describes his earliest days in Tennessee, his two marriages, his career as an Indian fighter, his bear hunts, and his electioneering. His reputation as a "b'ar" hunter sent him to Congress with an eye on the White House; but at the Alamo, he would cap off a legend that still holds Americans in its spell.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Widsith
The King of the Wild Frontier was no great writer, but he certainly lived through some interesting times. The prose style is conversational, with often fascinating outbreaks of nineteenth-century backwoods slang (Davy gets "plaguy thirty" and knocks back "a leetle of the creater"), although the
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constant military campaigning of the first half can get a little repetetive.

The matter-of-fact way in which he writes about slaughtering Indians can be quite shocking, the more so for being described in this down-home laid-back style. At one point during the Creek War, his unit burns 46 Indians alive in a house; the next day, running short of food, they discover a stash of potatoes in the cellar of the house. Crockett remarks that

hunger compelled us to eat them, though I had a little rather not, if I could have helped it, for the oil of the Indians we had burned up on the day before had run down on them, and they looked like they had been stewed with fat meat.

Jesus, what a detail. There are a few times in the text where such things reach across the years and give you quite a shock. (Later he goes some way to redeeming himself by speaking out against the Indian Removal Act.)

When he wrote this, he was a Congressman with a not-unrealistic chance at the presidency. There are several passages of political grandstanding which haven't dated all that well, unless political history is your forte. But really the overriding feeling when you read these expressions of political ambition is one of pathos, knowing that soon after the autobiography was published, this man with all his big dreams lost his seat in Congress, and headed ultimately towards Texas – and the Alamo...
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LibraryThing member countrylife
“Davy Crockett’s Own Story”, told with folksy good humor, for all the world as if it was four or five decades ago and I was eavesdropping on Grandpa and the other menfolk talking hunting and politics, and how this country would be better off ‘if’. Except Davy Crockett is ever so much more
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famous than Grandpa Roy, and had actual political experience. But they both said this (one way or another): “The President, both cabinets and Congress to boot, can’t enact poor men into rich. Hard knocks, and plenty of them, can only build up a fellow’s self.”

This book is a compilation of three autobiographical writings by Davy Crockett: A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett . . . Written by Himself; An Account of Col. Crockett’s Tour to the North and Down East, both published in 1834; and Col. Crockett’s Exploits and Adventures in Texas, published posthumously in 1836.

The jacket says: “Davy Crockett’s Own Story is a book filled to the brim with vigorous good humor, anecdotes, tall tales, legends, traditions, and sheer uproarious fun. At the same time it is a rich social and cultural history of the United States in its youthful years.” It delivers on all those counts. There are a few distasteful portions in the book, which my mind relegated to the context of their time. But most of the book was educational, if not entertaining.

I enjoyed the portion covered under the ‘Tour’, where he documents his travels as a congressman from Tennessee. Showing life in the various places he visited, how he was treated, giving glimpses of city society in those years and patriotism as it was evidenced then. In all three sections, he is not spare with his political opinions, and is most vocal about (as he sees it) wrongs done to the nation by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. Under the ‘Narrative’ of his life, I found most of his story interesting, but my eyes glass over when it runs into the territory of ‘tall tales’ (bear hunts particularly come to mind; surely those were not meant to be believed). To my mind, ‘Adventures in Texas’ was the most interesting part of the book. His travels on horseback from Tennessee to Texas, the people he meets along the way (especially those that end up going all the way to the Alamo with him), then the events leading up to and the battle for the Alamo itself. As if Davy Crockett’s story wasn’t poignant enough, the last few pages of the book tell the rest of his story, related by eyewitnesses, from the time when he could no longer take up his pen to keep up with his ‘memorandums’, to the moment when his life was taken from him.

It reads as if you were listening to a common country man speaking; some people may not like that past-generation ‘folksiness’, though, to me, it felt like home. So, don’t pick up this book if you are bothered by that, or don’t like reading about history, or aren’t a patriotic American. Yep. Wouldn’t be a bad idea for every citizen of the United States to read it!
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LibraryThing member GlennBell
Truly the worst autobiography that I have ever read. The commentary provided is without context, is trivial in nature, and poorly written. If you wanted to learn something about Davy Crockett you will get some insight into what life was like for him, but I cannot recommend this book. Perhaps this
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book would better be appreciated by child, but I doubt it. If these are truly the words of Davy Crockett (I have my doubts), then at least you can understand why it is so poorly written, since he was not a scholar.
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LibraryThing member fulner
This audio book was bad.

First off disk one included the eBook on it, in addition to the traditional CD for audio. This made it impossible to play in my car. So I had to rip it on my PC and then burn my own CD.

Secondly, it shows that Davey Crocket was just a politician who wanted to make himself
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look as though he were humbled. It was obvious from this book that he wanted to be President. With lines like "I have no desire to be the President, but if the people want it, who am I to deny them." and "If I ever were in charge of this country the first thing I would do it take away all the accountants and record keepers out of the treasury, as all they do is lead to more debt." If the people demanded that I be in charge of this country, all my friends will want jobs, and I wont' give 'em unless they promise to keep everything in real money in the grit, from the Post Office on to the General's men."

Moreover, he is damn sure he's important. Lines about how if anyone doesn't like his book, its only because they may not like the spelling or the grammar, and since he's a woodsmen what does he need of these? Apparently he thinks stories of his battles in Tennessee will be enough to get him elected just like his friend General Jackson "though in those days we didn't call him 'the government' as we knew it not to exist"

I was looking for some folksy real American rhetoric I could use on the campaign trail, and all I got was another example of a politician I don't want to be.

The T.V. Show Davey Crocket was so much better than the real man
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

211 p.; 8.9 inches


0870491199 / 9780870491191


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