The Relatives Came

by Cynthia Rylant

Other, 1985



Call number



Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing (1985), 32 pages


The relatives come to visit from Virginia and everyone has a wonderful time.

Media reviews

Cynthia Rilant has some incredible books that I get nostalgic for a time in my childhood. The time when all my relatives came to celebrate a holiday, it was fun. Mostly. We did not have cool summer reunions as the family does in this book. What I did like was celebrating
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the holidays with a huge, scrumptious meal. The stories were funny or interesting. I learned that my grandfather came from Russia and had to fight in the Japanese- Russian war. He was nine years old. He did not like to discuss this period of time in his life, but that meant I could ask other relatives to see if he told them anything about this time.
I learned that Big Mama, my great grandmother, crashed into the window of a car dealership. When the policeman came, she said
" Young man I was here in this town before you were born. This is a two way street. You better not write me a ticket." My uncle had to secretly pay the ticket without Big Mama's knowledge. I loved the pictures of the relatives eating together, playing music together, and sleeping together. I always feel nostalgic, because so many of my relatives are deceased now. I remember the good times when we were together. There were plenty of times when heated discussions occurred. When one relative was not speaking to another relative, but I refuse to remember the unhappy times.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member kaylada3
This is a story about a large family that comes to visit. They are loud, silly, and full of love, eager and willing to help with anything. This story not only needs to be read aloud just for the fun of it, but it also can be read for writting purposes. The student can assume the role of the author,
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and write about when their family came to town, and the events that took place. This can either be done from a fiction or non-fiction standpoint.
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LibraryThing member WonderWidget
Family visits, Good story about the love of families.
LibraryThing member kestrels
This book perfectly captures the joy, chaos, and hugging all around that happens at family reunions. Cynthia Rylant's text, as always, is perfect and pleasing to both read and hear.
LibraryThing member hnnewton
This is just a fun book anout family. It could be read during seasons where it is normal for families to be visting eachother.
LibraryThing member cctaylor1
This book shows one big family reuniting for the summer. Relatives drove all day and all night from Virgina to visit their family. They stayed for days and all slepped on the floor and shared the whole house. This book shows how times use to be when the "relatives came."
LibraryThing member cvyork
Good book about the joys and sadness of relatives coming and going.
LibraryThing member jredway
The Relatives Came is a sweet story about a summer visit from relatives. The relative from Virginia loaded up their car and came for a visit. When they arrived hugs were given to anyone and everyone that came within arm’s reach. As the visit continues, there is no lack of hugging, eating,
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talking, laughing and playing. The relative sleep anywhere they can find, even if that means on the floor draped over someone else. The relatives helped fix things and tend the garden, but as the story ends they all experience the bitter-sweet taste of having to say good-by, at least until next year.

I have a large extended family and this book describes us perfectly. All the hugging and talking and eating and playing makes me reminisce in the days when my cousins would come to visit and the fun wouldn’t stop until they left. The story and the illustrations go perfectly with one another. The illustrations also added a bit more chaos to the story. I loved how the bright pictures depicted how the family was running about everywhere and anywhere just spending time with each other. The book celebrates family and the joys of reunion.

One idea for a classroom extension would be to read this story with the class, and then have them share experiences they have had with having relatives visit or visiting their relative. I would then have them write a letter to or draw a picture for a relative they miss. Another idea would be to read this book and then have a classroom family reunion, where all of the children’s families would be invited to a celebration of family.
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LibraryThing member jgabica
The Relatives Came is an example of realistic fiction, because it focuses on the vacations families make during the summers to visit other family. The setting is the summer, which is important because it then makes it possible to have multiple weeks of vacation and no school to attend. There is a
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very fond outlook on family coming to visit in this story also. Media: crayons. Caldecott Hono
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LibraryThing member chron002
The relatives come in a rainbow colored station wagon. They stayed all summer and were very sad to leave. This is a cute and realistic book as well. Many children could probably relate to this book right before summer break when their families might come and visit. I enjoyed the pictures in this
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book. Would be good for a 2nd grade class.
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LibraryThing member kjburkhalter
The relatives come to visit from Virginia. There is a lot of hugging, talking, and eating. THey stay for a while and all spend time together. Everyone is sad when they have to go, but they know they will see them again next summer.
LibraryThing member Jenlovely
The relatives are coming and their arrival is anticipated by them as well as who they are visiting. The come and the house is filled with love. laughter, and smiles. There is eating and crowded sleeping but no one cares because they are together. They are just busy 'eating, sleeping, and breathing
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together.' When they leave, they all miss eachother and are awaiting there next summer reunion. This story is simple but shows that families that live far away still enjoy getting together even if it is just for a short time. I really liked the illustrations in this book. They made the characters seem real and happy to see eachother.
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LibraryThing member roydknight
Great book, but this edition is a very small paperback reprint of the original. Not designed for "read aloud" programs as the pictures are too small to view with larger groups....
LibraryThing member aprilbrittain
This is a cute story about a family of relatives that come to visit from Virginia during the summer. They come and have a great time visiting and eating watermelon and strawberries until it is time for them to go home and harvest their crop of grapes.

I enjoyed reading this book. Almost everyone
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loves when their relatives come to visit and all the excitement that comes along. It reminded me of when my relatives came to visit from out of town. The stories of their adventures and the slumber parties we had were the ultimate pinnacle of the summer.

This book could be used as an opener to a lesson with maps. The children could mark where they live and then find on the map where the family in the story came from which is Virginia. Also, a lesson in crops and how they each have seasons that they grow in could also be a classroom extension idea.
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LibraryThing member cbpritchard
The relatives come up from Virginia to stay for a few weeks in the summer. The house gets very crowded, but everyone is so happy to be together! The relatives do a lot of hugging, and there are big suppers. When it's time for them to go home, the house feels empty and they miss them.
LibraryThing member cpage_07
This is another book that I can remember being read to as a child. It is about a family from Virginia who are going to see their Relatives. They stay for a long time and visit. The illustrations in this book are fabulous because it shows so many details of how family really acts when they are
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together. The family leaves but they will be back next summer!
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LibraryThing member JillianWilliams
This book was about a family waiting for their relatives from Virginia to come and visit them. The relatives arrived from Virginia and hugged, visited, ate up all their food, slept in their beds, and helped fix things around the house. The relatives finally leave and the house returns to normal,
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but the young children think that the house is now to quiet and calm. The relatives tell the family that next year they will have the family come down and stay with them in Virginia to eat up all their grapes.

I loved this book. I always had relatives coming in from all over during the holidays or summer vacations. I loved the illustrations in the book and the story is very realistic and easy to relate to.

A great extension idea for this book could be an introduction to geography. In the class the children could share if any of their relatives live in different states. The teacher and students could then discuss where the states are located and how far they are from where the class is.
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LibraryThing member mrsarey
A very cute story about relatives coming to visit.
LibraryThing member richardgulick
The book is about a family living on a farm waiting for some relatives to come from Virginia to spend their summer with. When the families reunite there is lots of hugging and storytelling. The relatives eat all the fruit and invited the family to come and visit them and eat all their grapes. The
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vacation ends and the relative have to head back home, the two families say good bye until next summer.

This story is very cute, I have traveled a lot to visit distant family, and waited for them to arrive for a visit with us.

In the classroom we could talk about wear we are from and, maybe where we have traveled.We could talk about what it's like getting together with our families and how we felt waiting to seem them.
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LibraryThing member soonerbabe21
This book is about a family visiting other family over the summer. A family waits the arrival of family from Virginia. When they come there is lots of hugging and sharing. They ate all of their melon and strawberries and told them that the next summer they could come eat their grapes. They visited
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for quite awhile and have some fun times together.

I loved this book because it reminded me of my family when I was little. We use to go to family reunions and had so much fun.

In the classroom we could talk about what vacations they have been on. Maybe tell them to draw or paint a picture that reminds them of that vacation.
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LibraryThing member jacox2
The Relatives Came was a really good book. I read this to my thrid grade practicum class and they enjoyed it. The book is about families and relatives. The grapes were nearly purple when the realtives were on there way. They left at four oclock in the morning it was still dark outside. They were so
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escited to see the other family members. When they got there everybody was hugging and kissing one another. They were all so happy. They ate and ate and ate. When it was time for bed relatives slept anywhere they could find. They realtives stayed weeks and weeks, They helped plant te garden. After we spent along time together it was time for them to go back to Virginia. We mised them and they missed us too. We could only dream for the next summer.
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LibraryThing member Cfrizzle
This book allows children to relate events and the theme of the story to their own lives. This book is great when you are trying to teach the sequencing of events.
LibraryThing member dchaves
We just don't share beds anymore do we. It used to be that when people traveled and stayed at inns it would not be uncommon to share a bed with a stranger. This book provides the joy and chaos of having the relatives visit.
LibraryThing member blindexpression1
This book will take you back to time when you were young and would visit family during the summer. All piled into the family station wagon for the long journey from Virginia to spend the summer with relatives. When they get there everyone is full of hugs, and dinners, sleeping where ever one can
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find a spot on the floor, to helping fix things around the house all summer long. Eventually its time to leave and all is sad but excited to get back home too...ending with the reflection that next summer will be here soon.
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LibraryThing member jsb021
This is a wonderful picture book to read to children of any age. The book is full of beautiful, eye catching illustrations. The author tells the humorous tale of a family that hosts relatives of across country. Through hugs, eating dinner in shifts, and tight sleeping arrangements, the family grows
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closer together and looks forward to meeting again the next summer.
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LibraryThing member ShondaNewsome
The relatives came from out of town to visit for the summer. When they arrived, everyone meet and greet, ate food, play music, but mostly enjoyed being around family. When it was time to leave, they were sadden as they waved goodbye, but is happy to know that they will be back next summer
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to visit again.

Personal Relation:
I can definitely relate to this story because I love going out of town to visit my family especially on Christmas and New Years Day. I also love having family reunions because I get to meet family I don’t know and getting to know them.

Extension Ideas:
1. Have the students write in their journals about what they like to do when they go out of town to meet relatives.

2.Do a show and tell day, where students bring an item to class they got when they went out of town. i.e. souvenirs
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Original publication date


Physical description

32 p.; 8628 cm


978-0-02-777220-3 / 9780027772203



Other editions

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