Where the lilies bloom

by Vera Cleaver

Other authorsBill Cleaver (Joint Author.), James J. Spanfeller (Illustrator)
Paper Book, 1969



Call number



Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co. [1970, c1969]


In the Great Smoky Mountains region, a fourteen-year-old girl struggles to keep her family together after their father dies.

User reviews

LibraryThing member SungJeCo
This book is called Where the Lilies Bloom made by Vera and Bill Cleaver. It's about Mary Call struggling to keep her family together after her father died in a stroke. Mary Call has to keep her promises, and try not to let other people know that her father's dead, not to accept charity, and try to
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keep her family together. Mary Call then discovers Cosby Luther's wildcrafting books. They find goldenseal and sell it to the general store and become rich. They still have to deal with the winter though, and eventually, it came, with the Luthers trying not to freeze to death, and they have a test of survival as Goldie Pease came along and told the Luthers that she actually owns the land that "Kiser's" land sits on, and she wants them to vacate it in two weeks time.

With the winter over, the spring came and their survival, Mary Call contemplates on how keep on surviving and comes to the thought that she should marry Kiser Pease. The encounter didn't go so well, and Mary Call stormed on the way home, and goes and find a cave for her and her family to live in. She came in, and Devola says with absolute finality that she's going to marry Kiser Pease. Devola marries Kiser Pease, and they have a new father or brother-in-law to take care of them. Now, Mary Call is happy that all the responsibility of being the head of family is over now, and she can take a break from responsibility. (Although, if you think about it, she broke two out of three of her promises to Roy Luther (the Luther children's father) to do that)
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LibraryThing member Mykala.Pierce
The book Where The Lillies Bloom is about the Luther family. The members of the Luther family are Roy Luther, Cosby Luther, Devola Luther, Mary Call Luther, Romey Luther , and Ima Dean Luther. In the book Roy luther their father dies and their mom Cosby Luther was already dead. Devola is eighteen
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but she is cloudy headed so Mary Call has to run the family at the age of 14 with barely any money. She has to try to keep Devola from marrying their landlord and keep Roy Luthers death a secret from everybody else. At the end of the book Kiser Pease, their landlord, ends up finding out about Roy Luther and marrying Devola.He takes pretty good care of the children but they do not like him very much.
I like this because it has many lessons you can learn from it. One is that you can learn how it is lke to be poor. Another is that you can kind of learn what it is like to be without parents. I enjoyed the tpye of book it was also. Over all I enjoyed this book.
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LibraryThing member tatertot84
"Were the Lilies Bloom" takes place in North Carolina in a valley between Old Joshua and Surgar Boy. There, the Luthers work very hard to make up the money for their sharecrop owner Kiser Pease. When Roy Luther grew very ill, he made her 14-year-old daughter Mary Call promise him that the family
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would stay together. When Kiser nearly died, he signed a paper so that the Luthers had their share of the land for free. After Roy Luther passes away and is buried on Old Joshua, the small family wildcrafts roots and leaves to keep going. Her efferts fail when her older sister Devola marries Kiser, but the Luthers continue to live and wildcraft in the valley.

This book is one of the best fiction novels I ever read. The reason for that is it contains so much deital. It contains funny incidents, sacrifice, promise, and very sad events. Mary Call is very deturman and will not give up. She is someone that can absulotly keep promisese even if it gets her into seriouse troulble. In conclusion, this would be a good chouse to read.
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LibraryThing member AaronKAwsome
"Where the Lilies Bloom" is a novel about four kids trying to survive without there father or mother. The the family lives in western North Carolina in Trial Valley. There father is very sick and there mother is already dead. Then one morning there father dies and Mary Call has to take over the
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family. The job could of gone to her older sister, Devola, who is 18, but she is cloudy headed. She made a promise to not let Devola marry Kiser Pease whick is the land lord. She has to not let anybody know that there father is dead. They have to make through the winter.
I think this book is very good for all ages for 4th grade and up. The book is very good at exlpaining the struggle for survival. It shows you how hard it is for people to live in poverty. The book is good at explaining how hard it is to keep a secert. I think this book is very good.
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LibraryThing member sammynop
This book is about a family called the Luthers. In the beginning of the book, Roy Luther (the father) is sick. He has four children. Devola who is 18 and she's "cloudy-headed." Mary Call who is 14 and has to take care of the family now. Romey who is 10 and Ima Dean who is 5. Cosby Luther (the
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mother) died so the Luther children have no mother. Roy Luther has a stroke and is very close to dying. Mary Call is very worried because she knows that she is young and Devola can't keep a family together yet.
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LibraryThing member ChrisNelsonsmartkid
"Where the Lillies Bloom" is a touching story of a families survival after a their father's death. After Roy Luther died, Mary Call, Romey, Devola, and Ima Dean struggle to keep the secret of their father's death. Doing everything to survive, from wildcrafting to farming the fields, they try their
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best to survive the harsh winter. Unfortunately, during the winter, part of their roof collapsed under the weight of the snow and broke Cosby Luther's rocking chair. Then afer the winter and the "false spring" they started to do their wildcrafting again and started to make money, unfourtunately, Goldie Pease, Kiser's sister, told the Luther's that the land was her's and that they had two weeks to vacate and get out. After that Mary Call went to the hospital to see Kiser, she was planning to get him to marry her, unfortunately, Kiser said that she hated him, and she didn't take "no" very well and got angry and slipped out that Roy Luther was dead. So in the next chapter Mary Call came down the mountian from wildcrafting, she found out that Kiser was marring Devola, and she didn't take kindly to that news, then she fainted. So then Kiser and Devola got married and Kiser helpped the remaining Luthers build a barn for the animals and with he hole in the roof and all their problems were solved. That is the reveiw for "Where the Lillies Bloom".
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LibraryThing member aaron.hairstone88
This book is about a family whose parents are both dead and the children are trying to keep it a secret. Their landlord, Kiser Pease wants to marry the oldest daughter, Devola, but Mary Call made a promise not Kiser to marry Devola.
LibraryThing member liz.wong98
Where the Lilies Bloom is a book about a family's hardships in North Carolina. The main character and narrator is Mary Call Luther, a fourteen-year old girl who has three kids to raise when her father dies. Mary Call is constantly hampered by their landlord, Kiser Pease, who wants to marry Mary
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Call's older, cloudy headed sister, Devola. When Kiser gets sick, the Luthers save his life and in return, Kiser signs a paper that gives the Luther's a lot of land. Mary Call tries to keep their Father's death a secret, but she lets it slip while asking Kiser to marry her. When Mary Call gets home one day, she finds Kiser and Devola in the house. Devola is no longer cloudy headed and Kiser marry's her with Mary Call's consent.
I like this book because I have never really read anything like it. I usually read more fast paced books, but I like this one too. It really intrigued me that a fourteen-year old girl could do so much for her family. It had me thinking about how I would have handled the situations in this book. I think that Mary Call is an awesome hero and that this book is pretty good too.
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LibraryThing member TylerF.
This is a novel about a family with the last name Luther, and their struggle to survive living in a somewhat poverty. Mary Call Luther is the narrator of this book. She is the leader of the house and has to care for her cloudy headed sister, brother, and young sister. Their struggle gets worse when
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their beloved father dies.
I really liked this book. The reason I liked it was because there were always problems the Luthers had to face, but they always found a way to fix it. The only thing about the book I didn't like was how the Luthers kept thinking that Kiser Peas was a bad man, when he really wasn't.
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LibraryThing member mekenna.hooper
this book is about mary call and her family the luthers. her mother cosbey luther is died and her father is slowley dieing. so this weight of this family is put on a 14 years old girl. she made promeises to her dad before he died. there were 4 promises that she made. one was not letting devola
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marrey kiser (the bad guy). thst promise was broken in the end. goldie peace tried to take back the land that kiser signed overto the luthers and kiser gave it back after he bought from his sister. so kiser ended up being not that bad of a guy.
this is a good book because it tells a lot of information. like willed crafting i would recomend this book.
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LibraryThing member AUSTINRING
This is a great book to read and is very educational. This book is about a family who is poor and is fighting to stay together. The mother is dead and the father dies during the story. This is a really sad book and it teaches you lots of things. The narrator is mary call she is part of the family.
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Mary call goes through a lot and fights to keep the family together. She makes huge sacrifices and protects the family throughout the whole story.
There is also ima dean who is 5, romey who is 10, and devola who is 18. Devola is cloudy headed finally there is mary call who is 14. She is the one to keep the family together and safe.I loved this book. It was great and tought me a lot. It talks about all kinds of plants and talks about what it is like being poor. My opinion on this book is definetly read it.
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LibraryThing member Brennan.Pankratz
When Roy Luther (The father) dies, Mary Call Luther finds herself having to raise her siblings Romy, Devola, And Ima Dean. She also has to watch out for their land lord Kiser Pease.
LibraryThing member AwesomeHannah
Where The Lilies Bloom is a great story by Bill and Vera Cleaver. It is about a fourteen year old girl named Mary Call Luther who is trying to take care of her family after her father dies. She and her siblings have to keep their father's death a secret. They have to do this so they don't get put
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into a facility for people with no guardians. Mary Call made some promises to Roy Luther, one of them is that she is not allowed to let her older sister (Devola) marry their land owner (Kiser Pease). Although Mary Call made a promise that she wouldn't let her sister marry their land owner, she let them anyways because that was the only way that they would be able to stay out of a facility for people with no guardians. Mary Call also made many other promises that she had to keep, but she broke some of the promises so her family could survive.
In my opinion Where The Lilies Bloom is a great book. I liked this book a lot and I also enjoyed reading it. It really taught me a lot about things that actually happen in real life and how poverty is a really hard time for people. This is not a bad book and it is very enjoyable. So if anyone wanted to read this book I would definately recommend it.
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LibraryThing member matt.rocha0505
THis book is about a fourteen year old girl who has to take care of her family after her father dies. She must hid her secret from their land owner of her fathers passing because she is worried that her cloudy headed sister would mary him. Later in the story her land owner gets in a bad accident
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and she accidentally gives her secret to him. THis is a good book to read in the middle school. It will take your mind on a adventure. It will blow your mind when you find out how the family kept their secret. this is a really good book to read in all.
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LibraryThing member jamesgeiselhofer
In Where the Lillie's Bloom by Vera and Bill Cleaver, Mary Call is a fourteen year old girl whose father is dying. Her father dies and leaves Mary Call in charge of the whole family including romey her 10 year old brother, ima dean her 5 year old sister, and devola who is eighteen and cloudy
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headed. during the year Mary Call must keep the promises she made her father. However, Kiser pease ends up marrying devola. in the end the Luther learn to like kisser and continue living their life.
i liked this book a lot. i give it 5 out of 5. the story was great and the book taught me about a whole other kind of life. one word. Brilliant.
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LibraryThing member tyscottrocks
In the book where the lilies bloom, the luthers are the main characters. the antaganst in the book is goldie, and kiser peice.
in the book roy luther couldn't make his pay, and one day the pecies came along and payied the land off, but didn't kick the luthers off the land. goldie moved away from the
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landand kiser stayed. Theluthers ended up becoming share cropers and had to share cropping. They had to harvest and plant all of the land so they could eat, but they only got a little bit of the land, and kiser got a lot of it. kiser got most of the harvest and they got little even though they would harvest all of the land. one day roy luther dies and mary call takes over she has to hide his death from every one and keep her promises to roy luther. she has one promises inproticular not to let kiser peace marrie devola. kiser keeps trying and trying to marrie devola, and mary call keeps saying no.
one day kiser got sick and mary call said she would help if he gives them the dead to his land, and he agrees so they help and own the land.One day goldie peace came and said kiser owes her the land. then the deed to the land was not legal. in the ened mary call lets devolal marrie kiser.

I liked this book becuse, I think it had some surprises. This book was happy, sad,and surprising. I didn't like when roy luther dyied and when it tured out that the deed wasn't legal. i think they should of gotten a doctor for roy luter becuse, he would of had a better change of living and, mary call broke a promase anyways.I think that kiser was a good and bad land lord. H was a good land lord becuse he didn't kick them off the land. I think he was a bad land lord becuse, He got mor food than he needed and, he got more land then he needed. I thinck he should of split the food and land in half.If you ask me if you like books with twist and trns this could be th book for you.
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LibraryThing member Savion.Ormond1
Where the Lilies Bloom is book about a poor famliy with no mom named the Luthers. There dad dies and Mary Call has to take care of Delvola,Ima Dean, and Romey and keep Kiser Pease from marrying Devola.
LibraryThing member shaylynn.hanes
This book is about how you rely on yourself when the odds are against you. Four struggling children try too keep things together. You learn that everything isn't always fair. Promises are hard to keep. Also people change through out life. I thought this book was a great one.
LibraryThing member isaac.dorado
Where the lilies bloom is a book about the Luther family, and what struggles they have. The family share crops with a mannamed Kiser Pease In this book, it begins with only the father and the children. The mother has died, and the father is sick so they have to take care of him. Once Roy luther,
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their father, dies Mary call has to take care of the family. She is only 14, and Devola is 18. The reason Mary call takes care of the family is because she made promises to Roy Luther and Devola is cloudy headed.
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LibraryThing member Bobby3457
This book is about how Mary Call must keep the Luther family together when her father dies. She must keep it a secret that Roy Luther has died. She tries to keep all the promises that she made to Roy Luther before he died, but in the end its too hard and she can't keep one. Its too stressful for on
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14 year old to take care of three siblings and herself.
I thought the book was alright, at first i thought it was going to be boring and have no point. It was actually a pretty good book. It was shorter than the other books that I've read. It was easy to read even though they talked very differently in the book than I am used to reading. It didn't have very challenging words, but that made it that much easier.
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LibraryThing member John.Kaleb
Where the Lillies Bloom is about a family who struggles living in poverty. Mary Call is the main character of the book. She has three brothers and sisters who she cares for after her father's death. She also made a promise to keep the family together and not let Kiser Pease (their landlord) marry
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her sister Devola. In order to earn money, she turns to wildcrafting plants, flowers, roots, and herbs that are found in the Appalacian Mountains (Sugar Boy and Old Joshua). I recommend this book for people who like realistic fiction.
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LibraryThing member maddie.albert756
This book is about a family name the Luthers. There are Mary Call, Ima dean, Devola, Romey, Cosby, and Roy. There is the person who owns the farm that they live on. This is a good book to read it also teatch you how to do wild crafting and crop sharing. You should read this book because it is a
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good book and it can teach you so many things. It is fun to read. So you should read this book.
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LibraryThing member wearylibrarian
Although only 14, Mary Cal Luther has the soul of someone much older. She is left to care for her siblings when her father dies, leaving the family to carry on as if he were still alive.

The book takes me back to my families Blue Ridge Mountain home and, although the characters are living hard
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times, it makes me long for my Aunt Bonnie's cabin at the foot of Arthur’s Hill and my Uncle Frank's home overlooking Frog Mountain where my Aunt Elaine would dig ginseng. For someone with no fond memories of the mountains, this book may be boring, but for me it is like a return to childhood and the wonderful memories of visits down home.
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LibraryThing member lpeal
A girl named Mary call promised her father that when he died she would keep her brother and sisters together on the mountain and to never take help froma stranger. At first she knows that she can do it. But, when winter comes she doesn't know if she can do it. They eventually survive. This is a
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book that talks about getting thorugh tough times in life and to keep your promise if a t all possible.
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LibraryThing member hayleigh.russo8
Where the Lillies Bloom is a book at four children who have to learn to live by themselves after their father dies. 14 year old Marycall, leads the family when her father passes away. She has 2 sisters and one brother. Delovla, age 18 is cloudy headed and not fit to run the family. Romey age 10 is
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just a avrege 10 year old boy. And Ima Dean, age 5 is a little girl who is just confused over all of this.

This book was a pretty good book. I think some of it was kinda cheesey but it was overall a pretty good book. I would recomend anyone who like 70s books about adventure to read this book.
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National Book Award (Finalist — Children's Books — 1970)
Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — Children's — 1972)
Vermont Golden Dome Book Award (Nominee — 1970-1971)


Original publication date


Physical description

174 p.; 22 cm



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