Born remembering

by Elise Boulding

Pamphlet, 1975



Call number

CP 200


[Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill Publications], 1975.

Local notes

Pendle Hill Pamphlet 200

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
This is a very interesting account of her own deep spiritual journey, including an overwhelming conversion experience at age 51. She says, "I hope to learn how to weave the golden threads of solitude into the warp and woof of family and community living. It is in solitude that I am learning to
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truly remember what I have lived forgetting (the continual presence of God)."
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LibraryThing member kaulsu
I read this to PT. For both of us, the fabulous title left us disappointed. The notion that we are "born remembering," but "live forgetting," is not a new idea, nor is it an idea I am especially resistant to. I think many of us are born knowing God. At least my belief in God was firmly
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entrenched in my being from a preschool age. But it reminds me of the young 4-yr old who wanted time alone with his newborn sister and was overheard asking her, "what do you remember of God?" I think my faith/belief/whatever faded the longer I was in school learning critical thinking. It was only later that I began once again on a faithful trajectory, and was open to believing once again.

In this sense, I think Boulding was on a similar path. But along with PT, I question exactly why Boulding did not convert outwardly to Catholicism. Why did she maintain her tie to the RSoF?

She reminds me of the 19th c. transcendental sociologist, Thoreau. He retreated for two years to a cabin he built in the woods on Walden Pond. Except that his mother brought his meals to him daily. She took his laundry home and brought back clean clothes. Just as Boulding retreated to her "hermitage," she ate meals prepared for her by her husband, she went into town once a week to meet with friends, and went into her university office once a week to take care of her business. Neither Boulding nor Thoreau lived the life they thought they were living, and both have therefore perpetuated a falsehood. Neither the Religious Society of Friends nor the Roman Catholics would embrace this.
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CP 200


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