Metaphors of meaning

by Linda Wilson

Other authorsChel Avery (Editor), Mary Helgesen Gabel (Designer)
Pamphlet, February 2016


Checked out
Due 30 Jun 2024

Call number

CP 437 c1


Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill Publications, [2016]



Other editions


"The spiritual life defies description through words. To understand our own spiritual experiences and talk about them with others, we frequently rely on images or metaphors to convey our meaning. Linda Wison explores metaphors that are commonly used for expressing life in the spirit, noting that their meaning can vary from person to person, framed by one's geographical roots, culture, and gender. Wilson recognizes her own spiritualiy in the image of "tending one's spiritual home," a metaphor she develops with insight and care, as she offers an example to readers for finding and working with one's own metaphors"

User reviews

LibraryThing member kaulsu
Linda Wilson is a fourth generation New Zealander, from Scottish stock. She speaks of some Quaker influence, but never directly states she is a member of any Meeting, or whether her Scottish ancestors were Quakers. I found the lack of specific identification disturbing. Going to great lengths to
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locate herself geographically, I would like to have known how she locates herself religiously.

Wilson spends about half of the book discussing metaphors in general, and the second half discussing one she finds personally resonating. I found her style of writing clear and inviting. She pointed out certain things about praying which had never occurred to me, and other points about metaphors that have always been clear, e.g. They don't always survive in translation from language to language or culture to culture.

Definitely worth reading, and would make a good book for a discussion group.
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LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
Wilson writes of how she explored spiritual metaphors and developed one, "tending to my spiritual home," that expresses and nourishes her spiritual understanding and guides her everyday relationships and activities to create a spirit-filled life. She discusses why some metaphors work for her and
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others don't, and includes a series of queries to help readers explore metaphors and their implications and helpfulness for themselves. This pamphlet should be useful and encouraging to many, as well as interesting for the story of this Friend from Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Call number

CP 437 c1


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