The nature of Quakerism

by Howard H. Brinton

Pamphlet, 1962



Call number

CP 47


Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, [1962, 1949]

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
This is a brief (16 pages) and succinct explanation of the basic doctrine, as Brinton calls it, of Quakerism and of the doctrines that derive from it. The declaration that the experience of the Presence of God is accessible to everyone and that we need no intermediary to know and heed God is the
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foundation, and the practices of meeting for worship and meeting for business follow from it. The implications for community and individual life flow from that, including the testimonies.
Brinton is insightful, cogent, clear, practical, and interesting, as always. (Brinton authored 17 Pendle Hill Pamphlets and various books.) Brinton's exposition is as up-to-date as ever, dated only by a bit of sexist language. Brinton does state clearly that the Society of Friends is a Christian society, which is a more controversial matter nowadays, though he states that this religion is an eternal gospel not exclusively related to particular historical events. Interestingly, he points out that Quakerism shares the primary doctrines (above) and the tertiary (the testimonies) with many other religious groups, and it is only in the secondary doctrines, about worship and meeting for business, that it is unique and clearly distinctive from other sects and opinions.
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