In the belly of a paradox : a celebration of contradictions in the thought of Thomas Merton

by Parker J. Palmer

Pamphlet, 1979



Call number

CP 224


Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill Publications, 1979.

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
Our human lives are so full of contradictions; this fine pamphlet is about a spiritual approach to living with contradictions that transforms them into paradox. With paradox, we accept the tension of opposites to see and live in the larger truth. Palmer has learned about this from Thomas Merton,
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and invites us to explore this dynamic in our lives. Further, Palmer explores how some contradictions Merton wrote about among Marxism, Taoism, and Christianity paradoxically reveal commonalities and greater truth. Here he writes about regaining in our hearts, in a society of alienation, truly peaceful action in a frenzied world, religion as deep connectedness with life and each other, suffering transformed into love, freedom from illusions, God's gracious gift of hope... There is a lot here to apply to our own lives.
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LibraryThing member nicholasjjordan
Solid essay on an important aspect of Merton's writing, with as much Parker Palmer as Merton in the end product.

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Call number

CP 224


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