Pacifist program in time of war, threatened war, or fascism

by Richard B. Gregg

Pamphlet, 1939



Call number

CP 5


Wallington PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1939.

User reviews

LibraryThing member QuakerReviews
This is a lengthy pamphlet (61 pp.) about what pacifists should do in time of war or living under fascism; this was about to be their situation, of course. His basic argument is that their present civilization inherently produced war, so pacifism is an effort to create, by nonviolent methods, a new
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order that embodies respect and concern for justice, tolerance, freedom, and love. It is not just an attempt to prevent war, leaving the rest of our institutions unchanged. He then discusses practical matters of what to do and not do.
Our society has changed a lot since 1939, and war is less prevalent than it was then. But clearly it has not changed so much as to create the new civilization Gregg looks for. I don't really recommend this pamphlet except for those with a historical interest, but the question of how to live in a violent and exploitative society is as current as it was then.
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Call number

CP 5


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