Encounter with silence : reflections from the Quaker tradition

by John Punshon

Paperback, 2006



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Friends United Press (2006), Paperback, 138 pages


0913408964 / 9780913408964

Local notes

inscription: gift of John McMahon


Silence is a key characteristic of Quaker worship. The author shares his experience of learning to wait in the silence and find God. Perfect for seekers, inquirers and seasoned Friends.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kaulsu
A classic book every Quaker needs to read! Even for those who may not readily identify as "Christian," Punshon helps readers to understand our heritage. This is HIS spiritual journey, after all.

He writes with such grace. I only wish I had as strong a faith, but Punshon gives me the courage to
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continue to aspire to that type of communion with God.

In conclusion, he wrote: "Finally, my death is certain, but I do not regard that with fear. I am not moved to seek my own pleasure or advantage, but rather I have a sense of missed opportunity, false starts, visions of what might have been. At one and the same time, I know the possibility of perfection and that I am a sinner. Peter said, 'Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.' But the Lord did not. At a camp meeting they ask for forgiveness. In a monastery they ask for mercy. I ask to be healed" (p131).
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