The rise of the Dutch republic

by John Lothrop Motley

Hardcover, 1855




New York : Harper & brothers, 1875 (1855).

Original publication date



American historian John Lothrop Motley (1814-77) graduated from Harvard in 1831. During 1832 and 1833 he studied in Göttingen before returning to the United States. Already the author of two novels and numerous essays, he began to plan a history of the Netherlands, but, unable to find all the source material he needed in America, he returned to Europe in 1851, this time with his family. The next few years he spent researching in Dresden, The Hague and Brussels. The result was this famous account of the foundation of the Dutch Republic, first published in 1855. Volume 2 starts with the end of Margaret of Parma's governorship and then describes the start of the Eighty Years' War, covering the period 1567-76, including the governorship of the duke of Alva and the so-called Council of Blood by which he attempted to quash the movement for Dutch independence from Spain.… (more)



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User reviews

LibraryThing member DinadansFriend
One of the great Whig historians wrote this, and I loved it. I'm sure that many of his conclusions have been subject to revisionism, but the book remains a tremendous read, with many epigrammatic gems. An everyman edition of this 1855 classic seemed exactly the right format, as I spent that summer
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doing some historical re-enactments and it was exactly the right size for carrying around and reading, as it was an anonymous cover.
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