Official records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion

by Robert Scott

Hardcover, 1894




Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government printing office, 1894-1922.


Contains 30 volumes of the Navy Official Records from 1861-1865, including dispatches and reports of engagements of both the Confederate and Federal navies.



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User reviews

LibraryThing member IslesOfMine
I would be willing to install Chrome and a Chrome extension that draws primarily on these records. The extension would give me inline explanations for terms I read, and give me human-scale Civil War contextual references and explanations so that I can more fully grasp anything I read online. The
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extension would apply numbers and figures from the comprehensive records to whatever page I am reading. When it sees a figure, a place, a name, it would add an inline explanation in a Civil War context. Hovering on the explanation would provide more detail from the official Union and Confederate records.

By clicking once on the extension icon in Chrome, I would be able to see calculations on a human scale. 10,000 horses is a phrase on a website? The extension would provide an inline insert to give me how many miles a single file line of 10,000 horses would stretch. 10,000 lbs. is referenced on a website? The extension would give me the equivalent number of horse-riding Confederate officers. 10,000 lbs. means nothing, but the equivalent number of mounted officers would give me depth of insight and questions to ask that I would never think of myself.
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Local notes

Complete, mixed mostly of a congressionally designated set, with adventitious leather and cloth volumes intermixed.
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