On the mystical shape of the godhead : basic concepts in the Kabbalah

by Gershom Gerhard Scholem

Paper Book, 1991

Call number

150 Scholem


New York : Schoken Books ; Distributed by Pantheon Books, c1991.


"Scholem's treatment is complex and stylistically brilliant as he systemically analyzes the history and intellectual background of these critical ideas. Highly recommended."--Library Journal.

User reviews

LibraryThing member tuckerresearch
Scholem is the most competent and scholarly scholar of the kabbalah, and this book throws out some thought-inducing and important stuff.
LibraryThing member jeffd1830
I enjoy studying Kabbalah and Judaism, but I found this book hard to relate to. My own personal theological beliefs are quite different from the mainstream of either Judaism or Christianity, and so it is understandable to me that I would find certain ideas that wouldn't resonate with my
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understanding. Usually, however, I am able to find some applicable ideas within someone else's theological view, that I can, with minor alterations, integrate into my own understanding. For whatever reason, this book just didn't click with me.

That being said, it is probably a fine book for someone with a traditional theology.
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Call number

150 Scholem


0805240829 / 9780805240825


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