Forever Amber Brown

by Paula Danziger

Ebook, 2008





Amber's life has changed dramatically: her parents are divorced, her father lives in France, her best friend has moved to another state, and now her mother must decide whether to remarry.

User reviews

LibraryThing member EmScape
Amber's mom's boyfriend, Max, asks Amber's mom to marry him. Both Amber and her mother have to decide how to feel about that. A trip to visit Justin's family in Alabama helps them decide.
Again, Danziger portrays a young girl's challenges in a very realistic manner. Amber is entertaining and real.
LibraryThing member crazy4reading
This is a very cute story. Amber Brown is a girl who is 9 years old and talks her life. Her parents are divorced and mom is thinking of getting engaged to Max. She doesn't want things to change or does she.

I found it interesting because it deals with an interesting situation that many children have
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to deal with. Some not always at a young age.
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LibraryThing member smorales
This book is perfect for a second grade thru fifth grade class. This book discusses the subject of divorce in a great way for kids. I really enjoyed reading this book where Amber Brown was dealing with change in her life when her mother's boyfriend asks her to marry him. The decision affects both
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her and her mom tremendously, and in the end they decide that they will have a new different type of family and it was a good idea that would make everyone happy.
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LibraryThing member samantha.roth
A book on how to deal with divorce and change. When Amber Brown's parents divorce her father moves away and her mother begins dating another man. Things begin to change and when her mother's boyfriend pops the question Amber deals with her feelings and how her mother's answer with affect them both.


Puffin Books (2008), Edition: Reprint, 105 pages




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