Flora's very windy day

by Jeanne Birdsall

Other authorsMatt Phelan
Paper Book, 2010



Call number

copy 2



When a big wind blows her annoying little brother away, Flora decides to save him despite the many tempting offers she gets for him from, among others, a cloud, an eagle, the man in the moon, and the wind itself.

User reviews

LibraryThing member AbigailAdams26
Flora, much put out by her younger brother Crispin, who spills her paints, gets her in trouble with her mother, and is forced upon her, when she is sent outside to play, wishes that the strong autumn wind would just blow him away! When the wind does just that, however, she sheds her heavy red
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boots, which had been anchoring her to the ground, and is borne aloft herself, grabbing hold of Crispin in mid-air, and refusing to trade him to any of the creatures - a dragonfly, a sparrow, an eagle, the man in the moon - that ask for him. Can she get him back home, though...?

This debut picture-book from Jeanne Birdsall, whose middle-grade novels devoted to the Penderwick sisters have taken the children's book world by storm, is a delightful examination of the tensions between siblings, and the frustrations and joys of being an elder sister. The text has a loose rhyming structure that works very well, and the artwork, done by the immensely talented Matt Phelan, is simply charming! There is an energy, a sense of motion, in these illustrations, and a lovely sense of color as well. I loved the scenes involving the bright autumn leaves, which is no accident, as the fall is my favorite season! Recommended to young readers who have annoying siblings, and to fans of Phelan's work.
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LibraryThing member msampsel
This book is about a girl named Flora and her relationship with her little brother. It tells the tale of Flora wanting to get rid of her brother, but learning as she goes through the story that she actually wants to keep him.
LibraryThing member eputney87
Summary; Flora and her little brother are swept up with the wind and taken on a journey. On the journey Flora realizes that although there are times when she would rather give her brother away, he is a keeper after all.

Strength: Storybook Story
This is a wonderful storybook story. It could be read
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aloud to an entire class or a book to cuddle up on the couch with your kids before bed. It is a delightful story that any child with siblings can relate to.

Use with Students: Read Aloud
This is a great book to read for a fun read aloud with the purpose of pure enjoyment.
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LibraryThing member sharmon05
One of the strongest points for this book is the fantastic illustrations. The illustrator used numerous ways to show the movement of the wind that is fascinating to the reader. There is also a strong story plot that helps this story move along. The author does a great job helping the reader
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understand Flora's true emotions about her brother without explicit explanation.
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LibraryThing member lalenaz
When Flora gets upset at her brother, Crispin, their mother asked both to go and play outside. There was a strong wind outside and Flora first had an idea of letting his brother to blow away by wind. But as she saw how many things threatening her brother, she decides to bring him back home.
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illustrations are nice in this story and contributes to the text.
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LibraryThing member silly_tine
I always love good older-sibling-younger-sibling stories, and this was no exception!
Here Flora is stuck watching her little brother, and regretting it, too.
But when trouble strikes, and Flora and her brother are caught up in the wind, perhaps Flora's brother means more to her than she realized.

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almost felt like there were one too many things going on in this book, and I would have like a little more concrete ending, but overall I loved the style and feel and creativity here, both in the story and the illustrations.
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LibraryThing member laurakurtz
This is a great book on sibling relations. Flora's younger brother Cripsin is always annoying her, and she thinks she would like to get rid of him. But then the wind takes him away and she must save him, and keep him from being taken by lonely creatures, the moon, and the wind itself. She finds in
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the end that she does love him and will keep him. The illustrations are beautiful watercolors, with lots of swirling, color, and action.
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LibraryThing member amberlanda
This was a great story. I think that the students would really enjoy it and that it would be a great book to teach about making connections because I think many students with brothers and sisters could relate to wanting their brother or sister to be carried off in the wind but in the end we would
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all realize how we really love and want our siblings around.
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LibraryThing member restock
A sister that wants nothing more than to get rid of a pesky brother. After a great deal of vivid imagry and encounters with the moon and the wind she decides to keep her brother. Very cute story.
LibraryThing member pdye
This is a very adorable book wit fabulous illustrations. it is about Flora who is bothered by her little brother but as the wind whirls them along she get many opportunities to get rid of him from the moon, a dragonfly, the rainbow, an eagle and even from the wind she chooses to keep him and take
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him home. Of course in the end when she tells mother that she brought him back from the moon the mother says "nonsense" as any mother might. She has them come in for CC cookies. I love how the picture on the last page has no words but shows them eating the cookies....never would have noticed this before this class.
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LibraryThing member copad2thing
Flora and her little brother are whisked away by a swirling and swooping wind, she gets the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to give her brother away.
LibraryThing member brikayama
I love this story about a girl who had the chance to get rid of her brother numerous times, yet she decides not to. This story centers around the unconditional love between siblings. Loved it.
LibraryThing member kirolsen
This is a story about and her little brother Crispin. When Crispin is whisp away by a very strong wind, Flora must kick off her "super-special heavy-duty red boots" so she can go on an adventure to rescue him. This is a very sweet story about an older sister and her frustration and love for her
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little brother. Flora learns that even though Crispin can be annoying, she still wants him in her life, and protects him from the various things in the sky that want to take him away. Matt Phelan's watercolors give a playful and windy feel to this story.
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LibraryThing member angelabotha
I wasn't that taken with this story. It's about a girl named Flora and her younger brother and how they get taken by the wind one day. While being blown about they meet up with some creatures who would like her brother to help them. Even the wind asks for his help but she refuses to let her brother
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go. The wind relents and takes them home.
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LibraryThing member kdirks1
This is a very sweet story with original art to go with it. I love how the girl transforms slowly from only saying mean things about her brother to worrying about him not getting chocolate chip cookies.
LibraryThing member dangerlibearian
A wee bit long, Flora must take her brother outside after making a mess in the house. Her brother blows away and she must catch him. A whole slew of animals want her brother for their very own but Flora finds the exact right spot for him-their home.
LibraryThing member dlow
I like this book, because the two children look very much like my own children. The girl is older and the boy is younger and they both have read hair. The story is about the little girl taking care of her little brother. This book would be nice to read to the class or use in a lesson about family
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and caring about siblings. It would be good to use if students in the classroom have younger siblings. The little girl is always a caregiver and even though her brother may bother her, she still loves him and takes care of him. This story teaching a great lesson and moral. This would also be a good leaway story to read to students, because you conclude it with a unit on writing a narrative about a sibling, either real or imagined. Since not all children have siblings, it could be about a child and a pet, a child and a imaginary friend, or a child and a sibling. I think great work would be create.
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LibraryThing member alyson
There are lots of books out there about a pesty younger sibling and the older child learning to appreciate them, but apparently there is room for another. Very sweet story about a brother and sister and nicely illustrated too!
LibraryThing member Vania_Coates
What beautiful illustrations this book has. The colors are vibrant and smooth, especially the wind. I feel like I can ride on the wind. Along with the beautiful illustrations, the story is a lovely one. As much as Flora wanted to be rid of her brother, she refused every offer for him and took him
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back home after their adventure. She learned how much she loves her brother despite him bugging her.
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LibraryThing member Fjola
I loved the art in this book and I found the premise very lyrical. I couldn't help being a little bored while reading it though, it's quite a bit redundant. My kid may be too old for this stuff, however if the child was much younger, the lesson about sibling love could be lost on them ...
LibraryThing member mariekagreene
Beautiful and whimsical illustrations accompany this fantastical story of a windy adventure. Both story and illustrations are heart warming
LibraryThing member sbasler
Flora is annoyed that her little brother, Crispin, spilled her paints. Her mother asks her to take him outside, and despite Flora's objection, she obeyed. It's so windy outside, that the two of them go on a journey through the sky. Different Elements offer to take her brother, but Flora decides
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that she should take her brother home.
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LibraryThing member astares
Painted with watercolors and ink, this book shows how siblings ought to look out for each other, despite them ruining artwork or what not. Flora learns this lesson as different weather characters make offers of taking her brother so he doesn't bother her anymore, yet Flora realizes she wouldn't
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want her life without him. It's a very whimsical book and is illustrated beautifully with a lot of detail and a fall color scheme. Great to read in the fall.
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LibraryThing member nicholew
We see the world through Flora’s eyes. The character Flora goes from angry to relaxed to happy, to protective. Her little brother is seen going through annoyance, and surprised, to even scared. We are able to visually see their expression and how they are reacting to what is happening in the
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story.I do feel that the concept or moral of that sometimes we may not get along with our siblings but we still love them no matter what is there in this book. I feel that this concept is a great one for all children to learn.
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LibraryThing member rleung
Flora is annoyed with her little brother and brings him out on a windy day not caring if he gets blown away. However when his brother does gets blown away, she takes off her heavy duty boots and goes to catch him, the siblings get blown away to different places such as a rainbow, meeting a hungry
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eagle, and finally to the moon and then the wind. She asks the wind to please blow them back home and so it did. Through the adventure, Flora decides she doesn't want her brother to be taken away and wants to keep him.
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New York : Clarion Books, c2010.


Physical description

27 cm


0618986766 / 9780618986767
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