The Little Red Hen (Keepsake Stories)

by Carol Ottolenghi

Ebook, 2013





A retelling of the familiar fairy tale in which the Little Red Hen, unable to get her friends to help her with her bread-making project, refuses to share the fruits of her labor.

User reviews

LibraryThing member ababe92
This is an excellent book for children to learn how to be respectful, and to help their parents with what ever they need.
LibraryThing member shelbyrae
A hen is on a farm with a lazy dog, a sleepy cat, and a noisy yellow duck, and wants to plant seeds to grow wheat and make flour and then bread. She asks for help repeatedly and never receives any until the bread is cooked and the dog, cat, and duck want to help the hen eat the bread. The
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hen says no because they didn’t help her.
Personal Reaction:
My mother read this story to me when I was little and I still love it. It is a great story proving you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You have to work for something in order to enjoy it and things in life aren’t just handed to you.
Classroom Extension Ideas:
1. The class would write a story of when they helped someone and what they got out of it.
2. I would read this story to my students on the first day of school explaining that they must work in the class in order to receive a good grade.
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LibraryThing member margo05
This book is about a hen who wanted to grow wheat so she could make bread. The Little Red Hen went and ask the farm animals who wanted to help her plant the wheat everyone she asked gave her a no. After the wheat was ready she went again and ask for help to make the wheat into flour everyone still
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said no. With every step it took to make the bread she would ask for help and always was told no. She made the bread and then the animals wanted to help her eat the bread but her answer was no because no one wanted to help with the labor of planting and making the bread.

Personal Reaction
I have always like the story it promote teamwork but not sharing. A good book for older children to discuss the importance of sharing.

Extension Ideas
1. Talk about animals on a farm.
2. Discuss what it feels like not have someone share with you.
3. Make bread and talk about how teamwork helps.
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LibraryThing member Erinhardy3
This is a book about a little hen that wants to make some bread. She wants her friends to help her make some bread. She asks her friends to help her, but they all say no. Since none of her friends helped her make the bread that little red hen did all by herself. All her friends then offered to help
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her eat the bread after she finished making it alone.

Reaction- I really liked the book and I think it will teach kids that it is good to help other people when they ask for it. It will teach them that if they do not help someone they might not get to enjoy the project after. I really think it is a good book, and I would definitely use it in my classroom

Extension- I would have the kids do a project where they needed help and have them work together to show them that working together is good team work. Another extension is I could go around the class and ask the students what they have done for each other today and if they have helped any of their classmates out.
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LibraryThing member kryoung1
The Little Red Hen goes through the story asking her "friends" to help her with different tasks. They refuse every time, until the end when it is a question of enjoying the fruits of her labor. At that point though she won't share with them since they wouldn't work for it. I understand the moral of
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the story but don't like the way that it is written. It's not my favorite book on the reward of hard work vs the consequence of laziness.
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LibraryThing member BeckyPugh
I have always loved this story. I love that Hen ask everyone for help and no one will help her. Then in the end they all think that she is going to let them partake of her yummy treat and she refuses to let them because they would not help her.
LibraryThing member dbailey25
This is one of my favorite books and favorite stories!!! My students love this book and ask for me to read over and over.


Brighter Child (2013), Edition: Bilingual, 32 pages



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