Die Lebenden und die Toten (Ein Bodenstein-Kirchhoff-Krimi, Band 7)

by Nele Neuhaus

Paperback, 2015



Call number




Ullstein Taschenbuch (2015), 560 pages


Police Detective Pia Kirchhoff is about to leave on her long-delayed honeymoon when she receives a phone call. An elderly woman has been shot and killed while walking her dog. A short while later another murder is committed and the modus operandi is eerily similar - a woman is killed by a bullet that smashes through her kitchen window ... and in both cases the same weapon fired the shot. Two more murders follow in short order. None of the victims had enemies and no one knows why they were singled out. As fear of the Taunus Sniper grows among the local residents, the pressure rises on Detective Kirchhoff. She and her partner, Oliver von Bodenstein, search for a suspect who appears to murder at will, but as the investigation progresses, the police officers uncover a human tragedy. I am Your Judge is tightly plotted, and delivers surprise twists at every turn with a story that is ripped from the headlines.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Olivermagnus
This is the fourth book in the police procedural series featuring Pia Kirchhoff/Oliver von Bodenstein series by German author Nele Neuhaus. Pia is just about to go on her honeymoon with new husband, Christian, when a sniper kills a woman out walking her dog. Her boss, Oliver, is unavailable so she
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decides to fill in for him until he can get to the crime scene. Before long a second woman is assassinated. Margarethe Rudolf was making Christmas cookies in her kitchen with her granddaughter, when a shot comes through her kitchen window, killing her immediately. Pia struggles with deciding whether to stay to help with the case or go on her honeymoon. Additional shootings take place and the sniper sends obituaries to the victims' family, leaving obscure clues. The family members all have secrets, which makes the motive difficult to discover. In addition, many of the team are missing from a horrible flu that's running rampant through the police station.

This book has an extremely complex plot and readers unfamiliar with the intricacies of German names might have a problem with a slowing down of the suspense. The discussion of the evidence goes on a bit repetitively too. The translated series has been published out of order but I didn't feel like it was detrimental to the story line. I would still recommend reading one of the earlier books to familiarize yourself with the characters since most of them appear in all of the books. If you like your mystery novels deep and complex, you will absolutely enjoy I Am Your Judge.
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LibraryThing member pgchuis
A police procedural set in Frankfurt, translated reasonably well, although there were a few odd turns of phrase. This seems to be one of a series, which perhaps goes some way to explaining the convoluted relationships everyone seemed to be involved in; all the characters seemed to be on their
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second marriages and regarded their children as an inconvenience.

I enjoyed it for the most part, although there were far too many doctors with varying roles for me to keep them apart in my mind. It went on too long as well and the body count was pretty high. The ending was (despite the epilogue) confusing to me:


What exactly was Hartig's involvement? Why did Thomsen keep secrets and then suddenly divulge them all? Why did Erik's version of his mother's death have him and Helen discover her collapsed and then use her phone to call an ambulance, when the plot required Helen to have asked Renate to call the emergency services for them and her forget to do so? - This led me to assume that Erik was implicated in some way.

Ultimately it was just too convoluted and there were just too many threads of wrong doing at the hospital (none of which I believed could really go on in Germany in the 21st century).

I don't think I'll read any more of these.
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LibraryThing member cathyskye
I've read other books in the Kirchhoff and von Bodenstein series and have enjoyed them for the two main characters and the books' plots. Once again, author Nele Neuhaus has created a really good storyline that takes a lot of deduction to put everything together, and it's one in which readers
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witness the sacrifices dedicated police officers often have to make in their personal lives, but-- ultimately-- I Am Your Judge just was not my cup of tea.

My reasons for this are mostly subjective, beginning with the title. I am a contrary soul, and when someone tells me point blank that he/she is my judge, I beg to differ. In addition, one of the storylines that I do not care for at all is the one in which the sins of the fathers are visited upon their children. I say, if you have a serious problem with your father and think he needs to die, then kill him, don't kill someone who doesn't have a thing to do with the situation. As you can see, Neuhaus did get a firm grip on my emotions with her plot and her killer, but it wasn't necessarily in a good way. It also didn't help that this book suffers from too much middle and could easily have lost around one hundred pages to tighten it up and heighten the suspense.

Yes, my dislike of this book is mainly subjective, so keep this in mind when you're trying to decide whether or not to read it. Your hot buttons may not be the same as mine.
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LibraryThing member abendsternchen84
Mit die Lebenden und die Toten erschien der 7. Fall mit den Kommissaren Oliver von Bodenstein und Pia Kirchhoff. Pia, die vor kurzen heimlich ihren Lebensgefährten Christoph Sander geheiratet hat, befindet sich in Urlaub und steht kurz davor in die Flitterwochen zu starten. Durch einen Anruf wird
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sie jedoch abgehalten. Kurz vor Weihnachten 2012 wurde in der Nähe von Eschborn eine weibliche ältere Leiche gefunden. Hinweise zu einem Täter gibt es nicht. Oliver von Bodenstein und Pia Kirchhoff nehmen die Ermittlungen auf, als kurz darauf ein weitere Mord begangen wird. Auf den ersten Blick gibt es zu den beiden Toten keine Gemeinsamkeiten. Feinde schienen beide auch keine zu haben, oder vielleicht doch? Es wird nach einen Sniper gefahndet der sich selbst der Richter nennt. Im Laufe der Ermittlungen stoßen die beiden auf eine große Tragödie um Transplantationen.

Nach den ersten Seiten war ich bei diesem Taunuskrimi wieder in den Bann gezogen. Die Geschichte war sehr spannend geschrieben und man wusste lange nicht wer der Täter war. Einige Male führte Nele Neuhaus den Leser in die falsche Richtung und man dachte jetzt weiß man wer der Täter ist. Doch dann las man weiter und merkte das man mit seiner Vermutung anscheinend doch nicht richtig lag.

Die Beschreibungen der Orte sind sehr gut und anschaulich gelungen. Man fühlte sich, als sei man direkt dabei. Auch die Personen mit ihren Emotionen, ihren Ängsten, ihren Zweifeln wurden passend beschrieben.

Das Cover finde ich auch sehr gut gelungen. Die tiefroten Blutstropfen und der dunkle Wolkenhimmel ergeben schon einige schaurige Stimmung.

Ganze 2 Jahre musste man auf die Fortsetzung der Taunuskrimis warten und ich wurde mit keiner Seite enttäuscht. Nele Neuhaus hat auch hier wieder einen spannenden und fesselnden Krimi geschaffen.

5 von 5 Sterne
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LibraryThing member fizzypops
I love this author, and I love the characters Pia and Oliver. They're great stories. But...this one was too chilling for my taste. I hesitate to use the word gratuitous but it's on the tip of my tongue. When I finished this book, I felt that the author had been cruel. An unusual feeling.
LibraryThing member Ameise1
Detective Inspector Pia Kirchhoff is actually on her way to her honeymoon, but a mysterious murder case makes her stay at home. An elderly lady is shot in the head at long range while walking her dog. What at first seems like a big mystery soon turns out to be a serial killer who has an agenda as
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an 'avenger'. Kirchhoff and her colleague von Bodenstein are always one step behind the murderer during their investigations. The underlying theme is organ donation and how some doctors deal with it.
Another very exciting crime thriller by Nele Neuhaus, which I can highly recommend.
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Original publication date

2016 [English: Murray]

Physical description

560 p.; 4.72 inches


354828776X / 9783548287768


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