Das Haus der Harmonie : Roman

by Barbara Wood

Other authorsVerena C. Harksen (Übersetzer)
Paperback, 2000



Call number



Fischer (2000), Edition: 1., 525 pages


A thriller spanning two time zones and two central characters. Beginning in the 1920s, Mei-Ling is the daughter of a Chinese mother and American father. But when their marriage fails, she is sent to America for a better life and struggles to make a living by selling herbal remedies. Her precarious income is threatened when a competitor steals her secrets and during the ensuing row, there is a death. The companies fight for survival in the courts and Mei-Ling wins, going on to expand the business into the internationally successful Harmony Biotech. In the present-day, Charlotte is the head of Harmony Biotech. Her life has been threatened, her housekeeper's house burned down and three of her colleagues know why. Charlotte is in love with her childhood friend, Jonathan, but though he loves her too, he is married. Through his genius with computers, he tracks down her e-mail stalker and uncovers a family secret that goes back to Mei-Ling's lover and, en route, they find a path for their love.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member DVerdecia
So, I read the story in its entirety. So much potential and yet.....

This is a story of family and all that comes with it. The good ,the bad and the ugly. Charlotte Lee is the head of a very prominent and powerful biotech company called Harmony House. She is very rich, she has everything anyone can
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want, and somethings no one wants, like a crazed maniac setting her up to take the wrap for 3 murders due to lethal doses of her company's produced medicines. We come to find that there are two families involved, the Lee family and the powerful Barclays. The company employs family members from both sides and it is a rollercoaster ride to find out who the reall killer will be.

In comes the wild card. His name is Jonathan. A self made computer hacker, genius, to help Charlotte save the day. With the main story carrying most of the book, we find many little stories. Jonathan and Charlotte are/were and are again lovers. We dive into the Barclay liniage, we dive into the Lee liniage. And all the pieces magically come together at the end......sort of.

On the plus side, Barbara Wood did a decent job explaining all the computer references and the technology. I felt she did an excellent job with the old world traditional Chinese mysticism and conservative values. She inspired me to look into Feng Shi for our new home.

What I did not like about the book is mostly the flashbacks. If this were ever made into a movie, heaven help the script writer who needs to make sense of all of the flashbacks. It took Barbara Wood half the book to set everything up because of all the flashbacks. Predicting what time zone you are in, in this book, is difficult. Charlotte could be making a cup of tea and there would be a flashback, she would be prepared to put sugar in the tea and there would be a completely different flashback. If you were looking at this book on the big screen you would get retinal damage from all the white flashes they would need to put up.

I found the end to be kind of cheesy as well. While I would not give away the ending (for those who may want to read it and want to formulate their own opinion), it reminded me of a line from the movie "Murder by Death" where Lionel Twain stated near the end that readers were sick of reading these mystery novels where characters "were introduced in the last 5 chapters that were never even in the book before." I also thought that Barbara Wood's piecing of the family liniages in this book were iffy at best. I mean, I could hear the cheesy soundtrack going "dant dant dant" when one of the characters admitted that they have kept the family secret for years and "I am not your grandmother, I am really your mother."

I would suggest that Ms. Wood stick to making sure the ties that bind in her stories don't include the love scenes either. OK, so I am a guy and nothing was blown up in this book (well almost nothing, there was a warehouse that caught on fire) and you would think that I am the sterotypical "what's all this mushy love and romance stuff anyway." But I do enjoy a good romance novel, when it is done right. The romantic interludes and explinations in this book were very predictable. You saw the longing and the heartbreak coming for miles.

So in closing I thought this book had a good premise and good potential. It intriqued me enough to stick through it even though my wife Choclaholic had to be a witness to some of periods of disgust. However, the characters were weak. Their relationship with each other was even weaker. It took this side of forever to get things going, and I can safely say that you can see the end of this novel every day on "All My Children" (no offense to those who like the soap opera, its just that this book is as predictable).
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Original publication date


Physical description

524 p.; 7.56 inches


3596147832 / 9783596147830


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