Silence Lectures and Writings by John Cage

by John Cage

Paperback, 1966



Call number



The M.I.T. Press (1966), Edition: First MIT Paperback edition


John Cage is the outstanding composer of avant-garde music today. The Saturday Review said of him: "Cage possesses one of the rarest qualities of the true creator- that of an original mind- and whether that originality pleases, irritates, amuses or outrages is irrelevant." "He refuses to sermonize or pontificate. What John Cage offers is more refreshing, more spirited, much more fun-a kind of carefree skinny-dipping in the infinite. It's what's happening now." -;The American Record Guide "There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot. Sounds occur whether intended or not; the psychological turning in direction of those not intended seems at first to be a giving up of everything that belongs to humanity. But one must see that humanity and nature, not separate, are in this world together, that nothing was lost when everything was given away."… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Lacy.Simons
i once had a dream that i found a hardcover john cage book in a used bookstore, and the moment i picked it up, i felt a profound, beyond bone-deep sense that this was The One, The Book. it was one of the most comforting dreams i've ever woken from.

a year or so later, i found 'silence' in a pile of
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books i was sorting through at the used bookstore where i worked at the time, and i felt a little thrill...

not quite The One, but i'm holding onto it anyway.
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LibraryThing member jruthe2
If you're interested in contemporary art or experimental music, this book is a necessity. It's only a collection of essays, I often just open it up and read a random piece of writing. I have yet to be let down. It is both intrigueing and eye-opening.

Original publication date


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8.2 inches
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