Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life

by Philip Jose Farmer

Ebook, 2013



Call number



Altus Press (2013), 288 pages


A biography of Doc Savage, the golden giant who fought his way valiantly through 181 adventures in his fight against crime.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kurvanas
This is a wonderful fictional biography. For a long time it was the only thing available about Doc Savage. As a child reading this text was an eye opener. It did two things: 1) Made me realize that everyone else was just as fascinated by Doc Savage, his adventures, and inventions; 2) Confused me
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into believing this was a real biography, not a literary game. Both things truly helped me in life though and opened up my literary eyes. My hat is off to Farmer for such an ingenius creation. A great read on many levels which I reread every few years just for pleasure.
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