The Well of the Unicorn

by Fletcher Pratt

Ebook, 2018



Call number



Reading Essentials (2018), 430 pages


Robbed of lands and heritage by the rapacious Vulkings, young Airar Alvarson had only his limited gift for sorcery to aid him against a world of savage intrigues. Then he met a mysterious sorcerer and was given a strange iron ring -- a ring that led him into a futile conspiracy and soon had him fleeing for his life. Driven by enchantments and destiny, he found himself leading a band of warriors against the mighty empire of the Vulkings. With him was a warrior maid who mocked him while she sought to serve by fair means or foul. Then he met the Imperial Princess who preached the peace of the Well but it soon became apparent she would bring him only turmoil and strife!

User reviews

LibraryThing member nymith
When people think of the early fore-bearers to modern fantasy, Tolkien and his contemporary Lewis leap to mind. Their success overshadowed other contemporaries, now forgotten and overlooked. Fletcher Pratt among them (as proven by the fact that the recent reprint I own has a picture of Tolkien's
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world on the cover).

Shameful, especially since The Well of the Unicorn stands alone as an individual story.

After Airar Alvarson is evicted from his homestead, he falls into the company of the sinister magician Meliboe, who requests he take a message to a group of conspirators in the city of Naaros. The conspirators have plans to overthrow the Vulking rule, which slowly strangles the land with heavy taxes and slaves. Airar finds himself swept up in the campaign, and the setbacks, hardship, plans, arguments, battles and successes that follow.

It took a fair few chapters to get started, this novel. The writing style is slightly archaic and stilted, and many characters and places are introduced in the beginning that are hard to keep track of. But soon enough, the good begins to outweigh the bad.

For a fantasy novel, there is very little actual magic involved in the story; cameos from sea-demons and a grotesque worm, the spells that both Meliboe and Airar cast (and whose effects are felt rather than seen), and the ever-mentioned Well of the title, that "grants peace to all who drink there." Though it may not be a peace others would wish for...

The story is mostly a detailed world (rest assured, you will definitely need the map included!) and a campaign with a wide cast of characters. On the level of story and world, I'd be hard pressed to name a more sensible novel than this. Fletcher Pratt was a historian as well as a novelist, and that is clear throughout the book. The world is based on medieval Scandanavia, detailed and minutely thought out. I'm not one who finds war scenarios very interesting, but I got so wrapped up in this story that the siege of Os Erigu became a page-turner.

On another level, this story works because it is character-driven and human. I know I'll not soon forget the rough-mannered, quick-tempered Star-Captains of Carrhoene, or the rash but loyal Rogai, forever changing his tune. But the real star is Meliboe, who defies the public image of the gray-bearded enchanter by being philosophical, laid-back and helpful while acting under ambiguous morals and never failing to come across as utterly sinister.

The third level of this story, after the fully realised world and plot, and the human aspect of the characters, is the philosophical undertones. Many times in this novel, when Airar has a question about right and wrong or the consequences of some action taken, he turns to Meliboe. Other moments abound, as the characters talk amongst themselves often. It is hard to pinpoint this third level in any way. It's simply there, and it made me think.

If it wasn't for all the characters, the other aspects by themselves would make for a dry read. But the people inhabiting this world are realistic, with many levels to them. And they defy some expectations; Airar is lucky and clear-headed, he's a good judge of people, but he does not have all the answers. Battle plans are often come up with by others and so it feels that he is fallible. Airar may be the hero, but he does not hold all the cards, which is quite refreshing.

One flaw does appear at the climax. Various characters and plot threads are not tied off properly, and the last few chapters have a rushed feeling that disappointed me. Some issues were perfectly handled, but there were many that did not come full circle as I had hoped and the ending was a little abrubt.

Despite that, this is a fine example of the fantasy genre, more serious and mature than most I've come across. It turned out to be a real page-turner once I became acquainted with the cast and the narrative. To me, this is unfairly forgotten and I'm glad it's back in print at long last.
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LibraryThing member antiquary
This is my father's first edition of the novel by Fletcher Pratt, originally published as by George U. Fletcher,. I regard it as one of the greatest fantasy novels of the pre-LOTR era. It begins with young Airar being taxed out of the family homestead by the oppressive Vulkings, and ends with Airar
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emerging as the successful leader of a revolt against the Vulkings, Duke of Dalarna in his own right and husband of an imperial princess. The world in which this takes place is meticulously detailed, and the plot owes something to the career of Gustav I Vasa of Sweden, though the technology and social structure is more late medieval than eary modern (no guns), and some of the cultures are more ancient than medieval --the Vulkings themselves are in some ways a negative reflection of the Romans, while the Carrhoene mercenaries suggest classical Greek aristocrats --but somehow it all fits together very smoothly. Pratt provides a back history linking his story to Dunsany's King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior (Argimenes is said to be an ancestor of the imperial dynasty of Pratt's society) but the "feel" of Dunsany's play is more a slightly satirtc version of a Biblical kingdom, complete with prophet, while Pratt's as noted has a later feel. Pratt's stry also has significant philosophical depth; the sacred well never appears 'on stage' but all the tals about it somehow suggest the peace and love that drinking from it provides are somehow less than what is promised; also, the magic which Airar (as a beginner) and his would-be patron Meliboe (as a master) sometimes practice is always difficult to do and often has unpredictable negative effects.
One bonus te frst editi0n has whch later b reprints lack is that while bit versions ave an overall map of the world, the first edition has little close-up maps of the scene of each chapte
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LibraryThing member electrascaife
A young man is dispossessed of his family land and sets out to seek his fortune, then gets caught up in a war between a mean king and his overtaxed and unhappy subjects. He's a wizard, sort of, and 'helps' in that way, and then becomes a leader in the war.
Yeah, this one was pretty awful. The
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characters have absolutely no dimension whatsoever, and the plot of the rebellion and war is set out in absolutely painful dead-horse-beating detail. Just, NOPE.
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LibraryThing member DinadansFriend
An anti-Magic Nordic style fantasy. It was remarkable to those seeking in Fantasy a world that was simple and clearly formed of good and Evil. Very grown up, and made me a Pratt fan, when I could find it.
LibraryThing member gmenchen
Really first rate fantasy; it should be better known. I think the cover by the Brothers Hildebrandt does not do the book justice; the cover seems appropriate for a juvenile fantasy, which this is not. There is a blurb on the front cover from Lester del Rey that this is "The best epic fantasy every
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written". That may be a big strong but its certainly in the same league as the best.
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