Under the Hill, or The Story of Venus and Tannhauser...

by Aubrey and Glassco Beardsley, John

Book, 1959



Call number



Grove Press, Inc., New York (1959), Hardcover


Left unfinished at Beardsley's death, this re-telling of the old legend is a witty account of Tannhasuer's visit to the glamorous pleasure palace of Venus. It combines Beardsley's fascination for abandoning oneself to sexual pleasure and his love of the artificial and exotic. This edition contains illustrations by the author and was completed in 1959 by the poet John Glassco.

User reviews

LibraryThing member AliceAnna
Just didn't do much for me. High-brow erotica? What's the point? To me, it was too formalized to be erotic and just came across as slightly silly.
LibraryThing member Randy_Hierodule
An effervescent amuse-bouche (recipe within!) for anyone with a palate for Firbank, Pasti, Wilmot, Wittkop, Petronius, Aretino, Suetonius. Not for the burger and fries crowd. Clearly.

Original publication date

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