Salario, prezzo e profitto

by Karl Marx

Paper Book, 1949



Call number




Mosca, Edizioni in lingue estere


CONTENTS: Preliminary Production and Wages Production, Wages, Profits Wages and Currency Supply and Demand Wages and Prices Value and Labour Labouring Power Production of Surplus Value Value of Labour Profit Is Made by Selling a Commodity at its Value The Different Parts into Which Surplus Value Is Decomposed General Relation of Profits, Wages and Prices Main Cases of Attempts at Raising Wages or Resisting Their Fall The Struggle Between Capital and Labour and its Results Notes

User reviews

LibraryThing member the.ken.petersen
These little books are invaluable in grasping the meaning of Marx's political philosophy.

I was surprised by the readability of the work. I have read Capital twice, and need to give it a third 'bash' to take its full offering. This little tome was no easy read, but is willing to give up its
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knowledge more readily.

Strongly recommende.
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