The end of the myth : from the frontier to the wall in the mind of America

by Greg Grandin

Paper Book, 2019



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New York : Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2019.


"From a Pulitzer Prize finalist, a new and eye-opening interpretation of the meaning of the frontier, from early westward expansion to Trump's border wall. Ever since this nation's inception, the idea of an open and ever-expanding frontier has been central to American identity. Symbolizing a future of endless promise, it was the foundation of the United States' belief in itself as an exceptional nation--democratic, individualistic, forward-looking. Today, though, America has a new symbol: the border wall. In The End of the Myth, acclaimed historian Greg Grandin explores the meaning of the frontier throughout the full sweep of U.S. history--from the American Revolution to the War of 1898, the New Deal to the election of 2016. For centuries, he shows, America's constant expansion--fighting wars and opening markets--served as a "gate of escape," helping to deflect domestic political and economic conflicts outward. But this deflection meant that the country's problems, from racism to inequality, were never confronted directly. And now, the combined catastrophe of the 2008 financial meltdown and our unwinnable wars in the Middle East have slammed this gate shut, bringing political passions that had long been directed elsewhere back home. It is this new reality, Grandin says, that explains the rise of reactionary populism and racist nationalism, the extreme anger and polarization that catapulted Trump to the presidency. The border wall may or may not be built, but it will survive as a rallying point, an allegorical tombstone marking the end of American exceptionalism"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member rivkat
Intellectual history of the idea of the frontier and the collapse of American self-confidence in the infinite extensibility of American power. I didn’t learn much from it.
LibraryThing member willszal
When I first heard about this book it took a little while for me to pick it up, as I feel a little burnt out on immigration and issues of the border wall with Mexico. Since Trump's election there's news about this every week much of it depressing. I eventually did get around to it, and am glad I
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The title of the book is a little misleading in its vagueness. The key word here is "frontier."

The book begins with the conquest of the Americas. Apparently one contributing factor to the Revolutionary War was the Crown's prohibition on Westward Expansion past the Allegheny mountains. Treaties had left Native Americans with the vast majority of America, and the French and Spanish with other significant portions. The Crown thought the Colonies where enough, and didn't want to continue the expansionary trend in this region.

A little after these revelations, Gradin employs the simile of the frontier being like a "safety value," which ensured that America could remain a place without significant internal tensions (between different races, between different religions, between different social strata). This simile was also used in the South—white men could rape black women at will so that the white southern women could remain pristine and cultured. This concept of frontier as safety valve is the myth to which the title refers.

I've been hearing the term "genocide" used to describe Anglo relations with Native Americans for quite some time now. Yet, for the first time, Grandin has left me wondering about the ways in which our relations with Native Americans informed the Third Reich's genocide of the Jews. The two extermination campaigns only differ in degree of technological efficiency, not in quality nor in ethic. This is a thought worth pondering.

Grandin opens with the question—is Trump's racism, nationalism, and misogyny endemic and descriptive of the American spirit, or its antithesis? This question is overly polarizing; by the end of the book, it is clear that the answer is both. Globalism and nationalism have been two dominant trends in US history, and both are accurate descriptors to the arc we've taken.

Ta-Nehisi Coates posits that racism is essential and foundational to American culture. I am neither convinced nor compelled by Coates' fatalistic and pessimistic conclusions. But I have been swayed by Grandin's narrative; I think I would agree that one aspect of the essence of the American spirit is racism. I'm not sure yet where to go from here.

As an aside—as Naomi Klein has also been calling out recently, the environmentalist movement has always had multiple factions, including an anti-human faction and a racist faction. I am an environmentalist, and I would not identify as being part of either of these camps. That said, I can see how "race realist" narrative sometimes converge with environmental rhetoric.
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LibraryThing member muddyboy
A really well researched and written look at American History from Revolutionary times till the near present with all its warts. A major theme is how racism unified and fueled our countries' westward expansion over the years as well as our long tradition of wars against countries with dark skinned
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people after the West was fully settled. Major emphasis was placed on the lasting writings of historical author Frederick Jackson Turner. A must read for any true historian.
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LibraryThing member larryerick
Yes, this book was written by a history professor, but it does not read like a typical history book, and certainly not like a school textbook. Despite a bit too much academia wording in the early going, for me, it read much more like a long -- okay, extra long -- magazine article in something like
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The Atlantic or The New Yorker. The author has a point to make about the United States, its very lengthy infatuation with the "frontier" and how the lack and/or significant changes in what the frontier is, at any given time in history, has led the country to, well, walls. Heading out to the "frontier" to get away from other folks and find happiness has now transitioned to putting up walls to keep away from those folks we could just leave behind before, with the promise that the pot of gold was waiting for us when got there. Yes, I'm oversimplifying. The author really brings out a lot of reasons to support his conclusion, much of which will get questioning responses from both sides of the political spectrum -- the Right will just call it lies -- but, trust me, I've read enough from numerous other sources to know he isn't making these things up. For example, Heather Cox Richardson's recent book, How the South Won the Civil War, is a good parallel piece, covering westward expansion of the United States in some very similar ways, if not exactly going for the same conclusions. I wish the phrasing the author took didn't match so well or so often with that of pundits more inclined to pull the wool over readers eyes, but the facts I already knew allowed me to trust him more than I might have otherwise to get all the way to end. I think a lot of readers will gain insight to America's history that they might not have had otherwise. Important insights. But that will only happen to those who are open-minded enough to realize how much our history has been packaged and sold for particular consumption. For example, how can a person who notoriously directed significant harm to major groups of people of color, end up be honored with his picture on some of America's most commonly held currency. Great marketing, I guess.
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LibraryThing member stevesbookstuff
Greg Grandin's Pulitzer Prize winning The End of the Myth is a masterful history, and is worthy of every American's attention.

Even before the United States was founded the original British colonies had undefined western borders. When the colonies went to war with Britain and the new nation was
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formed, it began with internal tensions and dichotomies - the largest dichotomy being the proclamations both that all men are created equal, and that one man could own another.

Grandin's book shows how the open frontier acted as a safety valve to externalize the internal conflicts of the nation outward to the frontier. Once the frontier finally ended at the border those conflicts have turned inward on America and are the basis for the tensions in the country today.

I have to say that I thought I understood American history before reading this book, but it is clear to me now that I did not. The War with Mexico, and the later Spanish-American war always seemed like such small pieces of the story. But in Grandin's telling they loom much larger, and help explain some of the Trumpian tensions in America today.

This book is a must read for anyone who has struggled to understand where Trumpism has come from, or who hopes it will "just go away" now that Trump is out of office. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member steve02476
Muddled my way through the introduction, not very impressed, but decided to give the book a try anyway.

But the first two sentences of the first chapter:

“The British colonies in North America were conceived in expansion. America was an aspiration, an errand, and an obligation, born out of
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violent Christlan schism and Europe's interminable religious and ímperial conflicts.”

I read through the rest of the first paragraph - it didn’t get any better. OK this sounds like crap to me, sorry. “..,an aspiration, an errand, and an obligation” - is that really supposed to mean something or is it just an attempt to sound poetic?

This book got a good review in the NYT last month: “fine, elegantly written.” The author is a Yale professor of history. I’m a high school dropout with a GED and a CS degree from a crappy college. So, odds are the fault is with me, not the book.

I guess I’ll just leave it as another case of “not my kinda book.”

PS- After writing this I leafed through the rest of the book. I didn’t see anything else that bugged me the way the first paragraph of the first chapter did. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Someday. I dunno.
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LibraryThing member spounds
Started slow. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to understand it. It built in intensity and got easier and easier to read--and made me more uneasy. I learned a lot about the border and about US policy in both Democratic and Republican adminstrations. NAFTA was a huge mistake. Everything is
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scarier now.
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LibraryThing member RickGeissal
This was a very interesting & readable book by an actual historian that defines the frontier, describes how Americans have used the term "frontier," and asserts how Americans have imagined various meanings and qualities included in the term.


National Book Award (Longlist — Nonfiction — 2019)
Pulitzer Prize (Winner — General Non-Fiction — 2020)


Original publication date



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