The destructionists : the twenty-five year crack-up of the Republican Party

by Dana Milbank

Paper Book, 2022



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New York : Doubleday, 2022.


"A scathing history of twenty-five years of Republican attempts to hold on to political power by any means necessary, by a hugely popular Washington Post political columnist"--

User reviews

LibraryThing member pomo58
The Destructionists by Dana Milbank is an in-depth look at the step-by-step attack on democracy by the Republican party, with extensive notes for those who always scream "fake news." Nothing fake here, people, except the faux-patriotism of the right wingnuts.

It is amazing to read this and realize
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just how many of the vile things the right has done has become normalized by the sheer frequency with which they lie and destroy. There are quotes here (documented) that will make those who don't remember the events very well shudder. The number of times these people scream about others allegedly doing what they themselves are in fact doing. The hypocrisy on display in today's GOP started with Gingrich. I'm not talking about the usual selective arguments both parties used to use to try to sway voters. I mean out and out lies, which they know are lies, that serve no purpose beyond gaining/maintaining power and destroying democracy.

Everyone needs to read this. Those not drinking the Kool-Aid will get angry. Those who have sipped the Kool-Aid hopefully will see how they have been and are being played. And those who guzzle the Kool-Aid will at least be presented with evidence about just how vile they are.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
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LibraryThing member mldavis2
Milbank is a long time writer for the Washington Post. In this chronology dating back twenty five years, he follows the destructive path of the Republican party into today's "alternate facts," misinformation and lies in an attempt to seize and maintain control as a minority party. Well documented,
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this book will not likely be read by Trump and GOP supporters because it lays open the techniques so efficiently used to confuse unwary voters, and the end result in the coup attempt to overturn a free and fair election.

If nothing else, this should provide a wake-up call for those who are undecided or on the fence regarding the possibility of election fraud. The U.S. democracy is at great risk at the hands of those who would seek to gain power by outright lies or force.
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LibraryThing member bujeya
A terrifying analysis of how the Republican party has systematically undermined democratic norms in the USA since the early 1980's.




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