Hero of two worlds : the Marquis de Lafayette and the Age of Revolution

by Mike Duncan

Paper Book, 2021



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New York : PublicAffairs, 2021.


"Few in history can match the breadth and depth of the revolutionary career of the Marquis de Lafayette. Over fifty incredible years at the heart of the Age of Revolution, he fought as one with righteous revolutionaries on both sides of the Atlantic. As an idealistic and courageous teenager serving in the American Revolution, he used his considerable wealth and savvy to help the Americans defeat the British. Then he returned home, and was a principal player in the French Revolution. And in his final act, at seventy years old, he was instrumental in the dramatic overthrow of the Bourbon Dynasty during the Revolution of 1830. All the while, he never wavered from the principles he had written into the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789: That men are born and remain free and equal, deserving of liberty, property, safety, freedom of speech, and the ability to resist oppression. Through this age of revolutionary upheaval, Lafayette remained unshakably committed to the principles he had outlined. From the time that he was an enthusiastic 19-year-old to the time he was a world-weary 74-year-old, his resolve never wavered. As the saying goes, if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. The contemporary relevance and the life and times of the Marquis de Lafayette have never been more relevant. Today, the values codified and practiced by Lafayette are increasingly taken for granted and our society has grown complacent about their supposedly immutable and permanent force. His life is thus the story of where we came from-and what we stand to lose if we abandon the ideals for which he fought"--… (more)

Media reviews

Most readers of The Wall Street Journal will recognize Lafayette by name. One of the few non-Americans counted among the heroes of the Revolution, dozens of American towns, counties and streets are named for him. But what of the niceties of the Marquis’s eventful life, spanning 1757 to 1834?
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Those who take up Mike Duncan’s comprehensive, birth-to-death biography will find this French-born nobleman, soldier and statesman to be a fascinating and paradoxical character. Fusing revolutionary energy with a tendency to seek moderation, even compromise, he was as extraordinary as the times in which he lived.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member jetangen4571
biography, American-rev-war, French-revolution, France, friendship, family-dynamics, colonial-America, heroism, disgrace, historical-figures, historical-places-events, historical-research, history-and-culture*****

This man of principles at every age was shaped by his environment as well as his
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choices. The publisher's blurb is a good overview of this *warts and all* biography. I found the writing style to be quite engaging and not at all the dry (and often misogynistic) manner commonly used regarding historical personages. Shame on me as a former American Rev War re-enactor that I had not known the man's first name before now (Gilbert) nor had any notion of what the man did after leaving the western hemisphere. Of course I learned a lot, but I am surprised to relate that I really enjoyed reading this book!
I requested and received a free ebook copy from Perseus Books, PublicAffairs via NetGalley. Thank you!
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LibraryThing member santhony
I’ve read scores of biographies over the years. Many times, such biographies are the best way to study the history of an event or era. The Marquis de Lafayette is certainly deserving of study, and doing so provides good insight into the Revolutionary War relationship between the United States and
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France, a key, and ultimately deciding factor in the American victory.

This biography covers all the bases and as a result is a good source. My biggest complaint is the incredibly informal writing style of the author. In one paragraph, he explains, “Lafayette screwed up.” Screwed up? According to the author, Marie Antoinette “hated Lafayette’s guts.” Such writing is jarring when encountered in the midst of a serious scholarly work.
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LibraryThing member hhornblower
I highly readable account of a very driven individual. The writing a very conversational (occasionally a bit too conversational) and enjoyable. I really enjoyed his perspective of the French Revolution and Lafayette's role in it.
LibraryThing member NKillham
Duncan's biography of the Marquis/General Lafayette is interesting, informative, and well researched. The book's structure is that of 3 parts; the first detailing Lafayette's youth and actions in the American Revolution, the second, his time during the French Revolution, and finally his years
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during the Napoleonic Era, Bourbon Restoration, and finally the July Revolution. Within these sections each chapter gives a decently contextual breakdown of the historical events of the time (each chapter corresponding with certain years). This is followed by the accounts of Lafayette's actions and details regarding the personal thoughts of Lafayette, his family, and others connected to him as pulled as told from letters researched for the book. What makes this cycle of historical breakdowns and recollections stand out from other biographies is that peppered throughout the narrative Duncan inserts his own analysis and summary of events. These analysis are short, usually only a few words long, and use language that is informal as it is blunt. I believe it is the briefs blurbs from Duncan that create a unique style that lets the book be more approachable, more easily consumed, and all while constructing a compelling and concise narrative that is rather enjoyable to read. I would recommend "The Hero of Two Worlds" to anyone interested in The Revolutionary Period of the late 18th and early 19th century and look forward to another biography by Duncan if he so chooses to write one similar to this.
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