Foundation and Earth

by Isaac Asimov

Paperback, 2004



Call number



Spectra (2004), Mass Market Paperback, 528 pages


The fifth novel in Asimov''s popular Foundation series opens with second thoughts. Councilman Golan Trevize is wondering if he was right to choose a collective mind as the best possible future for humanity over the anarchy of contentious individuals, nations and planets. To test his conclusion, he decides he must know the past and goes in search of legendary Earth, all references to which have been erased from galactic libraries. The societies encountered along the way become arguing points in a book-long colloquy about man''s fate, conducted by Trevize and traveling companion Bliss, who is part of the first world/mind, Gaia.

Media reviews

Mr. Asimov has failed to integrate the necessary background into the current action in a way that can make sense to a new reader (as he did so deftly in ''Foundation's Edge'' and ''Robots and Empire''). Worse, he is too busy referring the reader to positions staked out in the earlier books to
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create fresh sources of dramatic tension. In his younger days, when he chronicled the decline and fall of the Galactic Empire through plots borrowed from Roman history, he tagged his narratives with playful quotations from the ''Encyclopedia Galactica.'' Now he seems to be treating his own corpus of work as the stuff of history. His characters are so conscious of their awesome responsibilities that they lack spontaneity. As eager as I am to know what Mr. Asimov has in store for the galaxy, I hope that he continues this project out of real conviction and not merely from habit or a sense of obligation. I would prefer a few loose ends to a series of backward-looking sequels.
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1 more
Does the Foundation series really end here? Near the end of the novel, we are given a clue to what may be yet to come. An idiosyncrasy of Asimov's Foundation/Robot universe has always been that mankind has expanded into an empty and almost lifeless galaxy with no intelligent aliens, a galaxy where
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men and the robots are the only intelligent life forms. Now we receive a hint that there may be intelligent alien life in other galaxies and that mankind and these aliens may be destined to meet. Isaac Asimov is an amazingly prolific writer, and he has been well rewarded for his recent efforts. I would not want to bet that "Foundation and Earth" is really the conclusion of the Foundation series.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member invisiblelizard
I've been reading the Foundation books recently, starting with Foundation through Earth—NB: I haven't gotten to the prequels, yet, and after this one I'm not sure if I will—and this is the weakest of them so far. For Asimov fans, it's worth reading just to see where he wanted to end up, but
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it's frankly a weaker book than the others. Which can be forgiven. Asimov was getting old when he wrote this and had already suffered the heart attack and contracted the illness which ultimately led to his death. (Check Wikipedia for more details. It's a sad story.) I'll forgive a guy facing a terminal illness if he wants to take his story off the rails a bit in the 11th hour. That said, my chief complaints (two of them) are these:

1) Starting with the first book, Foundation, Asimov has kept these stories remarkably clean. Like "G" rated. He doesn't even use curse words. He'll make up expletives like “By galaxy!” or insults like “That son of two strangers!” instead of actual cursing. So I immediately assumed he was a little prudish. Nothing wrong with that. I was enjoying the books enough. The stories were solid and well thought out. But in this one, out of the blue, he has a couple of sex scenes. Not graphically drawn out, but more than hinted at. In fact, he goes on about the main character's "stamina" as if it were a source of pride. Furthermore, the fact that the main character was so good in bed becomes a key plot point and helps resolve a minor crisis. Oh Asimov... that's just disappointing. Sloppy writing aside, that's completely out of character from the previous 4 books.

2) For a book in the Foundation series, this one doesn't include the Foundation at all. It should probably have been called "Galaxia and Earth" but it wouldn't have fit the motif. Also, why take the denouement of the previous book, and then write an entirely new book around the main character whining about it when he was the person who decided the fate of the universe at the end of that last book? (I'm getting off topic here.) And why spend an entire novel with Bliss griping about Trevize's sexual exploits, almost as if she were jealous, and then never explain that? (Really off topic.)

Okay, perhaps I have more than a few complaints, but whatever. If you're a fan of the series, read on, just temper your expectations.
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LibraryThing member JohnFair
In this book, dissatisfied with his decision, Trevise and Pelorat decide to continue their search through the varied worlds of the galaxy, this time joined by the Gaian Bliss. An encounter with an official on Comporallan leads to the party learing of the long forgotten Spacer worlds along with what
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claims to be the actual co-ordinates of three of these worlds. After a bit of jiggery pokery with his superb computer, Trevise manages to locate an area of space consistant with the Spacer worlds - systems not listed in the ship's maps taking us to the remnants of a Spacer world listed as Aurora in their ancient records but the planet is falling to pieces after being deserted by humanity. Solaria, their second stop, is in far better nick but is even more dangerous when they're located by the owner of the estate they had impinged on. Barely escaping from there with their lives they reach a third world denuded of much of it's atmosphere but home to an overly active form of moss where they find the co-ordinates of all the Spacer worlds which enables them to find the co-ordinates of Earth but there tehy find those tales of a radio-active planet are no exageration. On the large moon, they find the secret of why earth had been hidden and Trevise gets an answer as to why he made his choice.

In this book we meet R Daneel Olivaw from Asimov's earlier robot novels and I have to say that in this, he was pretty ineffective (though to be fair, he was senescing as well).
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LibraryThing member isabelx
'You stressed your desire to find Earth and insisted on its importance. I do not see that importance but you have the knack of being right so I/we/Gaia must accept what you say. If the mission is crucial to your decision concerning Gaia, it is of crucial importance to Gaia, and so Gaia must go with
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you, if only to try to protect you.'

This book picks up the story of Trevize and Pelorat's search for Earth immediately after the events of "Foundation's Edge", so I decided to read them one after the other. Galon Trevize reminds me of Nickie Haflinger in "Shockwave Rider", being extremely arrogant, convinced that he is always right, and prone to behaving as if he is constantly surrounded by fools (and even though he does have the knack of making correct decisions on insufficient data, Trevize is not always right).

The search for Earth led the crew of the Far Star to some of the Spacer worlds that readers of the Robot novels will recognise, and the revelation of who is ultimately responsible for the Seldon Plan led to a satisfactory conclusion.

At last, some science fiction with a proper ending!
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LibraryThing member StormRaven
Late in his career, and apparently running out of ideas, Asimov returned to his greatest works and decided to expand them, and eventually merge them. The less than impressive results are the collection of Foundation sequels and prequels. Foundation and Earth seems to want to tie as many of Asimov's
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books into the Foundation sequence as possible.

Following on after Foundation's Edge, Trevize, Palorat and Bliss all decide to find Earth. They stumble about, eventually figuring out which planets were the "Spacer" planets (from The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, and Robots of Dawn) and land on several, including Solaria. On Solaria they find out that the inhabitants have seemingly redefined humanity so as to circumvent the Laws of Robotics - anyone who isn't a Solarian isn't human and can be harmed or even killed by a robot. They escape, and take with them an immature (and thus not yet "human" by Solarian standard) child named Fallon.

Using clues found in a Spacer database, they find a terrformd planet around Alpha Centauri, and then finally, Earth itself. Earth is a lifeless rock, but they land on the moon and find R. Daneel Olivaw waiting for them.

And this is what makes the book, and pretty much all of the subsequent Foundation books mediocre at best. Apparently, Olivaw is responsible for all human history since The Caves of Steel. Citing the Zeroeth Law Olivaw has been working to benefit humanity for millenia, causing the settlement on Alpha, the development of psychohistory, the establishment of the Foundation, the settlement of Gaia, and pretty much everything else beneficial that happened in any of the Foundation books.

While I can accept that the development of Galaxia (as repugnant as the concept of a hive-mind version of humanity seems to me) might be seen by some as desirable, the introduction of a god-like shepherd of humanity in the form of a nigh-immortal robot (not completely immortal, in the climax of this novel, Olivaw binds his brain with Fallon's because his own brain is dying after millenia). Introducing the robots as a benevolent, almost omniscient force to the story, to me, robs the books of a lot of their impact. Instead of humanity struggling to survive a galactic disaster, we have humanity manipulated by a small collection of well-meaning dictators. Plunking Olivaw into the later books was, in my opinion, a huge mistake, and one that makes this, and the subsequent prequels featuring him, average books, at best.
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LibraryThing member konrad.katie
I have been listening to the Foundation series audiobooks, read by Larry A. McKeever, over the past few months. Considering the first Foundation novel was written in 1957 - and this particular one 1986 - I can't help but feel humility curling about my bones as I attempt to formulate a conducive
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analysis of this series, let alone this book.

Foundation and Earth is unique in the series as it continues the adventures of the characters from the previous book - all other Foundation novels span hundreds of years and rarely focus too long on any one particular character, let alone for the span of TWO books. So the three heroes journey onward searching for Earth. Got that. You never really understand WHY, not in the clearest sense, until the last chapter. And then you are left with a tantalizing cliffhanger in the form of a meaningful glance.

Asimov's prose is clear, succinct and dry. No fluff or excess, you read only what is necessary, not a hair more. Although I appreciate Asimov's brevity, there was much that I could have enjoyed in the form of character development, background, and explanation of action. If it weren't for the naive and selfless scientist Pellorat, the reader would be completely in the dark about much of the plot development. le sigh. I regret books and stories that abuse character thus.

Wish I could have given this book a solid five. I enjoyed the progression of the plot but the characters felt two dimensional and the 'point' of the whole adventure seemed obtuse. Three stars, sadness. (But I am gleefully journeying on in the Foundation series - on to McKeever and the sixth book!)
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LibraryThing member aarondesk
The quality of this book is far below that of other books in the foundation series. The book itself could have been condensed into 1/3 the size and the plot would not have suffered. The ending has much to be desired and invalidates much of the previous foundation books. Save yourself the time and
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don't read it.
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LibraryThing member john257hopper
This was, chronologically, the last of Asimov's Foundation series. Golam Trevize and Janov Pelorat embark on a search for the legendary original home planet of humanity, which Trevize believes may be linked to the crucial decision he has made in Foundation's Edge that will profoundly affect the
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future of the galaxy. I love the quest nature of this novel which is probably my favourite Foundation novel in terms of a story. It also deals with profound issues such as personal freedom vs. collaborative action and behaviour , and the nature of myths and legends and their relationship with recorded history. A great end to the saga.
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LibraryThing member TheGreatBDB
I found this book abandoned on a ticket counter in an airport. Never having heard of the Foundation series, I only planned on reading it until my plane was boarding. Then I thought I'd just drop it off at my destination airport. Then I just took it home and finished it. Then I read all of the
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Foundation books and very much enjoyed them all, especially how they tie into both the Spacer and Robot novel series.

Suffice to say, I definitely recommend this and all of the Foundation novels.
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LibraryThing member Ideleeneer
finally our friends discover earth and will meet an old friend, R. Daneel Olivaw
The search also shows close spacer worlds, where each evolved independently of the others, and showing to which extremes this can go
LibraryThing member JBreedlove
Started off and ended weak but it was a good romp in between. Planet to planet of different sorts. A core enjoyment of sci-fi fans.
LibraryThing member olyra
another excellant part of the series.
LibraryThing member sgerbic
Reviewed March 1998

This book starts exactly where "Foundation's Edge" leaves off. Bliss, Pelorat & Trevize leave Gaia to search for Earth. Trevize believes that he will find the answer to the decision he made choosing Galaxia over the Foundation. We travel though out the Universe visiting hostile
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worlds looking for any knowledge of Earth. Asimov's creativity when making these worlds is extremely interesting. He ties many of his other books into this story. Reading those first made this story much more interesting. They find Earth at the end, but the results are not what you thing. This book clearly is ended here and I am a bit surprised that Asimov writes a 7th book that really ends the series.
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LibraryThing member mohi
The second sequel to the Foundation trilogy. Having prevented war between the First and Second Foundations, the heroes quest to find the legendary birthplace of humanity; the mythical planet Earth. Works nicely as a trip through Asimov's earlier worlds seen thousands of years in the future.
LibraryThing member Karlstar
Written after the Foundation trilogy, it falls immediately after them in sequence.
LibraryThing member TadAD
As I said in Foundation's Edge, I don't think Asimov's Grand Unification of his various series was a great idea. This volume suffers doubly in that it leaves you hanging at the end. The story is that Asimov intended there to be one more book, but was never able to put it together.
LibraryThing member shofichoudhury
Visited so many planet in this book !! The most exciting book of foundation series :)
LibraryThing member jpsnow
Asimov's final installment resolves the series partly, though not comfortably against my own preconceptions. We are of course left with a cliffhanger; I believe Asimov's estate recently released a next installment. This was not as interesting an ending now as swift a read as the predecessors but it
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is intriguing still.
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LibraryThing member kaulsu
5th in the Foundation Series, Foundation and Earth continues on its quest for "the planet of origin" and opens the possibility of intelligent life "out there" ever wider.
LibraryThing member enosis
With Foundation and Earth, Asimov concludes his Robots, Empire & Foundation novels by coming into full circle, taking us back to places where important events played out in earlier stories. Unfortunately, although the premise is interesting, the actual story and plot fail to deliver.

A man that, for
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some unknown reason, always makes the right judgement calls, intuitively, is called to make a choice on the fate of humanity and the galaxy. He does so, just because he's always right, and then decides to go on a hunt for earth because he knows (...) that this will help him reaffirm his original decision (why do that if he was right in the first place?).

In any case, regardless of that fallacy, the storytelling is very tiring and dull. The - uninteresting - characters engage into mundane conversations over-analyzing the same things, again and again. It gets better towards the end, but only ever so slightly.

Extremely disappointing :x
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LibraryThing member Ensorceled
Really part two of Foundation's Edge rather than a separate book. Only read if you read Foundation's Edge and liked it.

I thought some of the stylistic differences between the two books interesting. I also was a bit surprised that this was more "space opera" than the originals, complete with
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titillating scenes.
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LibraryThing member ragwaine
Hated the characters. Repetitous, boring, gratuitous science and sex.
LibraryThing member IAmAndyPieters
This book is set nearly 500 years after the start of the Foundation era, and continues the adventures of councilman Golan Trevize and his friend Janov Pelorat. Pelorat, having become smitten with Bliss, decides to accompany Golan once more on his quest for Earth. Golan now feels more compelled than
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ever to find Earth. He wants justification for his decision to convert the galaxy to Gaiism, or, Galaxia as Bliss calls it. The three of them have to visit world after world, getting out of tight spots and following the barest of breadcrumbs to unravel the mystery of the location of planet Earth.
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LibraryThing member shofichoudhury
Visited so many planet in this book !! The most exciting book of foundation series :)
LibraryThing member sgsmitty
Not too bad

If you liked the foundation novels then you have to read this one. Having said that I gave it three stars because it was a little too long I thought. Oddly enough I did like the hook at the end, but I guess we will never read more about that.....
LibraryThing member ladypembroke
I had a little trouble getting into this book, but I really liked it in the end. Of course, some of my enthusiasm came from watching Asimov apply the planetary science of the time. He was off on a couple of things but pretty spot on with others. Amazing how our picture of the galaxy has changed in
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less than 30 years.
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Original publication date


Physical description

528 p.; 4.17 inches


0553587579 / 9780553587579
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