Thomas Becket: Warrior, Priest, Rebel

by John Guy

Hardcover, 2012




Random House (2012), Edition: First Edition, 424 pages


Drawing on the full panoply of medieval sources, Guy sheds new light on the relationship between Saint Thomas à Becket and England's greatest medieval king, Henry II, separating truth from centuries of mythmaking, and casting doubt on the long-held assumption that the headstrong rivals were once close friends. He also provides the fullest accounting yet for Becket's seemingly radical transformation from worldly bureaucrat to devout man of God.

Media reviews

"Shrewdly contrasting them and assessing their biases, Guy has constructed his own modern successor, assisted by electronic search engines and high-resolution digital photography, which revealed previously invisible annotations in volumes from Becket’s personal library."
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"But he has given us an unfailingly lively, accessible and vividly written portrait of one of the giants of the middle ages."

User reviews

LibraryThing member cbl_tn
While this biography of Thomas Becket covers his entire life from birth to martyrdom, its heaviest focus is on the church and state dispute between Thomas and Henry II. I learned more than I really wanted to know about criminous clerks and ancestral customs. Thomas was Henry II's chancellor when
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Henry appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury. Henry expected Thomas to fill both positions. Thomas, I think rightly, decided that “no man can serve two masters” and resigned the chancellor's position, opening a rift in his relationship with Henry that would never close. Henry never forgot Thomas's middle class origins and he couldn't forgive Thomas for his “ingratitude” in opposing Henry's will.

Although historian Guy admits in his acknowledgments that he is a specialist in the Tudor era, he more than competently handles medieval sources. His primary sources include the letters of Thomas Becket and John of Salisbury, 12th century chroniclers, and the lives of Becket written within the first decade after his death. One of the two appendices identifies the authors of these early biographies and Guy's assessment of the reliability and objectivity of each account. Guy's biography would be a good choice for nonspecialists seeking a thorough summary of Thomas Becket's life and legacy.
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LibraryThing member erikschreppel
The story of Thomas Becket and Henry II is one I have been interested in for years, and have read quite a bit about it. Most writers over the centuries since this happened fall into one or two camps. Either they are on Henry's side in which case they demonized Becket and imply his pre archbishop
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days show that he was an "actor archbishop" who couldn't have been spiritually pure. Or they are the Becket supporters who choose to ignore his pre archbishop days and make him a saint from the start. Both in my mind are incorrect, as Becket and Henry were both complicated people. To say because a person behaved one way that they can't change is patently wrong. And to ignore a person’s past mistakes and behavior lessens the persons spiritual change, insulted them in the process as incapable of becoming better instead of being born that way. John Guy's new biography of Becket does a fantastic job of humanizing the man, of showing him warts and all, but also showing his remarkable moral and spiritual changes. This is a fascinating read.
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LibraryThing member ToddSherman
Well researched & detailed--almost to the point of interrupting the narrative; at times dry & bogged down in the minutia not directly related to the core subject--e.g. the back story to Eleanor's marriage to Louis has a tangent about his brother stumbling over a pig; they don't usually lend a
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greater understanding to Becket himself; an impartial depiction of Becket as a man & not solely saint or rebel; the murder is pretty rough (whatever happened to Mauclerk?); "The righteous would one day have their reward, but they might have to wait for it until Judgment Day."
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LibraryThing member ELEkstrom
I was not prepared for this engaging and detailed yet readable biography of Thomas Becket. Like so many, I believe, I was first introduced to Becket via the Peter Glenville's cinema adaptation of Anouilh's play with Peter O'Toole as Henry II and Richard Burton as Becket. I was pleased that Mr.
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Guy's work was more history than hagiography. Henry II and Thomas Becket are shown for what they were: stubborn, impulsive, vain, the list goes on. Thomas Becket, the son of a London merchant, was 'raised from obscurity' as one of Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury's clerks. He is noticed by the King, Henry II and as a result of acumen in the realm of medieval politics, he first becomes Henry's chancellor and later, Archbishop of Canterbury - an idea that backfired on Henry, for Becket wasn't in the crown's pocket as Henry had hoped. In fact, it is said that Becket had a Damascene conversion as soon as he was consecrated. Or maybe he thought there'd be more power as archbishop than chancellor and gave up the chancellery for that reason.

Becket has a taste for power and luxury and he makes enemies not so much by his belief, but what that belief stands for. Becket, it appears, gave his life not for the truth of the universal church, but for a "petty squabble over the assets and privileges of Canterbury." p. 373. Both Henry and Becket refused to give ground and Henry, already known for being a less than exemplary husband and father, is shown here as a tyrant who backslides and breaks oaths at every turn. Becket is no better, stubbornly refusing to give fealty to the king first before God and the church. The quarrel started over whether the crown could prosecute 'criminous clerks,' clergy who were accused of criminal acts. It was the church's position that the church should deal with its own. Interestingly, if the church had acquiesced to Henry's demands to try criminous clerks, Becket would have found himself in trouble, for Thomas Becket had a role in a cover-up of the murder of a boy who was sexually assaulted by and later murdered on the orders of Roger de Pont'Leveque, later Archbishop of York.

After self-exile, argument and negotiation, Becket returns to England and is shortly afterwards murdered in his own cathedral by four knights who took one of Henry's famous temper tantrums to heart. The murder his horrific, gruesome, and shocked Europe.

Mr. Guy spent three years of research on this book, and he gives us more of the man than the martyr; someone who is less a priest than a courtier, a rebel, yet charismatic. His sources were the extant biographies and hagiographies written at the time (some to help along canonization)and by people who were eyewitnesses to many of the events, Thomas Grim, for example, who was gravely wounded (and survived) trying to protect Becket. William fitz Stephen, a colleague who had known Becket for most of his career.

There is no glossing over Becket's faults, nor over-praising his virtues. We are given the history and portrait of a man who chose to die for his church of Cantebury.
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LibraryThing member KirkLowery
Some reviews suggest the author brings new perspectives on Becket. I can't speak to that. I did find the writing lucid and clear. Becket is presented not as a hero, but as a human with faults and strengths. Perhaps his greatest fault was his vacillating in the beginning in his confrontations with
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Henry II. And it was only five months between his "reconciliation" with Henry and his murder. Henry II turns out to be one whose word cannot be trusted -- ever. His goal was total dominance of the church; in the end he won, not by murder, but by his descendent Henry VIII.
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LibraryThing member Kristelh
This is a biography of a middle class man, Thomas Becket, who became archbishop of Canterbury during the reign of King Henry in the 1100s. The back cover says suspenseful, meticulously research. I’d say not so suspenseful because you know what is going to happen but the author did try to create
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enough to pull the reader along but the meticulous research resulted in a somewhat dry story. I am not a fan of biography and never liked studying history much though as I grow older, history becomes more interesting. My impressions. I am struck with how much we (humans) haven’t changed. I have a greater appreciation of why laws needed to be made to protect people from the rich and greedy. I see why there was a need to seek separation of church and state.
This is a story of a murder and explores the question of was Becket appropriate to be archbishop. Was he murdered or was this a suicidal gesture or was he a martyr. Did he deserve sainthood.
What do I think, I think there was a real possibility that Becket and King Henry were too much like each other, both were too stubborn and rigid to compromise. I think Becket may have become more Christian than he started, people do progress in sanctification. He certainly did stand for principles even when others were wishy washy (even the pope). Unfortunately religion is represented by human frailties and politics. But a part of the battle was pride. Becket couldn't let go his grievances. On the other hand, I totally despised King Henry. That was one bad tempered spoiled, insufferable human. I think Becket may have chosen to be murdered. He seemed to know where things were going and I think he felt that was the only way he would be able to wake people up to what was the risks. I think he may have even set it up. Becket had grown tired and aged prematurely along with chronic health problems and I think he was tired of the fight but still wanted to win. He may also have thought that to be murdered would be more romantic than the violence that it became when he was attacked by drunken men set on violence.
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LibraryThing member MarthaJeanne
I enjoyed this very much. I really like the way Thomas is portrayed as a consistant whole.
LibraryThing member Medievalgirl
Just finished listening to the audiobook of this title, as I have not really had the time to read the paperback. Absolutely incredible account of the life and career of a remarkable man, from his birth, to his tragic murder.

This book really helps you to understand the nature of the conflict
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between Becket and Henry II- and the wider conflict between church and state in 12th century England. It was about far more than just criminous clerks.
Now I don't tend to go for books that base their treatment of historical figures and events on sensationalism, speculation, and modern ideas or fashions. I expect to see the authors using contemporary sources and material- and Mr Guy draws on these heavily.

It also convinced me that King Henry was an absolute ass in his treatment of Becket. Oh the Archbishop was not perfect. They were both stubborn and obstinate- and readers must note that I have no love for the Catholic church. Yet, the King as it is shown, was notorius for his duplicity and not keeping his word. Whereas Becket comes across as a man of conviction who was fighting to retain the independence of his institution against state control.

There were also other fascinating details. I had no idea Becket was a lifelong friend of the theologian, diplomat and philosopher John of Salisbury. The development of the concept of tyranny, and the Christian's reponse to it during Becket's day and before is also explored. These were ideas that the men behind the Magna Carta and the first Baron's Revolt against King John would pick up on. They were not invented in the 17th or 18th century.

In the final chapter, the author draws some interesting parallels between the actions of Henry II and his later descendant Henry VIII in their treatment of the church. They are actually quite remarkable. Clearly the conflict did not begin with the Tudors, and Reformation did not come out of nowhere.

Throughly recommended. Now I want to go and visit Canterbury Cathedral to see the site of the martyrdom of one of our most Charismatic and courageous Archbishops.
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LibraryThing member judithrs
Thomas Becket: Warrior, Priest, Rebel; a Nine Hundred Year Old Story Retold. John Guy. 2012. Since most of my knowledge of Becket comes from Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and Anouilh’s Becket or the Honor of God, I decided I’d check out this biography when it popped up on a Kindle site.
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This is a readable biography although I got bogged down with all the names of the nobles and the churchmen especially since they switched their allegiance from Henry to Becket so often. Henry was ruthless, cruel, and sly. Becket was proud, ambitious and honorable or was he? Questions concerning his true loyalty to the church will remain unanswered. I did not realize how far the cult of his martyrdom spread. No doubt he was human, but he did seem to want to defend the church against the Crown and for that we should be grateful. I enjoyed this book, but I am not sure anyone who reads this book list would be interested.
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LibraryThing member AntonyMichaelShannon
Interesting view of this enigmatic real-life mystery. I finally came to understand why this event occurred and, while previously had always felt it was all King Henrys adult; I now appreciate the nuances that led to this happening. John Guy writes eloquently and eruditely drawing on several sources
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for what we have known; while at the same time recognising where 'blind faith' or blind ignorance had crept into their views.
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LibraryThing member TheCrow2
Thomas Becket, son of a merchant from London bacaming first the chancellor of the king and later the archbishop of Canterbury and later had to flee to exile after his fall out with the king and being assassinated in his own cathedral by the king`s men triggering and international scandal. A 900
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years but still captivating story.
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LibraryThing member MrsLee
Interesting and well written. The author seems to have an objective point of view, which allows the reader to see the personalities and humanity of those involved. Another layer added to my understanding of this period of history.


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