And the Bride Wore White: Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity

by Dannah K. Gresh

Paperback, 2004





Moody Publishers (2004), Edition: Reprinted, 185 pages


Reviewers continue to rave about And the Bride Wore White: Seven Secrets To Purity. But the greatest proof of it's effect is in the lives of tens of thousands of young women who've embraced the book's message. Each chapter of And the Bride Wore White begins with a narrative of Dannah Gresh's young love life, taken from her own teenage journals. She transparently shares her struggles and successes, her moments of pain followed by healing and the moments of triumph. This story-line grips the young reader while they learn statistically proven risk-reduction factors. The end result are usable "how-to-say-no" skills that can reduce the risk of a young woman's heart being broken by sexual sin. In this update, Dannah and her friends share open letters of encouragement to young women, one for those who chose life and another to those who chose abortion, a letter to teen girls addicted to pornography and another to girls who have experienced sexual abuse, and many more specific to a young woman's unique circumstances. Over 250,000 copies sold!… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member imnotsatan
As compared to some other books on the subject, this text is very well organized and attractively presented. I have to mark it down, however, for its subject matter in general. The book is clearly marketed to young teenage girls, and while it doesn't go for hard sell and scare tactics like other
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books, it still perpetuates very negative views of sex in general.
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LibraryThing member emleemay
I hate the ideas in this book. I only read it so I could be justified in slating it. This is a dangerous and ridiculous idea that teaches girls that they are only as important as their hymen. It's a far right view that a woman is defined by her sexual status, why isn't this book about the groom?
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Why must a woman remain sexually abstinent but not a man?
It's an outrage that this kind of crap can be published and I only hope young people will see sense and reject this backward nonsense. It must be bad times when I find myself hoping that girls will look to shows like Gossip Girl as an inspiration, but compared to harmful books like this, that would be a relief.

We should be teaching our girls and young women the importance of enjoying life, practising safe sex and that they are of much greater worth than a film of skin between their legs. I'm just disappointed that I couldn't give this minus stars.
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LibraryThing member padame
In “And the Bride Wore White” Dannah exposes Satan’s lies about sex, gives a three step plan to breaking off sinful relations, provides compassionate guidelines for healing, lists seven secrets of sexual purity to apply during your dating years:
Purity is a process Purity watches burning
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Purity dreams of its future Purity embraces wise guidelines
Purity is governed by its value Purity loves its Creator at any cost
Purity speaks boldly

In a warm, revealing writing style, Dannah includes passages from her diaries and journals that show the joys and heartaches of her dating years, the challenges and temptations, the successes and failures. A t the same time, she encourages you to explore God’s heart on the matter of sexuality and write your own story through guided journaling. In addition, Dannah includes stories, interviews, and insights about purity by such well known writers, speakers, and musicians as Joshua Harris, Becky Tirabassi, Josh McDowell, Rebecca St. James, and other.
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Physical description

9 inches


0802483445 / 9780802483447
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