The Treasure Principle Bible Study: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving

by Randy Alcorn

Other authorsBrian Smith (Author)
Paperback, 2005




Multnomah (2005), Edition: 9.10.2005, 96 pages


Discover a joy more precious than gold! Priceless treasure is within your reach. And with it, liberating joy. In Randy Alcorn's The Treasure Principle, you'll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus - a secret wrapped up in giving. Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won't want it to!.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kristicw
This pocket-sized read is packed with a powerful punch. Through easy reading, direct points, and Scriptural foundations, Alcorn reveals a secret that may radically change the way you look at your possessions, generosity, and the gifts awaiting in heaven.
LibraryThing member Hamburgerclan
I picked this book up used from Harvest Logos bookstore and I'm afraid that I'm going to donate it right back. I was looking for a resource to help me discover what the Bible says about money. While this little book has plenty of Bible references, it's essentially a glorified sermon on generosity
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with various proof texts attached. Mr. Alcorn's conculsion is good, but I think he oversimplifies the topic and fails to connect it with other aspects of money and stewardship.
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LibraryThing member ebnelson
Nice discussion on joy, glorification, and a godly perspective on life, that comes from Jesus' brief parable about finding the treasure in the field. Alcorn, however, exchanges Jesus' wider paradigm of love for the paradigm given to us by bankers and capitalists. Although there are many things I
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will revisit as I discuss stewardship in the future (e.g., section on Tyranny of Things and principle #5: Giving is the antidote to materialism), Acorn's starting point sets the whole tone of the book, and it's not a tone rooted in love.

He's right about so much: Giving can/should be joyful, Giving jump starts our relationship with God, Giving helps us store up heavenly rewards, but what is almost entirely absent is the object of the giving: the poor.

Acorn writes, "We need to feed, clothe, house, and transport our families. But when the basics are taken care of, why shouldn't the rest go toward treasures in heaven?" He also writes, "When we die after devoting our lives to acquiring things, we don't win--we lose." In both cases, he ends with a focus on ourselves instead of on others, that is, his motivation isn't love. The first statement should end with the phrase the poor who need it and the second with the poor lose.

Acorn believes that the biggest roadblock to giving is thinking that earth is our home. He's wrong. The biggest roadblock is our lack of empathy with the poor. For who could live the affluent life of a suburban American with all our excess and know that there are people dying because our money is tied up in HDTV subscriptions?
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Original language


Original publication date

2001 (copyright)

Physical description

8.47 inches


1590526201 / 9781590526200
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