A Tale of three Kings: A Study in Brokenness

by Gene Edwards

Paperback, 1992





Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (1992), Edition: Reprint, 105 pages


This best-selling tale is based on the biblical figures of David, Saul, and Absalom. For the many Christians who have experienced pain, loss, and heartache at the hands of other believers, this compelling story offers comfort, healing, and hope. Christian leaders and directors of religious movements throughout the world have recommended this simple, powerful, and beautiful story to their members and staff. You will want to join the thousands who have been profoundly touched by this incomparable story.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Sonkissed
WOW! that's the first thing I said when I finished this book. It is written like you might be watching a play... I especially enjoyed the chapter with The Sage. It made me laugh, and cry, and think, qualities I find valuable in any book.
LibraryThing member scsaglib
Beautiful and powerful modern classic about dealing with heartache, pain, or loss. This compelling story offers comfort, healing and hope. Based on Biblical figures of David, Saul, and Absalom. (from back cover)
LibraryThing member True54Blue
This is the kind of book that people will either love or hate. Its short easy to read chapters keep you in the story while challenging you to agree Edwards' main point. However, it is also a classic study in eisegesis where he reads into the story what he needs in order to make his point hit home.
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This is not the biblical story of Saul, David and Absalom but a caricature in order to make a point about proper church leadership. Quite frankly any church led by a "David" is a church in crisis looking for a place to happen. David's doing "nothing" as Absalom gathers others around him is not a pattern to emulate. Furthermore, the biblical story is one in which David acted to defeat Absalom's forces and take back the kingdom, not one in which he did nothing and let God give it back to him. At best this story is well intentioned but dishonest. Am I a Saul, a David or an Absalom for pointing that out?
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LibraryThing member lbettinger
Gives you a lot to think about. Painfully good book.
LibraryThing member ariahfine
This was a historical fiction account of three kinds, Saul, David and Absalom in the Hebrew Bible (old testament). It was an interesting read in that it give a fresh perspective on the stories in ways I had not thought of them before.
LibraryThing member StephenBarkley
A Tale of Three Kings is dedicated

"To the brokenhearted Christians
coming out of authoritarian groups, seeking solace,
healing, and hope. May you somehow recover
and go on with him who is liberty.

And to all brokenhearted Christians:
May you be so utterly healed that you can still answer
the call of him
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who asks for all because he is all."

The book’s theme is simple. God used David’s suffering under King Saul to form his character. When David’s son tried to usurp the throne, David refused to become Saul-like. I can understand how appealing this sounds to those who have suffered under abusive leadership. The fact that this book is so popular is a sad testimony to the state of leadership in the church!

While there is deep value in suffering and God uses everything in our lives to develop our character, this book offers but one answer to the problem of Saulide leadership: “What, then, can you do? Very little. Perhaps nothing” (44). To the abused, this is a counsel of despair.

Edwards’ story presupposes an authoritarian type of leadership in which the leader, for good or for ill, is anointed of God and in place to call the shots. There’s nothing for the Davids of this world to do but to endure. While rebellion is never a good solution to poor leadership, mute endurance only enables the abuser.

Jesus has demonstrated and calls for a different type of leadership—servant leadership. Perhaps the model of King and servant isn’t the best metaphor for church leadership in light of the one who washed our feet.
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8.1 inches


0842369082 / 9780842369084


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