Redeeming Love

by Francine Rivers

Paperback, 1997





Multnomah (2005), Edition: Paperback with Study Guide, 479 pages


Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:NATIONAL BESTSELLER � NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring Abigail Cowen, Tom Lewis, Nina Dobrev, with Logan Marshall Green and Eric Dane, special appearance by Famke Janssen. Distributed by Universal Pictures with a screenplay by Francine Rivers and D.J. Caruso. California�s gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their souls for a bag of gold and women sold their bodies for a place to sleep.  Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the men who use her, leaving her empty and dead inside. Then she meets Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his Father�s heart in everything. Michael obeys God�s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. Slowly, day by day, he defies Angel�s every bitter expectation, until despite her resistance, her frozen heart begins to thaw. But with her unexpected softening comes overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and fear. And so Angel runs. Back to the darkness, away from her husband�s pursuing love, terrified of the truth she no longer can deny: her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael does . . . the One who will never let her go.  A powerful retelling of the story of Gomer and Hosea, Redeeming Love is a life-changing story of God�s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love. Includes a six-part reading group guide!.… (more)

Media reviews

Back cover
Simply put, "Redeeming Love" is the most powerful work of fiction you will ever read.

User reviews

LibraryThing member debs4jc
Recommended - but with some caveats.
I found this Christian romance, based loosely on the book of Hosea, to be a powerful story in places. I also found it to be more steamy and sensual than most Christian romances, but the part that I struggled with the most was the consent issue between the two
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main characters. Michael Hosea sees Angel/Sarah - who is "working" as a prostitute at the time and sense God speaking to him, telling him this is the woman that he is to take as his wife. He buys time with Angel - using gold dust, as this is set during the time of the California Gold Rush - but merely talks to her during their sessions, trying to persuade her to run off with him and become his wife. This intrigues and upsets Angel, but she is also afraid of her Madam and the Madam's henchman and of the man from her past who abused her and forced her into prostitution in the first place. She also doesn't know if she can trust this man she barely knows. After an incident when she is beaten and almost to the point of death, Michael sweeps in to rescue her and takes her back to his farm - but first he has a marriage ceremony performed, a ceremony where Angel is half- conscious and mutters "why not" when asked if she consents. While Michael does not take advantage of her and patiently waits until he thinks she is ready before martial intimacy occurs, the hasty marriage scene still bothers me.
This book did make me think about trying to help victims of abuse and/or who have addictions where the helpers may know the better path that the victim should take - but it also has to be the victim or addicts choice to take that path. So how much do you restrain that person to keep them in a safe place while they recover? Heady questions, and the kind of issue that comes up again and again as Angel leaves Michael several times before finally deciding to stay with him in the end. He does bring her back several times, but at the end he lets her go and decides he will not go back for her but wait to see if she ever comes back for him. Lots of other drama happens with other characters who are introduced, as this book also seemed really long to me. I was interested in how it would turn out, but it felt like a bit of a slog to get there during the 15 hour long audiobook I was listening to.
The book has been polarizing in the Christian reading community, so I would be careful about recommendations. Some readers will love it, some will need trigger warnings about it and want to avoid it if they are sensitive to issues like sexual abuse.
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LibraryThing member indygo88
This is a "modern" day retelling based on the biblical story of Hosea. Angel is a prostitute in California during the time of the Gold Rush. Michael, who lives alone on a farm not too far away, ventures into town to sell his goods. When he sees Angel pass by on the street, he's convinced it's God's
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purpose to whisk her away and marry her. But she sees things differently.

I'm going to preface this by saying that even though I consider myself a fairly strong Christian, I rarely, if ever, read Christian novels. It's not because I don't care for the subject matter (although maybe it is, a little bit), but because I just feel that none of them are very well written. I always find myself rolling my eyes. Call me a book snob. Okay. But I'd heard people rave about this book, so I figured this must be one of the exceptions.

Well, no. I'm trying to figure out what it is people love about this book. The story itself? Maybe. It's an alright story, and the title of the book is apt. But it's basically nothing that hasn't been written about before. I found the story overly predictable, filled with cliches, and.....well, mostly cheesy. And yes, I did some eye rolling. Lack of originality aside, I just didn't think it was written that well, and was comparable to the (few) other Christian novels I've read. So I guess I just have to go against the majority on this one.

I watched the movie shortly after finishing the book. I figured it couldn't be as bad. And it wasn't, honestly. I liked it much better than the book. It did cut out a fair amount of the religious undertones which is what happens when Hollywood gets a hold of anything, and I could've given or taken that, but I thought the movie was well done. So this is one instance where I'd recommend watching the movie over reading the book.
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LibraryThing member jannastarkey
This is my favorite book of all time. It is an amazing book of how God never gives up on us, more importantly stops loving us.

The story has a horrifying beginning in which a young girl is sold into prostitution. It makes you sick to see what happens to young children. The story goes on and this
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girl becomes the most sought after prostitute. While in town a man sees this woman an falls in love with her. He doesn't care about her past or what she currently is, he loves her unconditionally. The story is about his unfailing love and the distance he will go to ensure that she is his forever.

Everyone must read this book!!!
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LibraryThing member jhand10
This is by far one of my favorite books of all time. I think this retelling of the book of Hosea was well done. It helped me to get a grip on how wonderful God's love is for us, even though we keep "cheating" on Him! I can't describe how much I absolutely loved this book!
LibraryThing member musicalmary
This is perhaps one of the most powerful books I have read in a long time. I have never read a more moving story about forgiveness and God's love for His people!
LibraryThing member MrsLee
Hmmm, for a book which is set mostly in the darkness and filth of prostitution, I feel strangely clean and refreshed having finished it. Like the book of Hosea in the Bible, this book is a song of praise to the power of the redemption of Christ in our lives. Beautiful.
LibraryThing member KingstonUCA
This novel is based on the book of Hosea. It is set in the 1850s in California's gold country. The female protagonist, Angel was sold into prostitution as a child. However, her life gradually changes after she meets a man by the name of Michael Hosea. The book is a great illustration of how God can
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work. I couldn't put this book down!
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LibraryThing member sarah9370
You cant miss this book! It's fantastic. Anyone looking for a novel that you can't put down, this is the one. A book you'll want to own and read again and pass along to all your friends.
LibraryThing member Brandie
Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect. And at the start I thought it would be a bit, oh, hookey (is that a word? LOL!) But as the story continued, I just feel in love with teh characters. I wanted it to all work out. I felt for them, I cried for them, I felt happy and sad with them. I couldn't put
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the book down! Truly! I LOVED it. I will be reading more by Rivers in the future I do believe!
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LibraryThing member erickimberly
Hands down best Christian fiction ever that I have read. Account of the book of Hosea. A must read for every female.
LibraryThing member brightspark
This book is a parable based on the life of the Biblical character Hosea, showing the overwhelming power and nature of unconditional love. I found this book a little slow in places, but overall a compelling and challenging read.
LibraryThing member djdorale
A life changing story about God's unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love. A favorite to be read every year.
LibraryThing member SarahCoupe
An amazing story based on Hosa in Bible who marries a prostitute. The story is set probably in the 1800. Stunning read + you will need a tissue box! Has a good ending.
LibraryThing member kathysmallwood
This is currently my favorite book and has been for several years now. The passionate retelling of the story of Hosea yielded for me a very emotional response to the concepts of mercy and unconditional love that are represented in this book. I love the resetting of the story, the beautifully
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graphic moments throughout and the comforting message of renewal and acceptance.
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LibraryThing member gypsywether
I was given this book as a gift right before I went on vacation to Greece. I intended to read it on the bus and the boat when I couldn't do anthing else. Instead it became a book I read any time I took a break and stayed up late into the night to read. It came at a wonderful time in my life when I
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felt unworthy. Reading about this woman made me So MAD. I just couldn't understand how she had this great guy and she was throwing him away. I really Felt something reading this book. I couldn't understand her yet I knew felt I knew her. Later I read it again at a different point in my life. At that time I felt sad for her, and again couldn't put it down as I got to know her again in a different light. This is a rereadable book, one that will teach you about yourself again and again no matter where you are in life. I love it. I loan it to someone and never got it back. I want the same edition I had before, but as soon as I can find it I will be buying it no matter the price.
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LibraryThing member rfinch
This is one of my favorite books! It is an amazing book about forgiveness, true love, and extending grace. The story is based from the book of Hosea in the Bible and is a powerful testimony of how we need to forgive everyone, love the hard to love, and be ambassadors of grace.
LibraryThing member BlondeBibliophile
This is a really wonderful book. A bit more brutal than I expect out of Christain fiction, but wonderful nontheless. My only complaint is that the narration is a bit bouncy, as if the author wasn't quite sure which POV to tell at certain times. But this is completely forgiveable. Rivers is an
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excellent writer. I intend to add a copy to my library soon.
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LibraryThing member lauraface21
This book was very well written. Anyone who is religious however doesnt attend church weekly or practice all the time do not be discouraged. This book helped me better understand my faith. Its not only a love story between a young women and God but also a romance between a harlot and a very
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religous farmer. Anyone who loves a good romance book should read this. I can describe this book in one word...AMAZING.
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LibraryThing member ragore
This christian fiction book was absolutely the best book that I have EVER read. The book is based on the story of Hosea and Gomer in the bible. It is the best romance novel and is written with such detail that you could paint vivid pictures of the characters and settings in your mind as you read. A
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wonderful read!
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LibraryThing member cherryblossommj
The first one of many I'm sure of Francine Rivers to enter into my library. Such a good book with so many topics that girls face but don't always want to discuss. This book delves into the life of a girl who is not perfect, and shows her how much in life she really does deserve all because she is a
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child of God. It's a good read for those who are slightly or entirely depressed and need some encouragement. Because he loves and died for even the least of these.
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LibraryThing member cherryblossommj
The first one of many I'm sure of Francine Rivers to enter into my library. Such a good book with so many topics that girls face but don't always want to discuss. This book delves into the life of a girl who is not perfect, and shows her how much in life she really does deserve all because she is a
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child of God. It's a good read for those who are slightly or entirely depressed and need some encouragement. Because he loves and died for even the least of these.
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LibraryThing member Sabrina_Davidson
This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is an amazing depiction of God's redeeming and unconditional love for us.
LibraryThing member Ameliaiif
I have to say: out of all my friends (every single one who has read this book) I am the only one who does not like this book. I liked the idea: the modernization of Hosea and the Christian tone of the story. I really do like/appreciate Christianity in books and I know this is a successful one, but
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you know, I just really couldnt get over how UNROMANTIC this story was for me. I didnt find Michael particularly romantic either; in fact, I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I thought he was kind of a putz... I know this probably isnt a very good review, but I just can't describe how little I enjoyed this book. Maybe it's because of all the hype (most every girl I know has read this and just raves about it, and our youth group is currently reading it - the girls that is) but I was skeptical from the beginning about a romantic version of the Book of Hosea, because that's not really the most romantic of Biblical books (Song of Solomon, or even Ruth/Esther...?) Anyway, I didnt like it. Actually I kind of thought that continuing to sleep with someone who's cheating on you is pretty lame. This review probably won't help anyone, but maybe it'll let someone know that not every Christian is on the REDEEMING LOVE bandwagon.
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LibraryThing member langfordp
I have never been so riveted with a book before! Amazing. Rivers is a gifted writer.
LibraryThing member MarieFriesen
In this splendid retelling of the biblical story of Hosea, bestselling author Francine Rivers pens a heartbreaking romance between a prostitute and the upright and kind farmer who marries her; the story also functions as a reminder of God's unconditional love for his people.


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8.94 inches


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