The Third Target: A J. B. Collins Series Political and Military Action Thriller (Book 1)

by Joel C. Rosenberg

Hardcover, 2015





Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (2015), 448 pages


"When New York Times foreign correspondent J.B. Collins hears rumors that an al-Qaeda splinter cell--ISIS--has captured a cache of chemical weapons inside Syria, Collins knows this is a story he must pursue at all costs. Does the commander of the jihadist faction really have the weapons? If so, who is the intended target? The U.S.? Israel? Or someone else? With tensions already high, the impending visit of the American president to the region could prove to be the spark that sets off an explosion of horrendous proportions"

User reviews

LibraryThing member jfe16
Fast-paced and riveting, “The Third Target” tells the story of an award-winning foreign correspondent in the Middle East. Rumors of chemical weapons in the hands of extremists launch a search for the truth, uncovering a plot that seems as if it could have been grabbed from today’s headlines.
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The non-stop action in this tale will keep the pages turning. Be aware, however, that the ending is a cliffhanger designed to leave readers anxiously awaiting the next installment in the series.
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LibraryThing member utbw42
This book, like so many Rosenberg writes, could literally read off of today's headlines, at least on non mainstream media outlets. Rosenberg brings to life real characters placed in the theater of the current threat of ISIS, and creates a novel that is nail-biting and a real page turner, for me at
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least. The way this novel fits in with current world events and U.S. interactions with the world by our current "administration" is extremely well thought out and written. The protagonist, a third generation reporter with a high-profile media outlet, is allowed inside contact with the most dangerous people on the planet, and in the process learns things that will threaten Israel, Jordan, and our current administration all trying to help things with a massive peace treaty event. As expected, things go south quickly, with the reporter fighting for his life, his friends life, his country's reputation, and the current president's life as well. This is a must read for people who really want to know the truth concerning current events and the U.S./World as it truly is today. Highly recommended....
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LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: The Third Target (A J. B. Collins Novel)
Author: Joel Rosenberg
Pages: 448
Year: 2015
Publisher: Tyndale
My rating is 5+ stars.
I knew that before I read the latest Joel Rosenberg installment in the J. B. Collins series, The First Hostage, I had to reread The Third Target. While it is true that
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part of the reason for doing so was due to the fact I read tons of books a year, it is equally true that the story inside this series is multilayered. The action and tension in the book are unending while readers also try to figure out if there is someone on either side of those for good or evil who may not be who they appear to be at first glance.
J. B. Collins is a journalist who has an insatiable thirst for adventure. He is attempting to run away from facing his lack of a spiritual walk with the Lord. J. B. learned a lot of his craft as a journalist in the Middle East at his grandfather’s knee. Times now are more dangerous than ever and there are those who don’t want J. B. revealing what he learns to the world. Why? Evil men wish to attack their targets unaware and therefore unprepared.
If memory serves me correctly, one reason Rosenberg is writing the series is to inform people via fiction of events that are a touch of the reality he sees and knows. Rosenberg realizes he can reach many more people with the truth of current events and the gospel through stories rather than in a lecture format. For me, it is easier to read and learn than to listen; I am not an audio learner.
Both The Third Target and its sequel The First Hostage are inextricably connected and need to be read in order. The Third Target ends on cliffhanger that caught me off guard the first time I read the book. Now I am ready to delve into The First Hostage to once again see how J. B. Collins is not just following a story, but is also part of the story in the articles he is writing. Plus I want to see if J. B. is yet at a point where he sees that without Jesus Christ he isn’t ready for eternity. So grab something warm to drink, climb under a blanket and lose yourself in the adventure which is unlike any adventure you have ever been on before!
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LibraryThing member david__clifford
Rosenberg weaves a great story that is thrilling.
LibraryThing member ssimon2000
Time and time again Rosenberg has written novels that have turned out to be things that have happened in reality, almost as if he were a prophet. How does he do this? He says it's simply from studying Old Testament prophecies which describe events to occur in the End Times. Then he uses his
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imagination to create a story of events that could logically happen. Once again he is spot on in realism, and he doesn’t disappoint with his latest book, tying the conflict inherent in the Middle East with the real-life potential of an extremist terrorist group obtaining weapons of mass destruction. At the heart of the story is ISIS, a fast-growing threat unheard of even just a couple of years ago. As we all know, ISIS is like a savage animal with no regard to human life. Rosenberg helps us to see that in a personal, sickening way.

Rosenberg has a way of writing that is reminiscent of Vince Flynn or Brad Thor, even Tom Clancy. The only problem with reading his book is that when you finish it, you know that it will be at least a year before the next part comes out!

The book, told from a Biblical Christian worldview, is action-packed, building in tension until the climatic cliff-hanger, which is likely page one of the next book. I can see this becoming a series of several more novels, all utilizing the author's prodigious knowledge of what is happening in the Middle East.
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LibraryThing member BrendaKlaassen
This was a thrill a minute novel set in the Middle East. The story was full of action and yet an undercurrent of a higher force or God in charge was present. The action was very current or from history that happened in the last couple of years. The characters were fully developed in very compact
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language. This author takes the reader on a roller coaster ride. He is very quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. This is a book I will recommend at work.
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LibraryThing member robeik
The complicated world of Middle East politics forms the framework of this book. Told from the perspective of a leading journalist with a pedigree in reporting in this region, the author delivers a great story of what happens when a terrorist organisation gets hold of some weapons of base
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destruction when a peace deal is about to be signed. There is plenty of action and drama, intrigue, suspense, violence, surprises and twists, all completely unreal.
There is however no 'bad' language and no sex. Tyndale publishes books with a Christian character, and the author is a Christian. Which brings me to a problem with the book. It really can't make it's mind what it is. Woven into the story, but only here and there, is the main character's journey towards a realisation that God matters. Allied to this is the idea that the ultimate fate of what will happen can be determined by a 'careful' reading of the Old Testament, specifically the prophesies of Jeremiah. The book appears to be advocating views held by Christians premillennial theologies. Looking at reviews of other books by the same author, one gets the feeling this is common theme that he returns to.
These two (or three) elements do not really mesh very well. The primary plot would not have lost anything if the other two were not there.
The book ends without a completion to the story, and without doubt will be further developed in a sequel. Certainly there are some elements of the story that need to be addressed; otherwise they have no place in this book e.g. his former wife, his mother.
Will I read the sequel? Probably.
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LibraryThing member debs4jc
News reporter J.B. Collins gets a tip from several sources that ISIS has captured a stash of chemical weapons. He travels to the middle east to investigate the story. As he travels around the region he risks life and limb in pursuit of the ultimate scoop - an interview with the leaders of ISIS and
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confirmation that they have chemical weapons and intend to use them. Collins also discovers that a middle east peace plan is about to be unveiled - which means the president of the United States will be travelling to the region. But does ISIS have weapons of mass destruction and the capability to attack? And if they do - what will their target be?
This fast paced thriller kept me at the edge of my seat. The scenario seemed plausible, the villains were sufficiently creepy, and the danger factor was high enough to keep my interest throughout. I thought the narrator on the audio version (David Devries) did an excellent job with the middle eastern names and accents. I particularly remember remember the menacing tone of voice he gave to the ISIS leader that Collins interviews - it sent shivers up my spine! When the last CD was over and I realized that it had ended on a tremendous cliffhanger I immediately had to go look up the name of the next book in the series (which is The First Hostage). I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in thrillers, especially if they enjoy books set in the Middle East or that have a Christian bent to them.
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LibraryThing member galoma
I am a fan of Joel Rosenberg, but this novel just wasn't that great. It has a good overall story line, but there is too much fluff and description. For a suspense/thriller is was kind of boring.
LibraryThing member vintagebeckie
My husband and I often listen to audiobooks when on road trips. Trying to find something a little different from our typical Agatha Christie mystery that both of us would enjoy, I settled on The Third Target by Joel Rosenberg. The first book in the J. B. Collins series, this book promised a
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ripped-from-the-headlines plot with plenty of action. And that is exactly what we got — ISIS terrorists intent on establishing a caliphate by destroying their enemies. The pace of the book is fast and furious as international correspondent Collins seeks to break the big story of ISIS with WMD. Both real and fictional characters populate the pages, making this novel credible and realistic. The terrorists are ruthless and cruel, and their actions are chilling. Moderate Arab leaders, Israeli leaders, and the US President play important roles in the parallel story line of a peace accord between the Palestinians and Israel. The two big stories intersect in explosive ways.

While we really enjoyed this international political thriller, we did find the main character’s actions sometimes at odds with his intuitive and savvy persona. My husband may have muttered stupid move a few times. LOL! The narrator of the book was also a bit too intense in his reading of the book. We sometimes had to take a break from the edge-of-seat narration. But in spite of these small cons, we recommend The Third Target for fans of the thriller genre. My husband has moved on to the second book, The First Hostage, listening to it every chance he gets.


Audience: adults.

(I purchased the audiobook from Audible. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
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Physical description

9.38 inches


1414336276 / 9781414336275
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