Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave

by Breese Dave

Hardcover, 1990





Moody Press (1990)


Though their bodies lie cold and dormant, the grave cannot contain the influence these seven men have had on today's world. They continue to rule because they have altered the thinking of society. They generated philosophies that have been ardently grasped by masses of people but are erroneous and antiscriptural. Today these ideas pervade our schools, businesses, homes, and even the church. As we continue to unknowingly subscribe to their philosophies, we keep the grave open for Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Julius Wellhausen, John Dewey, Sigmund Freud, John Maynard Keynes, and Soren Kierkegaard. Dave Breese warns us of the dangers of believing unreservedly the ideas of these seven men. He also reminds us of the only man whose life and words we can trust completely--Jesus Christ.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Homeschoolbookreview
Do you have any idea why the realm of science, which formerly was dedicated to discovering God’s thoughts after Him, is now pretty much controlled by atheists? Hint: it has something to do with the influence of Charles Darwin. Can you guess why our government, which used to serve the God-ordained
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functions of punishing the evildoer and protecting the innocent, has created such a spiraling debt of social spending that we, nor our children, nor our grandchildren have any hope of repaying it? Another hint: it has something to do with the theories of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes. Do you know why churches which formerly taught the truth of God’s word and emphasized spiritual values now deny the truth of God’s word and emphasize this-worldly values? It has something to do with the writings of Julius Wellhausen and Soren Kierkegaard. Have you a clue why the field of medicine no longer just seeks to heal people of various kinds of illnesses but now supports all kinds of perversions? Consider the work of Sigmund Freud. And why have our schools ceased to be educational institutions which simply teach our children basic skills and become humanistic indoctrination centers? Look no further than the labors of John Dewey. The late David Breese (he died in 2002), after telling a little bit about each of these seven men, chronicles how they have had a great effect upon our modern culture and, through the implementation of their concepts by dedicated supporters, thus being yet speak and rule today, though in a negative way.

No one can say that this book sets up straw men. Breese, who was president of Christian Destiny Ministries of Hillsboro, KS, and World Prophetic Ministry of Colton, CA, quotes extensively from these men themselves to show exactly what they believed and then from their followers to show their effect upon today’s society. Be forewarned! Progressives (i.e., liberals and leftists, including those who consider themselves Bible believers or call themselves Christians) will NOT like this book because it attacks many of their sacred cows and shows how their revered “heroes” have had an inverse impact on life and philosophy. The book is a little dated since it was written before the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. We can now say that Marxism has been proven to be an absolutely false promise nearly everywhere except in American Academia. Also, a few religious tenets with which many strong Bible believers may not necessarily agree (viz., Calvinism, Protestant Evangelical denominationalism, and Premillennialism) are very briefly expressed. However, the main emphasis is on the titanic clash between the divine revelation of Earth’s Creator and the rantings of men who “professing to be wise, they became fools” because “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge” (Romans 1:22, 28). I recommend this book to homeschoolers and all young people who are being prepared to go out to face the secularism of this age and stand up for Christ.
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LibraryThing member andrewlovesoldbooks
Introductory philosophy/worldview book. If you haven't heard of these men or don't know why their influence was bad (Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Julius Wellhausen, John Dewey, Sigmund Freud, John Maynard Keynes, and Soren Kierkegaard), this is a good book to read.


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8.9 inches


0802484492 / 9780802484499
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