In My Father's House: The Years Before the Hiding Place

by Corrie ten Boom

Paperback, 2011




Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc. (2011), Edition: 1st Lighthouse Trails Edition, 200 pages


This is the story of Corrie's life with her mother, her father, her siblings, and her aunts before World War II began. This book is a testament to how God prepared one family through a father's faithfulness to his Savior and the Word of God for the most sacrificial service a family could do. Beginning in the years before Corrie was born, In My Father's House paints a beautiful story from which families today can glean valuable and eternally lasting lessons.

Media reviews
De bekende evangeliste Ten Boom (1892-1983) vertelt in dit boek over de jaren tot aan het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Haar vader was horlogemaker in Haarlem. Corrie groeide op in een gezin waarin het geloof centraal stond: haar vader had een open oog voor de nood van de medemens en hielp
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spontaan. Met haar moeder had Corrie een goede band. Samen met haar moeder bad ze toen ze vijf jaar was en gaf ze haar hart aan Jezus. De zekerheid van haar geloof straalt als een licht door dit boek, in alle gebeurtenissen waar ze als kind mee te maken kreeg. Thuis werd aan Bijbelstudie gedaan, in 1910 werd een Bijbelschool opgericht waar Corrie direct heenging. Boeiend beschrijft ze allerlei alledaagse gebeurtenissen van haar jonge meisjesleven, voor de oudere lezers herkenbaar, voor de jongere lezers een boek dat ze bewust kan maken van de dynamische geloofszekerheid die doorwerkt in het leven van elke dag. Met enkele foto's is dit boek een kostbaar geheel. Ds. Jenno Sijtsma
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User reviews

LibraryThing member BethanyBible
At last, Corrie ten Boom is ready to share with her readers that earlier part of her life that led up to The Hiding Place - a span of fifty years which constitutes a lifetime for most people, but for Corrie was only a beginning. In this book, we are introduced to some of the unforgettable
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personalities who shaped her life: Casper, her father, whose wisdom touched everyone, Mama, who kept the peace in an active household, and Jesus, who was as much a member of the ten Boom family as anyone. An intimate look at the human side of one of our generation's most authentic Christian witness and of the faith that has kept her going for 80 plus years.
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LibraryThing member Rubislaw
This prequel to 'The Hiding Place' details the authors early home life where even the least of God's children - unwanted foster children, displaced refugees, hunted Jews - found a warm welcome warn welcome in the family home.
LibraryThing member debs4jc
This book details the growing up and young adult years of Corrie Ten Boom, the years before the events of The Hiding Place occurred. The reader learns a great deal about how growing up "in her father's house" prepared Corrie for the events that none of them knew were coming. Yet her family had an
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interest in the Jewish people, even her grandfather met with other men to pray for them. And they had an interest in reaching out to others, especially young people, and teaching them to follow God and develop good character. The book goes from story to story, so it feels more like a book of short stories than a cohesive whole. Along the way there are gems of insights and quotations from Corrie or her father that readers will want to pause and reflect on. A nice little gem of an uplifting read.
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LibraryThing member fuzzi
This is a series of tales from the author's life, mainly about her family and life prior to World War II. A quick but pleasant read.
LibraryThing member salem.colorado
In My Father's House is the story of a young Corrie Ten Boom and her family long before the War. This story shows how her background and especially her faith in Jesus was to help her and many others during her time of testing during World War II.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

200 p.; 8.5 inches


0984636625 / 9780984636624
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