When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency, 2nd Edition

by Matthew Stein

Paperback, 2008




Chelsea Green Publishing (2008), Edition: 2nd, 493 pages


There's never been a better time to ""be prepared."" Matthew Stein's comprehensive primer on sustainable living skills-from food and water to shelter and energy to first-aid and crisis-management skills-prepares you to embark on the path toward sustainability. But unlike any other book, Stein not only shows you how to live ""green"" in seemingly stable times, but to live in the face of potential disasters, lasting days or years, coming in the form of social upheaval, economic meltdown, or environmental catastrophe.

User reviews

LibraryThing member jaygheiser
Very broad, but not very deep. Covers a huge range of topics, a few verging on on the weird. Nice references to other books, lots of suggestions from farming to gardening to mechanics.
LibraryThing member Borg-mx5
Are you a survivalist? Thinking about the impending apocalypse? This might help. Tanning, Metalwork, making stone knives. This book will help you become very self sufficient.
LibraryThing member kosmos21
Indispensable. A book not just about how to survive the unsustainable life-style most of industrial civilization has thoughtlessly created, but also about how we got here. And how to (if we can't get out of a world showing signs of depleted resources and toxic overload) not just survive in the
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world without being so insatiably wasteful and poisoning, but also how to thrive in a people-and-planet-friendly way. There is wisdom in this book. And it just might be part of the canon of a surviving species.
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Physical description

493 p.; 11 inches


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