Legends of Zita the Spacegirl

by Ben Hatke

Paperback, 2012



Call number



First Second (2012), Paperback, 224 pages


Zita is determined to find her way home to Earth, but her exploits have made her an intergallactic megastar, and as her true self is eclipsed by her public persona, she faces a robot doppelganger, unsure of who she can trust.

User reviews

LibraryThing member zzshupinga
I remember discovering Zita in webcomic format several years ago and being entranced, not only with the character of Zita and the adventures she took, but Ben’s incredible artwork as well. Sadly at some point I lost track of the site and Zita. And then...last year Zita the Spacegirl was released
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and Zita was able to tell us her full story of how she got into space. And why she was a hero. I feel in love with Zita all over again and I couldn't wait to read more about her adventures. Thankfully Ben is continuing the story and now we get the next chapter in Zita’s life as she attempts to make her way home.

In a junkyard on a planet far, far away a robot, a imprint-a-tron, crawls out of the wreckage around it and discovers a poster of Zita. Meanwhile not too far away Zita's ship has just touched so that she can meet her fans and continue to look for a way home. Of course her newest fan, the imprint-a-tron, will be there and it will be made up too look just like Zita! Zita, looking for a few moments to herself, takes advantage of the doppelganger and heads off for her own little adventure. But troubles ensues as the robot decides it wants Zita’s life! And its off on a mission that it may not return from, as well as creating some trouble along the way. Zita in pursuit of her friends quickly finds herself on wanted posters and the space police will stop at nothing to catch her. Can Zita make her way back to her life and those of her friends? Or will she end up wandering the far reaches of space for ever trying to get back home?

As much as I was looking forward to this second volume, I have to admit I was a bit worried when I started reading the story. The beginning seemed a bit slow and the story was almost predictable. But I needn't have worried, because as soon as Ben entered the second chapter the story went down a path I could have never imagined. It was like being on a good roller coaster ride, one that keeps you on the edge of your seat and cheering Zita on as she makes her way across the universe with good surprises waiting for you just around the bend. Like the characters we get to meet!We get to meet a group of performers, one of whom has ties to Piper. And we get to learn more about Zita's companion Mouse and that there is more to him than meets the eye. Even better, we get to see Zita grow and mature in this volume as she continues her journey and learns some powerful lessons.

Ben’s artwork remains captivating, for the young and old alike. He wields colors deftly, creating masterful illusions of shadows and light, such as at the circus where colors spin madly in the air. The characters dance on the pages as they rush about the universe helping to save it. In many ways the design of the characters reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibbli’s work. The design of the spaceports is sure to keep readers enthralled as they look at the detail in the work. And the character design will keep readers captivated wondering what the next person we meet will look like.

I highly recommend this next volume in the Zita series and I can’t wait to see where Ben takes the story next. This is such a great series for young readers and I really like that Zita is such a strong female protagonist. 4 out of 5 stars.

Review copy provided by Gina at FirstSecond
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LibraryThing member MichelleL_15
***Review of an ARC***

This was much better than I expected it to be. Even though I haven't read Zita the Spacegirl, this sequel was easy to get into. I was a little confused in the beginning, but it's not hard to figure out what happened before.

The cover was what attracted me to this graphic novel.
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It looked colorful and fun. I think others have mentioned this already, but the artwork reminds me very much of stuff by Hayao Miyazaki. The artwork inside was just as amazing as the cover. I was worried that the cover art would be better than the art inside (like with House of Night Legacy ), but the inside art was just as great if not better.

The story was really interesting. After reading this I wanted to go back and read Zita the Spacegirl. This is definitely a must read graphic novel. The amazing artwork and a fun story will capture anyone's attention.
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LibraryThing member LibraryGirl11
Yay Zita! A fantastic sequel to Zita the Spacegirl--a robot takes Zita's place and threatens to ruin her reputation as a hero. But when the fake Zita puts the real Zita's friends in danger, the reader discovers what a real hero is made of. I can't wait for the next installment in the saga of Zita!
LibraryThing member akmargie
Zita's still got it. A great series for tweens and kids. Lots of fun and excellent art and colors.
LibraryThing member midgeworld
Zita is plucky, daring, loyal, caring and a fabulous comic for young girls. The story and art are perfect.
LibraryThing member paula-childrenslib
This time Zita is a hero in outer space. She is on tour with Piper to those who want to see her but when she finds a double ganger she is more than willing to skip out on signing autographs. This double ganger actually leaves with piper and the familiar characters from the first book, and leaves
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Zita behind. A great funny follow up graphic novel, with wonderful new characters and no end in site.
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LibraryThing member Honanb
Zita's actions in the previous book have led to her becoming famous throughout the galaxy. While escaping from a crowd, she discovers a robot that is imitating her, but trouble ensues when it decides it wants to permanently take her place. While trying to get back to her friends, the entire galaxy
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then becomes convinced that she is a criminal, and she escapes with the help of a mysterious woman who has a connection to her less than trustworthy friend Piper. Throughout these developments, a swarm of heart-shaped monsters are heading towards a planet, and the inhabitants need to be saved before their whole world is eaten. The book uses excellently funny and believable dialogue, and the characters are expressive and endearing. The writing and humor are also fitting for the age range because the action and writing aren't too juvenile or cynical, and both genders of readers will enjoy the story.
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LibraryThing member nosajeel
Not quite as good as the first book in the series, Legends of Zita the Spacegirl is still imaginative, fun, playful, and a reasonably interesting read. I look forward to the next installment.
LibraryThing member sraedi
I lovelovelove these! I picked it up at the library hoping that my daughter would read it but I'm pretty sure I liked it more than she did. I look forward to adding them to my personal collection.
LibraryThing member xliao
The book is about the advance of a girl in the space. It is funny and exciting, and we could feel the atmosphere from the pictures.
LibraryThing member mollybeaver
Graphic novel (Modern fantasy- Science Fiction)
5th grade and above reading length level
robot girl, Zita, saves the world. She trades places with an identical robot. Then, the world needs saving and the robot Zita must do her best to save the world. Zita the spacegirl comes in the save the day.
LibraryThing member lkmuir
Zita is determined to find her way home to Earth, but her exploits have made her an intergallactic megastar, and as her true self is eclipsed by her public persona, she faces a robot doppelganger, unsure of who she can trust.
LibraryThing member SESchend
Loads of fun (just like its preceding first volume/adventure) and a book I think I'll have to pick up for my niece for her birthday....Shhh. Don't tell her!
LibraryThing member Jellyn
It was okay.
LibraryThing member roses7184
Ah, Zita. How I missed you! Remember how much I raved about the first graphic novel in this series? Well, prepare yourself my friends. I plan to do just as much gushing about Legends of Zita the Spacegirl. Things could get a little fanatic.

First off, reading this second book only solidifies my love
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for Ben Hatke's illustrations! His characters are just so bright and vivid! Of course all of our friends from the first book are back. Strong Strong with his lovable demeanor, Piper with his schemes and such, every character was just as wonderful as the first time I met them. Plus, there were new characters to meet! I giggled my way through the argument between an alien with multiple arms and an alien with multiple eyes over who was more equipped to pilot a spacecraft. Each and every panel is so packed with gorgeous visuals! This book is definitely a treat for the eyes, and I loved it.

I also loved that Zita was back! I've been waiting to get my hands on this second installment, to see where her adventures would take her next. This time Zita was dealing with new issues. Fame versus friendship. Responsibility to her fans. What's a girl to do when she's suddenly an intergalactic superstar? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Zita is an amazing role model for young readers. Her bravery, her kindness, everything about her is completely addictive. I'm not even the target audience, and yet I'm in love.

Insert a happy sigh right here, because that's how I feel about this story. I have to give so much love to Ben Hatke for sharing Zita with us. The ending promises more amazing adventures around the corner. Now I just need to find the third book so I can find out what happens next!
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LibraryThing member bobbybslax
The story isn't that special, like the first, but it remains engaging through its delightful art, cute characters, and energetic action.
LibraryThing member LibroLindsay
I love Zita and her cohorts, but this installment felt a bit rushed to me. I wish more time was spent on introducing the new characters. I will still eagerly await the next one though...
LibraryThing member raizel
I very much wanted to like this book; it was highly recommended to me. It's a nice story, but I found the illustrations confusing and, it turns out, that this was not the first book of the series.

I liked the epigraph very much:
Much after a beginning is difficult, as everybody knows who has crossed
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the sea, and as for the first step a man never so much as remembers it . . . . . . The first step is undertaken lightly, pleasantly, and with your soul in the sky; it is the five-hundredth that counts.
---Hillaire Belloc

There are sketches---kinda like outtakes---at the end. And a living ship that needs to "establish a mental connection" to work properly.
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LibraryThing member SESchend
Loads of fun (just like its preceding first volume/adventure) and a book I think I'll have to pick up for my niece for her birthday....Shhh. Don't tell her!


Original publication date


Physical description

224 p.; 5.94 inches


1596434473 / 9781596434479
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