Jip: His Story

by Katherine Paterson

Paperback, 1999



Call number



Scholastic Inc. (1999), Edition: 1st, 181 pages


While living on a Vermont poor farm during 1855 and 1856, Jip learns his identity and that of his mother and comes to understand how he arrived at this place.

Media reviews

The ALAN Review, Spring 1997 (Vol. 24, No. 3))
Diana Mitchell (The ALAN Review, Spring 1997 (Vol. 24, No. 3)) Jip, a young boy who lives on the town poor farm in Vermont in the 1850s, works hard, loves to take care of the animals, and expects little from life. After all, what can a child expect who fell from a moving wagon and never was
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claimed? As Jip and the lunatic, Put, become fast friends, a stranger begins to lurk around the town asking questions about Jip's background. In a rush of events, Jip finds himself pursued and in danger, finds out about his background, and finds out how many people really care about him. In this moving story about outcasts and acceptance, readers come face to face with the realities of the fugitive slave law and the treatment of the poor and insane. Readers of Paterson's Lyddie will be happy to know that Lyddie is one of the characters in this thoughful, compelling book. 1996, Lodestar Books, 180 pp., $15.99. Ages 12 up.
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Children's Literature
Susie Wilde (Children's Literature) Jip received his name from having fallen off a gypsy wagon as a toddler and has grown up at the town poor farm. Despite the cruelty and the bareness of his life, Jip is happy with his lot, though he wonders often about those who deserted him. Once Jip begins to
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attend school, a string of mysteries begins to unfold and he discovers he is the son of an escaping slave woman and a white master. Suddenly, he is a victim of prejudice and must escape the slave catchers. Paterson's lyricism and imagery give dramatic expression to Jip and his mid-19th century world. Her fans will be pleased when Jip's resourceful teacher, whom he describes as "like a queen-no fancy dress or crown, but surely in command," turns out to be Lyddie, the heroine of a previous Paterson novel. 1996, Lodestar, $15.99. Ages 9 up.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member Whisper1
Jip is a story of the evilness of slavery, of poverty, of classism, and of hope. Jip (so named because allegedly as a baby, he fell off a wagon while traveling with gypsies), lives and workds on a poor farm, uneducated and mistreated, still his love of others shines through.

When an older man deemed
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a lunatic is sent to live on the farm, Jip soon befriends him and looks upon him as a father he never had. When an untrustworthy man comes to the farm, Jip's intuition tells him all is not well.

When Jip learns the reason why he was abandoned as a child, he also understands why, with the help of loving Quakers, he needs to flee to Canada.

Time and time again in my readings, I find Quakers are portrayed in a positive, social conscious way. I vow to learn more about them.

If anyone has suggestions, please point me in the right direction. Thanks.
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LibraryThing member mrsarey
An interesting story about Jip, an orphan living on the poor farm and his relationship with a lunatic named Put.
LibraryThing member jcole7
Jip by Katherine Paterson was about a young boy raised in poverty in 1800's Vermont. Jip was abondaned at a young age and was taken to a poverty village where he spent the majority of his boyhood. Untill, the day he met the Steven's. The Steven's take Jip under their wing and help cope with his
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This book was really good. I've read other works of Katherine Paterson's and like the others, she had a talent at writing.

Classroom extension: This novel could be used when discussing to students aobut poverty. Also, it could also be used when teaching about different groups of people, the quakers. Students could visulize how quakers are by analyzing Luke Stevens.
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LibraryThing member weeksie50
This book is about a boy named Jip, who is living on a poor farm, he sets out to get away from a slave catcher. After starting a friendship with the local lunitic, Put, Jip is suddenly found by a stranger who claims to know about his real father. Jip is not sure what to do, but when the stranger
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tries to catch him along with a slave catcher, Jip takes Put and goes to the Stevens' house for help. The Stevens' are people who told Jip about his past and offered to help out of danger.

I would use this story to introduce The Underground Railroad. The children can get an idea of what is was like for a child.

I really enjoyed this book.
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LibraryThing member kthomp25
A good story, and a tie-in to "Lyddie" to let the reader know what happened to her. An introduction to people with mental disabilities and to the prejudice and neglect of society towards those without.
LibraryThing member sacamp
Jip fell off a wagon when he was three. Now he lives in the poor farm in the vilage. One day a stranger came and soon Jip sees his true life unfold in front of him.
LibraryThing member Oliviam011
interesting characters
LibraryThing member 2wonderY
An outstanding and simple story of a boy with love for all.


Original publication date


Physical description

181 p.; 7.5 inches


0439060737 / 9780439060738




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