The Railway Children (Watermill Classics)

by Edith Nesbit

Paperback, 1980



Call number



Troll Communications Llc (1980), 235 pages


Classic Literature. Juvenile Fiction. HTML: When their father is taken away by strangers, the lives of three children are altered forever. They move with their mother to a cottage by a railway. The railway becomes their playground, and they befriend the rail workers and passengers who eventually help to reunite them with their father..

User reviews

LibraryThing member Stewartry
Again E. Nesbit shows herself expert at showing-not-telling, and at writing for anyone and everyone. With the story told from the point of view of the children, and aimed at children, all anyone under a certain height level is going to understand is that the father of the family goes away one night
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and does not come back, and the mother tells the three that he is away on business – and everything changes. Mother is upset or sad all the time, even when pretending otherwise. The children are made to understand that they are now poor – for a while. And almost overnight they pick up and leave their home – taking all the furniture the children deem "ugly" and Mother deems "useful", but few of their pretty things – and move out to a cottage in the country and Mother begins writing most of the day and far into the night. And Father does not come back.

I can't think how this story could be told more poignantly than as it is, obliquely through the children's eyes. Peter and Roberta (Bobbie) and Phyllis are, of course, bright children, and good ones, well brought up and attentive and conscientious – but they are wrapped in the happy oblivion of what seems to have been an upper middle class upbringing, wanting for no essential and few non-essentials, a world in which it is utterly and in all other ways inconceivable that anyone could ever dream their father did anything wrong. As it happens, of course, they are correct, but even had their father been in truth Jack the Ripper they would have been difficult to convince. They are essentially self-involved, viewing the world only as it affects them; for Peter and Phyllis it is enough that their mother tells them their father is away on business and they mustn't worry. They are upset when she is upset, but otherwise they are content and involved in their own lives. Bobbie is more attentive, more outwardly focused, and seems to step away from her childhood with this book.

Mother is, in this story, utterly brilliant – and I don't think that's just because the point of view is thoroughly sympathetic. She does a tremendous job of protecting her children – whisking them away from their old environment before they can hear a whisper of what has really happened to their father.

And of course the children are brilliant too. Roberta especially is rather magnificent. I love the narrator's frank statement that she hopes the reader does not mind her paying particular attention to Bobbie, but she has become rather a favorite. And I also love the equally frank assessment of her tendency to a) interfere or b) help lame dogs over stiles or c) help others, depending on who you ask – she can't help herself from making every effort to do something, and feels things very deeply, and this does not always make for easy relations with others.

The realism of E. Nesbit's writing is a bit dinged by the heroic role of the children during the summer of the story. Not to spoil things, but the events the three of them become involved in might, individually, be acceptable; all together it's a little bit ridiculous. But for the original target audience it would be so much fun. For me, a good bit older than the target? Also fun – and I admit to choking up at the climax. Oh, and Karen Savage, the narrator of the Librivox recording? Absolutely terrific.
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LibraryThing member bragan
I was a huge fan of E. Nesbit as a child, but I'm genuinely not sure if I ever read this one or not. I think I might have, as certain things seemed very faintly familiar, but if I did, I must have been pretty young, and had forgotten it almost completely.

It's a bit different from the books of hers
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I do remember reading, as there are no fantasy elements in it at all. It's the story of three children who are living a very happy and well-off life until their father "has to go away for a while," most of their money also goes away, and they move to a new house near a railway station. The kids miss their dad, but they absolutely love the railroad, and they make friends with the man at the ticket counter and have all kinds of adventures.

It does feel like there's almost a bit of parental wish-fulfillment here on Ms. Nesbsit's part. These kids are so very, very kind-hearted, and good to their mother, and willing to help anyone with anything, including doing chores without even being asked. But she somehow manages to write all of that without making it feel too saccharine-sweet, giving them occasional flashes of naughtiness and displaying what feels like a genuinely good sense of how kids' minds work. She also writes with a lovely low-key wittiness that seems to me equally effective for child or adult readers. And the ending did actually give me some nice warm feelings. So I'm glad I finally filled in this missed or forgotten gap in my childhood reading.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Oh, lovely. Not at all the story I thought it was - somehow I'd gotten the impression they were living on their own, maybe in an old railway car. This is a very sweet (but not saccharine) story. The kids quarrel and mess up and make up and do great things on multiple levels - from making a birthday
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party for a friend to saving lives, several times. There are coincidences that drive the story a bit, but they work. There's also one magnificent description of a small landslide - walking trees. It's a lot of fun, and probably worth a reread in a while, too.
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LibraryThing member Bookish59
Read this gem years ago. One of the best children's books ever by one of my favorite children's book authors.
LibraryThing member dg_turner
Three children, Peter, Roberta (Bobbie) and Phyllis find excitement and adventure on the railway after moving to the country. Their father is sent to prison and their mother is forced to move the family to a small country home. The children are exploring and find a train station and railroad near
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the house, and the adventures begin. They help lots of people in different ways. They help to prevent a train accident by alerting the engineer to a rockslide on the tracks. They also save a baby from a burning boat, save a young man who has broken his leg during a race and is injured inside the train tunnel.
The children also make a few great friends. They befriend "Perks" who works in the station. They also make friends with an old gentleman, whom they always wave to from the hillside every day as he passes by on the passenger car. This old gentleman ends up being an important character in the story. At the end of the book he facilitates getting the childrens' father released from prison.
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LibraryThing member nyanyanhoi
There were two sisters and one brother,Bobbie,Phyllis and Peter. They were very happy but the awful change came suddenly. Their father was led away by stranger. Presently, they moved to countryside. The children had a daily routine of seeing trains. They got to know the Station Master and the old
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gentleman. They became good friends,but their mother got ill through overwork. They were at a loss so they wrote a letter to the old gentleman. He gave them a basket full of food. Their mother recovered from ill.One day they found a land slide.Their action prevented an accident. The rail way company conferred on a title “Rail way children” on them.
I like this book. This story must be an old story but I really enjoyed it. I think these children are very brave. I could see the importance of brothers and sisters through this story, because they always together and help each other.
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LibraryThing member nules
This is one of my favorite books of plain fiction. I loved the book and the recording. I think it's a lot like /The Treasure Seekers/, only in my opinion it’s better (though it's a standalone instead of a series). However, /The Treasure Seekers/ does seem to be much more popular.
LibraryThing member MariaAlhambra
A delightful and multi-layered children's adventure, focused on three London children who suddenly have to move to the countryside as their father mysteriously goes away. The pathos of the story lies in the cotrast between the children's enthusiams for theit new surroundings and the slow
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realization of
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LibraryThing member jkessluk
A very interesting story that's over 100 years old. It is a third person story where the narrator describes the life of three children who come from a wealthy family, until their dad is taken from then and they have to move into a poor town. The children have to stop going to school, and in turn
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learn all about railroads, and become hero's. The language is fantastic and confusing at time, but you must remember that this tale of bravery takes place and the beginning of the 20th century in Great Britain.
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LibraryThing member anneklee
Three siblings, Roberta, Peter and Phillis have the perfect life, wonderful parents and all the riches a child could ask for. Then one day, their father gets taken away by two men and put into prison. The children and their mother are forced to move to a small cottage in the country, leaving all
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their possessions and getting accustomed to being poor. While their mother writes stories to try and support them, the three children go on many adventures, mostly surrounded by watching the trains at the train station. There they meet the train porter and another man who takes the 9:15 train down. This man eventually proves their father's innocence and the family is reunited.
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LibraryThing member Ayling
I know I loved this enough as a kid to read it at least ten times, but then I was a big re-reader when I was younger. I have always loved the film too but the book is better.Must re-read this some day.
LibraryThing member jigsaw999
it is a great book for all ages.a loveing story about three has tots of fun to geather
LibraryThing member syun
Roberta, Peter and Phillis have the perfect life, wonderful parents and all the riches a child could ask for. Then one day, their father gets taken away by two men and put into prison. The children and their mother are forced to move to a small cottage in the country. While their mother writes
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stories to try and support them, the three children go on many adventures.

I felt love of family,and how inportant family is.
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LibraryThing member themulhern
A remarkably good book. It is obviously didactic and the writer speaks directly to the reader, making it seem even more so. At the same time, it is full of humour, much of it derived from the children's interactions, imagination, and conversation. It is utterly improbable; people are never that
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helpful to chance-met children. The children also are remarkably resourceful in situations where suffering is both visible and real or where disaster is immanent. There are really excellent descriptions of what it is like to ride on a train and what it is like to watch one go by or arrive at the station and generally vivid descriptions throughout.

It was reminiscent of "No Boats on Bannermere", including the part where the family arrives at an apparently neglected and inhospitable destination in the late evening only to find, the following day, how much has been done for them.
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LibraryThing member lhanes
Family oriented books are a great way to get kids to open up and talk about their own experiences. In this book there were two sisters and one brother.It tells the tale of woes taht some poverty stircken families face and how this particualr family worked together and overcame their hardships
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This story may be an old story but It really has rellevant issues taht can be discussed in a classroom setting. This is one of those intrigueing stories because when read aloud the kids can visualize exactly what is going on. We could also incorporate this book in a problem solving lesson. ie.. We could talk about the issues that family faced and what other options they could have tried that may or may not have turned out differently.
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LibraryThing member qoomomo
I enjoyed this story. One day the father of 3 children left from their house. From that day they're said to be poor by mother. But they didn't know why they should do so. And they face many difficulties, but they also meet good person and thigs. And does their father come or not..?

I enjoyed this
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story. I felt love of family from this story. Family is very important. And the 3 children have so warm heart. I should learn from them!
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LibraryThing member marsap
A wonderful children's book, written more than 100 years ago. It is the story of 3 siblings Roberta (Bobbi), Peter & Phyllis who must move to a small cottage in a little town when their father is mysteriously taken away. They meet many of the town's folk; including Perks the railway Porter and the
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Old Gentleman, a rider on the train. While their mother writes stories to support them, they go off and have many wonderful adventures. What I especially enjoyed about this book is how real these children were; they argue, fight, make up and behave like "regular" siblings. I would recommend this book for children 8 to 12 years old or for families to enjoy together.
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LibraryThing member Lindz2012
I love this book. I love trains just as much as books. I enjoyed the charthers in the book. It about a family that has to make adjustment on the fly. I quite enjoyable. I love how this is a Classic. I did not know this book was out there to read while I was growing up. The Children name are Bobby,
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Phil and Paul.

If you want to know mare about it what happens I would suggest picking it up. Something happens that causes their father to go away.
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LibraryThing member Laurenbdavis
There is something perfectly lovely about all E. Nesbit's books, and they certainly formed the backdrop to many a day when I was a little girl.

Reading this particular book as an adult fills me with not only with pleasure but with a deeper understanding. I could not help but wonder if this story,
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of a father wrongly accused and imprisoned, was not inspired by the Dreyfus affair, which was certainly preoccupying many people's minds at the time.

One of the delights of Nesbit's writing is that she never condescends to her young readers. Complicated questions of justice, of charity, of the freedoms denied others -- there is quite a wonderful sequence involving a Russian political fugitive -- of absent parents and what it means to perform a heroic act. The children learn things indirectly, peeking into the world of adults from around the corners of childhood. It's very well done.

One of the things that I noticed most this time around, though, was the amount of freedom children had. Can you imagine children left to play unsupervised in the woods, around a train station, by the train tunnels and tracks themselves? I will be showing my age here, but I recall many days spent wandering by myself in the fields and forests near my childhood home, expected to return only when I got hungry or the streetlights came on. Did I get into some mischief? Yes. Was it a bit dangerous? Yes. And was being left to create a world by myself, and sometimes with other children, good for my imagination, for my sense of independence, for developing a way of being in the world? Undeniably. I wonder, in fact, if I would have become a writer if I hadn't had those days, if I was driven from one place to another, one class to another, one computer to another.

Well, that's an essay for another place. Here, I'll simply say it was lovely to visit a world, so beautifully crafted, which probably now exists no where except between the pages of a book.

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LibraryThing member norabelle414
- Audiobook - This book was horrifying! It's a heartwarming story about three children who don't mind that they suddenly become poor, and who are brave and inventive and save people's lives. But children shouldn't have to save people's lives! They save, among others, a baby who is left alone in a
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BURNING houseboat, an ENTIRE TRAIN full of people whose track is blocked, a boy who gets lost in a train tunnel and breaks his leg, and a Russian man who has been in a Siberian prison camp for years and now needs to find his family. And if the children hadn't done the right thing, PEOPLE WOULD HAVE DIED! And the whole time their father has "mysteriously disappeared" and they had to move out of their big house into a tiny one and their mother works all the time (writing stories) so that they'll just barely have enough money for food.

The book was fine but I didn't find it at all lighthearted, and I wouldn't recommend it to kids.
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LibraryThing member poonamsharma
Re-read this lovely classic after a long time. Written in a charming manner about a bygone era from Children's POV. It was a pleasure to read in Puffin Classic paperback.
LibraryThing member Vivl
There were moments that made me grin inanely, but in general this was just a nice read. I love The Five Children and It, The Phoenix and the Carpet and The Story of the Amulet, but this doesn't quite reach the same heights. Still, it was a nice, restful, enjoyable read.
LibraryThing member paakre
Something about this book always gets to me. This time it was the effort of the eldest to be good when she couldn't be always, as she struggles to help her mother through her father's mysterious disappearance. I wish I knew if any young people read Nesbit any more, or if this would be a good read
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aloud for fifth graders.
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LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
This is a great book! I especially liked that the children seemed to take the change in their circumstances in stride. I loved their mother for all that she was - loving, fun, hard-working, optimistic. I really liked Bobby - she is the girl I wished I could be. What is most sad is how far away from
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these days we have gone.
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LibraryThing member rakerman
Apparently this is a beloved classic. I would describe it as treacly.
Sentimental. Much more about the childrens' emotions than about trains.
Endless scenes of the children being responsible and noble and brave.
Very much of its time and place, with children saying things like "Bother! I believe I've
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broken my leg."

Morally didactic to the point of being patronising.

Might be good for children who are very interested in emotions.
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

235 p.; 4 x 0.75 inches


0816704694 / 9780816704699

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