
by Beverly Cleary

Other authorsBeatrice Darwin (Illustrator)
Paperback, 2001



Call number



Scholastic (2001), 156 pages


The happy home life of Socks, the cat, is disrupted by the addition of a new baby to the household.

User reviews

LibraryThing member nmhale
The book is told from a cat's perspective, which is an unusual one for me to read. However, Beverly Cleary has a gift for writing animal and children characters, and this book is no exception. Socks begins the story as a kitten, stuffed in a box with all his other brothers and sisters as a little
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girl tries to sell them off at the grocery store. He is her favorite, and she is hoping no one will buy him so she can keep him for herself, but when she sees the kind young couple looking with interest at their cats, she changes her mind. She knows Socks will have a good home with them.

Thus, Socks begins his life with the Brickers, and at first, everything is ideal. He is pampered. Fresh meat, mountains of affection, and free reign of the house. Imagine the poor kitty's surprise when his idyllic existence begins to change, and he has no idea why. The reader does, though; Mrs. Bricker is pregnant, and soon infant Charles joins the household, much to Socks's dismay. The following chapters chronicle his attempts to adjust to the new life, and his growing loneliness and apathy. When he unwillingly gets in a fight with the mean tomcat Old Taylor, his owners finally begin to notice him again. Even better, in the final chapter of the book, Socks learns that Charles William can be something quite different from a nuisance - he can be a playmate, one that will give Socks even more attention than the Brickers, and all is well in Socks's world once more.

The author realistically captures a cat's perspective. One of the delights in reading the small book is seeing a human world through a cat's eyes: how Socks interprets the change in his owners, the new baby's intrusion, and his banishment to the garage. We see that the Brickers frequently misunderstand Socks and his misbehavior, which is a plea for attention or what he considers his just allowance. The irony between what the cat thinks and what the humans think creates much of the humor. Also, the story is full of sweetness; it's about a cat and a baby. The book has seven short chapters that are quick to read, a cast of characters that will certainly appeal to children, and a happy ending. Although this book is not as famous as Cleary's Ramona or Mouse series, don't overlook it. The story provides an entertaining read that has an old-fashioned charm.
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LibraryThing member rampaginglibrarian
I marked this one as amazing because it was one of my favorite books to read when i was a kid (but then what do you expect from a cat lover?). I reread it i don't even know how many times I recently found it on one of the bookshelves in my mom's basement and reapprorpiated it for my collection. You
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have to keep a few things like that (even though i am currently trying to rid myself of all extraneous junk...)
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LibraryThing member jessicacl
Socks is a happy cat. He lives with a nice couple called the Brickers who play with him, love, and feed him treats. Then, the young couple has a baby, Charles. Now, Socks has to share his love and attention with someone else. At first, Socks gets into trouble, but soon realizes that he has a new
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LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
This is a book from the point of view of a cat starting from when he is first adopted by his new family. The young couple loves him, but they love their new baby boy more, and Socks finds himself displaced with no love any more. It isn't until the baby takes an interest in him that Socks finds his
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place again.
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LibraryThing member Necampos
So cute and great illustrations!
This story is about a cat who gets replaced by a baby. Socks gets jealous and runs off. Later in the book, Socks comes to find that he actually enjoys the baby.
This is true of any pet because they do normally feel replaced. This is also true of older siblings and so
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they could be able to relate to Socks.
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LibraryThing member DBPeeples
This is a book about a cat named Socks who gets jealous. Mr. and Mrs. Bricker have a baby and all the attention shifts from Socks to the new baby. Socks then decides to runaway from home and it was not nice. He runs away and something bad happens to him but the end of the book is very nice.
LibraryThing member kristinbell
I read this book as a child and recently re-read it. It is still a very charming book, even for grown-up kids at heart. Of course, I'm a cat lover, so I love cat books. This sweet story is about a cat who is adopted by a young couple who end up having a baby and how the cat has to deal with playing
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second fiddle to this new intruder. Nothing shocking or wild, but a good yarn nonetheless. This book is probably well-suited for 7-10 year old children I am guessing, but I'm not a child book expert. You really can't go too wrong with Beverly Cleary now can you?!?
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LibraryThing member CrystalRushton
Socks is the adorable story of a cat with four white paws—hence, the name Socks!—who lives with a young married couple, named the Brickers. Socks is spoiled by his family, and gets all of the attention. Until, the Brickers bring home a newborn son. When the attention Socks once got starts going
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to the baby, Socks feels as though his family does not love him anymore. Socks ends up getting sent to the garage when he misbehaves, which inspires him to go out on a neighborhood adventure. Socks eventually ends up getting in a bad fight with a neighborhood cat and is wounded. Once Socks returns to his family, they realize they had not been paying him very much attention because of the new baby. The story ends quite happily though, because Socks discovers that he now has a new play friend in the baby.
I would recommend this book for more advanced-readers in the lower elementary grades, and to struggling readers in the upper elementary grades. This book is great for children that have experienced what it is like to have a new baby and to have to begin sharing attention. Animal lovers will also be fond of this story, especially since it is so cutely and cleverly told from the perspective of Socks.
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LibraryThing member fuzzi
Another good story by Beverly Cleary, although not quite as good as her "Ramona" books, in my opinion. The viewpoint is mainly from the main character, a tabby kitten who is dubbed Socks for his white paws. After being adopted by a young married couple, his life is bliss with lots of treats and
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affection, but then something happens in his life...a squalling and annoying addition is made to the family, and Socks finds himself being neglected.

If you like Ms. Cleary's books, you should enjoy this one as well.
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LibraryThing member Marylee1973
kids love this funny book of life with a baby from a cats view. Funny for those kids who have to deal with having a baby or ones who have a pet and wonders what it thinks all the time!
LibraryThing member TeenieLee
I have a picture of myself holding Socks Clinton, while inside the White House.

Who doesn't love books about cats? This 8 year old sure did!!
LibraryThing member bdemontigny
Socks is a sweet story about a kitten adopted from a cardboard box who goes to live with a young family. Socks has some adjustments to make as his mistresses lap starts to shrink until one day they come home with a tiny little human. The story explores what often happens when a pet is displaced by
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a new baby, how things might look from that pets point of view and how adjustments are needed as families grow. I think this story would be useful listening for a child who is expecting a new sibling.
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LibraryThing member Mirandalg14
Cute story about a cat who finally finds his place and is happy.
LibraryThing member SarahGraceGrzy
This is the first chapter book I ever read. I remember my 6 year old self adoring it! Great for young readers.
LibraryThing member magonistarevolt
Sara and I have taken to reading childrens' books before bed when we both have the time. This was, of course, her choice.

She had apparently read and loved it when she was younger, or has been infected with such an acute case of Toxoplasmosis that even the thought of cats creates feelings of
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This is among the only reasons I can see that one would want to reread this book. The plot is...thin. A couple buys a cat and has a baby. The baby distracts the couple from the cat, and the cat doesn't like it. Eventually, he gets used to it. The end. There is no conflict, and no character development. People hove in and out of this cat's life: Babysitter (good!), Mother-in-Law (bad!), but no one changes.

This book is abysmally dull if you're not a cat-lover.
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Original publication date


Physical description

156 p.; 7.5 inches


0439353629 / 9780439353625

Local notes

RA K-A, R 4-7




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