Kings Rising

by C. S. Pacat

Paperback, 2016



Call number



Berkley (2016), 368 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:The stunning conslusion of worldwide phenomenon�from the boldly original author of Captive Prince and Prince�s Gambit. His identity now revealed, Damen must face his master Prince Laurent as Damianos of Akielos, the man Laurent has sworn to kill.   On the brink of a momentous battle, the future of both their countries hangs in the balance. In the south, Kastor's forces are massing. In the north, the Regent's armies are mobilising for war. Damen's only hope of reclaiming his throne is to fight together with Laurent against their usurpers.   Forced into an uneasy alliance the two princes journey deep into Akielos, where they face their most dangerous opposition yet. But even if the fragile trust they have built survives the revelation of Damen�s identity�can it stand against the Regents final, deadly play for the throne?… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member vcious
OMFG, are you serious we have to wait until 2014 for the #3 volume??? I might dieeeeee without knowing the end, I want it nowww *whines*
LibraryThing member lycomayflower
Political maneuverings and personal relationships come to a head in this final book in the Captive Prince trilogy. This is an excellent end to the series, with all the plot threads coming together and the resolution of the various tensions between Damen and Laurent hitting all the right notes. If I
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have any complaint, it is that I could have happily read more (more! more!) about these characters. (The story ends maybe just a touch abruptly, like, maybe there could have been an epilogue.) Well worth the wait for the final volume, and I have no doubt that someday I will sit down and reread the whole series back-to-back-to-back. These characters and this world will stay with me forever.
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LibraryThing member semjaza
I'm so happy that I didn't start reading this series until it had already been completed. I can't imagine what it would have been like to finish the second book and not have the third available. As with its predecessors, this is so good I can't even deal with it. Utterly amazing.
LibraryThing member SadieSForsythe
This was good and if I wasn't comparing it to the first two I might have ended it happier than I did. I did not feel it was as tightly plotted as the previous ones, especially the second, and I felt...I felt what I think is the hand of the big, traditional publishing house in it. For example, one
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of the things Pacat was criticized for in the first novels was not critically engaging with the subject of slavery and in this one she went to great and I thought artificial lengths to say slavery is bad. Of course it is, but the world as developed and the story as progressing did not often lend itself to changes of opinion on the matter. It felt like a concession to make the world more palatable to a wider. And to a large degree I felt this in the whole tone of the novel, like someone had polished the edges off, where it had been those contours I most appreciated in the previous books.

There were also just too many convenient occurrences that saved lives and last minute remembrances or mysteries figured out, such that maters basically resolved themselves. So, I end this novel torn between still enjoying it (I still love the characters and there is some genuine humor in it) and being a bit disappointed that it didn't stand up to expectations.
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LibraryThing member waclements7
** spoiler alert ** This final installment ties together a lot of things, but in a confusing way--at least for me. Laurent is sometimes almost too clever, and it's not entirely certain at times what he knows and what he doesn't. I don't know if that's intentional or not. A lot of the reason why he
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is the way he is isn't revealed until the last 50 pages of the book. That's a long way to not understanding why a character operates the way he does. The whole "mathematical mind" began to grate a bit. I get that Laurent is very, very clever.

One nagging issue is how and when did he become such an excellent swordsman without anyone being the wiser? To reach the level of prowess he's at, it would take hours and hours of hard, long practice. Didn't anyone notice? Or was he simply so ignored by his uncle that he could get away with it?

Everything was tied up neatly at the end, in a deus ex machina fashion. But there were points when I almost didn't want to keep reading, because it was so frustrating to deal with Laurent's cleverness. On the other hand, the two different cultures coming together and dealing with their differences, the treatment of Damen at Laurent's hands, the whole concept of slavery, etc. was interesting. The games were interesting, but again, Laurent's sudden excellence at the okton didn't seem realistic. His riding wasn't a surprise, but the ability to throw spears with unerring accuracy wasn't really believable. It did make for a good story, and the consequences are funny.

On the whole, it's a satisfying conclusion. I'm not sure I will rush out to read other books by the author. I had been waiting for the third book since Penguin bought the rights, after reading the first two when they were self-published. I suppose my expectations were pretty high after having to wait so long. I'm pleased that a major publisher picked up a m/m romance. I'm just not as thrilled with this series as I was the first time I read the first two books.
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LibraryThing member lquilter
Review for the trilogy: Captive Prince (1), Prince's Gambit (2), and Kings Rising (3).

I greatly enjoyed this non-magical fantasy romance, of palace treachery, a prince sold into slavery, and a (hot) romance blossoming between rival princes. Writing was smooth; plot was deep; characterization
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excellent; and while hot, still plotty.

Some reviewers noted some implausibilities (coincidences, how characters could be so good at various armed feats, etc.). This is true but did not bother me for this fundamentally light, mm romance.

Regarding the progression, Book 1 seemed to start out as an "erotic slavery" novel, a la Anne Rice's Beauty trilogy, but pretty quickly developed much more nuance, character, and plot.

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LibraryThing member LocoLibros
4.5 stars

Perhaps not quite as compelling to me as the first two, still I found this to overall be a very satisfying resolution to the story of the heroic princes, their relationship, and their political and personal situation. In total, the series was a dramatic and gripping and wholly immersing
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story of two princes in dangerous situations, one exiled and forced to be the slave of the other, all wrapped into a deeply felt love/hate relationship and engrossingly royal political and military drama.
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LibraryThing member bookstogetlostin
Perfect. Go and read it now. End of review.

No, but seriously, I really enjoyed this series. Kings rising is enthralling from the start and surprising. There were some things I just did not expect.

Of course there are lots of dramatic turns - Laurent is a part of this story, so of course there are -
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and everything comes together nicely.

I was a mess after finishing this. Why isn't there more? Hopefully C.S. Pacat will write more books (non Captive Prince ones as well) soon.
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LibraryThing member nubian_princesa
Awesome world building and a fantastic story line..If you like fantasy check this series out..Its so worth it
LibraryThing member Banoczi_Henrietta
i read it so fast i could not put it down even though i did throw it across the room a few times
but so many things were happening it is very action packed in a way and very unexpected and i really love how everything was handled, it all came full circle without being too
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i love it when things keep happening even in the last three pages
AND IM SO GLAD THEY GET A HAPPY ENDING i was sure one of them was going to die or something
and the relationship between laurent and damien is so???? they're such a great match and somehow they are equals???? also they have great conversations??? THEY'RE JUST VERY CUTE
the world building is great??? there are some really great characters????
also all the explicit stuff from the first book gets really toned down so that's very good
in conclusion these books get 10000x better and they are worth reading

this book is so intense. from the first page there's always something going on. and so many things happen and there's just a load of plot twists and things you totally wouldn't expect and laurent is so smart??? i love him so much??
there's also tears. lots and lots of tears. like. it takes a long time for them to figure things out. and even after that there's of course the threat of imminent doom, which doesn't really go away until like the last page. but god it's hard to wrap your head around what happens because laurent is always thinking like seven steps ahead. BUT THEN AT THE END THINGS HAPPEN THAT EVEN HE DIDN'T EXPECT. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
and damen. damen is so good. i love being in his head honestly.
nicaise deserved better. that's all i'm going to say. but i'm also glad that this book isn't full of unnecessary deaths :)
and it's also funny at some points?? like the part with charls oh my god i love that scene so much. this is the only book series that has ever managed to make me laugh this hard.
and the ending is perfect. there is so much at stake and it seems like they're all going to die but then they don't but then again the happy ending isn't really ensured until the very last page and you're just on the edge of your seat the whole time AND THEN BAM A PLOT TWIST HAPPENS and it's so clever and there's of course so many great great great quotes omg i love this book so much
i don't think i've ever been this satisfied with the ending of a trilogy. except maybe tfc. maybe. hm.
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LibraryThing member zeborah
So much delicious fun I felt bad for going out and buying these all in such rapid succession, but it was so worth it. No regrets.
LibraryThing member zvati
I'm now a fan. Thank you, CS Pacat. I hope there's a sequel...
LibraryThing member samnreader
3.5-4 yes, I started it and maybe even stressed about events as I was tossing and turning last night trying to sleep.
So why not a 4 or 5?
The problem here, you see, is Pacat's intricate plotting in #1. & 2 make you see that three is a little strung together and loose. There were a few too many times
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I had to stop to say "what?" And then reread only to realize that the scene hadn't unfolded in that careful meticulous way I'd come to expect.

MAYBE if I hadn't gobbled these up and this wasn't in direct contrast to the first two it would've felt grand. As it was, it was a bit disappointing and I do think there were some scenes that should've been divorced from the plot and presented as shorts.
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LibraryThing member amybear
I loved it SO MUCH though I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a battle for Ios with the army Damen and Laurent had built up.
LibraryThing member crtsjffrsn
To keep order, Damen had to allow his identity to be revealed. Now that the men know who he is, he must claim his place as Damien, rightful king of Akelios. And he can safely assume his budding relationship with Laurent, rightful king of Vere, will be destroyed by this revelation.

But Damen and
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Laurent need to put their relationship issues aside. There are bigger problems that need their attention. Laurent's uncle, the Regent, is still set on claiming the throne of Vere for himself. And his alliance with Damen's brother, who wrongfully claimed the crown in Akelios, gives Damen all the more reason to help Laurent.

The path before them won't be an easy one. Their armies are sworn enemies. Damen killed Laurent's brother. And Laurent kept Damen as a slave. Any alliance between the two of them is likely to be rife with dissent and dysfunction. If they can manage to find a way to work together, they might not only achieve their respective birthrights but also get back to the place they were in before Damen's truth was revealed.

Even a king can hold out hope, no?


I remember finishing the second book in this series. The cliffhanger ending caused me to literally scream out loud. It was one of the most wonderful and frustrating endings of a book that I've ever read. So I was so excited to pick this one up and see how the story continued.

Overall, this is a very fitting conclusion to the trilogy. So many of the questions are answered and gaps are filled. And some of the things that readers didn't even know to question are explained. The twists and turns are in line with what someone who read the first two books would expect.
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LibraryThing member NannyOgg13
I want more dammit!


I want to see how they managed to set everything up. How they fought to unite the two countries that have long been enemies. How they fought to stay together. But most of all I want more of them!
More more more!

/childish rant over

Really though, will there be
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more? A short story? An epilogue? A "10 years after" snippet? Dare I say it... a sequel? I'll take anything! Pretty please?
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LibraryThing member Ray_
I feel ROBBED.
Where the hell is the other half of this book??????????

Okay before I get ahead of myself, let me talk about this book from its beginning.

This was the best book in the series, I really liked how the plot thickened, I absolutely ADORE the relationship, the slow burn, the will they-won't
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they, it's all even better than in the previous two books.
Everything was going great up until the last portion of the book.
Not only did the ending feel very Fairy-tale-y, like something out of a Disney movie, but it also felt too short.
I was robbed of the ending this book deserved.

I wasn't a big fan of the trial at the end instead of the big war we've been building up for the entire time. Though I do understand why the author went that way, and it makes sense.

I straight up HATED Damen's encounter with his brother, I hated how idiotic he was, I hated how "nice" he was, which almost cost him his life (to be frank I kinda hoped it did) and I overall felt very underwhelmed by Kastor's whole character. Throughout the whole series there's this idea that's built in our heads about this big bad wolf that conspired to kill his father and send his brother to slavery, but when he was finally there in front of us he was so negligible I hated it.
I was so happy when my baby Laurent killed that bitch though.

Then the book just ended, and I understand why, but I wanted it to be longer, I wanted to see them deal with the aftermath of everything that happened in all 3 books, I wanted to see them rebuild, create a new world, maybe even end slavery, but we got none of that and that felt like a robbery to me.

Overall this was a really good book, hell it was the best one in the trilogy, I absolutely loved it but I really would've enjoyed it even more if the ending had been a bit longer, or even if there was some sort of epilogue that gave us a glimpse of what came next.
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LibraryThing member wagner.sarah35
In this final volume, I was impressed by the emotional relationship which develops between Laurent and Damen, even if I remained wary of the world in which they exist. The book picks up directly at the conclusion of the former volume and the story moves quickly as battles, schemes, and escapes
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develop to allow both Laurent and Damen to pursue their thrones. While the overall plot was somewhat predictable, an extra twist at the end surprised me. An interesting read.
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LibraryThing member brittaniethekid
This is definitely the strongest book of the series. Packed with action, romance, and intrigue that felt like a roller coaster. Pacat really came into her own with the writing of this one, with the struggles I mentioned in my review of the first book. It's almost a shame you have to read the first
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two books for this book to have that impact because I'd definitely recommend this one on it's own.

These books are really satisfying. Definitely recommend if you enjoy both m/m and historical fantasy.
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LibraryThing member raschneid
Some ambivalence here, but I'm giving it a 4 anyway.

I quite enjoyed the romantic arc in this final volume. In my review of the first book I observed that fictional romance is driven by conflict, but in Kings Rising the romantic narrative changes direction, is no longer energized by conflict but by
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healing, trust, resolution. The result is tender and sexy and psychologically raw, and it only works because Pacat has created such compelling, well-drawn characters. Damen is still a bit of a doormat, but he's a kind and muscular doormat and I am pretty much okay with that.

But oh man, the plot! Obviously I showed up for kissing and not political machinations, but I do wish that the author had made some different choices here. The book is well-paced and has many fun and exciting moments, as well as a satisfying ending. However, it relies on a LOT of hand-waving, concealed information, and strategically terrible decisions.

I could shrug off some wibbly-wobbly plotting, but I think there's an underlying problem: the trilogy's villains are not nearly as strong as its heroes, and they end up behaving like caricatures. Scenes where they could deliver a real emotional punch feel overblown and mustache-twirly instead. For all the darkness in this trilogy, the narrative seems to avoid looking directly at human evil. Perhaps this was a strategic decision on the author's part, but it felt like something was missing.

Overall, I loved the heck out of this trilogy. 4/5, would fangirl again.
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LibraryThing member LordAlexander
So there is actually a follow up after this that is hard to find as it wasn't published i believe but is a follow up to that ending . There were some issues the other review spell out very well and it i do wish it had a few better conclusions to some plots overall i think the focus shifted to the
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relationship and a few other things slid aside (not neglected mind you still well wraped up but) was still a great read and follow up to 2
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Original language


Physical description

368 p.; 5.1 inches


0425273997 / 9780425273999


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