The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons

by J. W. Powell

Paperback, 1961



Call number



Dover Publications (1961), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 428 pages


Full text of Powell's 1,000-mile expedition down the fabled Colorado in 1869. Superb account of terrain, geology, vegetation, Indians, famine, mutiny, treacherous rapids, mighty canyons, during exploration of last unknown part of continental U.S. 240 illustrations.

User reviews

LibraryThing member billsearth
This write-up by Powell of his trip down the rivers of the southwest is very good. The book is written in first person like a log of the juorney, complete with dates at the start of new paragraphs for each day.

Powel writes very clearly and the excitement of exploration of a new unknown area comes
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through. Also coming through in his writing style are the apprehension of the dangers in following an uncharted river into areas they would not be able to escape from the water became impassible. Powell was awed by the majesty of the landscape and he does well in passing this on to the reader . There are many black and white photos and drawings throughout the book, almost every other page. The drawings seem very accurate to me, having been in the region. Tip-offs to the accuracy is the portrayal of iron stainings coming down some smoth sandstone surfaces in a way I have often seen them.

This book gives the reader a feel for both the majesty of the landscape through which the Colorado and green Rivers pass and also the excitement of exploring an unknown area with its associated unknown dangers.

Powell describes many active Indian villiages and abandoned zIndian dwellings, camps and towns, replete with abuntant arrowheads and petroglyphs. The photos actually go further at illustrating the Indian architecture and culture than the text does. What I like about the inclusion of the Indian culture is that at the time Powell witnessed the Indians living and working in their native environment, not having to describe just abandoned ruinsand infer from that.

This book gives a good feel for what exploration of the west was like back when there was no form of communication with the known world until the expedition reached its end. It gives a good framework of what the untamed river and its canyons were like before dams and widespread agriculture affected streamflow and turbidity. it gives an accurate picture of the Indian's daily lifestyle and cautious attitude towards non-Indians.

In summary, Powells book is a very good window into how the expedition went, how early expeditions went in general back then, the majesty of the southwest, particularly around the canyons, and the daily lives of the Indian before they became familiar with white-man culture.
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LibraryThing member BenjaminHahn
Quite an interesting book, seeing that its more of a collection of writings that were originally written for a magazine. The first 100 pages focused on geography and seems more like nature writing. This part was a little slow and seemed that it was designed to inform casual readers on the east
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coast, who may not be as familiar with the western territories. It was 1870 after all.
The second and more quickly paced section of the book is the diary of J.W. Powell, but there are some points where it can be somewhat confusing because one of the other party members is also named Powell. The diary covers the first trip down the Green River and then the Colorado River through Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon. The third section of the book is really more of an ethnography than exploration and seems to be written in 1890, a good deal after the actual journey. In hindsight, Powell's outlook on the natives he encounters would seem archaic compared to modern anthropology, but given the time and circumstances, it was quite surprising to read his relatively modern views on the matter.
Overall, a nice edition to any exploration literature collection. It covers a lot of subjects and might not be for everyone, especially if your looking to read a book about a rafting trip and not a book about native story telling.
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LibraryThing member JBreedlove
Though plain spoken in describing the portages in such canyons the immensity of the landscape and the task undertaken by Powell and his men permeated the read. Truly an awesome undertaken. And his descriptions of side canyons and Indians that inhabited these areas in the early 1870s were very
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interesting and unsentimental. A very enlightening though sometimes tedious read.
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LibraryThing member mykl-s
This is like an adventure novel and a travel journal, boring at times, interesting and readable others.


Original publication date


Physical description

428 p.; 5.71 inches


0486200949 / 9780486200941
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