Ender's Game (The Ender Quintet)

by Orson Scott Card

Paperback, 1994



Call number




Tor Science Fiction (1994), 352 pages


Child-hero Ender Wiggin must fight a desperate battle against a deadly alien race if mankind is to survive.

Media reviews

I am aware that this sounds like the synopsis of a grade Z, made-for-television, science-fiction-rip-off movie. But Mr. Card has shaped this unpromising material into an affecting novel full of surprises that seem inevitable once they are explained. The key, of course, is Ender Wiggin himself. Mr.
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Card never makes the mistake of patronizing or sentimentalizing his hero.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member bookworm12
I strongly resisted reading this book. Everyone who recommended it to me liked the sci-fi genre and I didn't. For that reason alone I thought that it wasn't for me. When I finally caved and picked it up I couldn't put it down. I tore through it and went on to rapidly read seven more books in the
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Andrew (Ender) Wiggin is a young boy recruited for battle school. The earth is in the midst of a long war with an alien race and they've been trying to train kids to be war generals.

The book deals with moral ambiguities, children's rights and genocide; all big enough issues on their own, but together they create a book of epic proportions. It spawned two separate trilogies, a companion book and additional sequels and short stories.

In the midst of all these reasons to read it is Ender. He and the other major characters, Petra, Bean, Valentine, etc. are what make the book stand apart from other sci-fi novels. They are such strong, complex people that you can't resist them. Bean's character even got his own book, Ender's Shadow, to explain his past.

Ender's intelligence, along with his helplessness in the face of an overwhelming situation, is a big part of the book's allure. It's easy to forget that at the beginning of the book Ender is only a child. He is taken from his family and forced to train for war. No matter how brilliant he is that would still be incredibly hard.

This is the book that opened my eyes to genre stereotyping. It's the book that made me decide I shouldn't judge by covers or genres. I may not love sci-fi or bibliographies or whatever else, but I can certainly love books within those genres. I think there are books that are so wonderful they rise above any category you could put them in and knowing that has taught me that I should give each book someone recommends a chance. I never know which one will be the next I fall in love with.
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LibraryThing member enosis
First off, I love sci-fi. Before reading Ender's Game, I considered it as one of the classics of the genre, a book that I had to read. Its reviews are mostly 4-5 stars everywhere!

Now, I think of it as a highly overrated book, with little real substance and few thought provoking ideas.

I go into more
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detail in the spoiler section below:

The adults choose a kid to save the world and reassure themselves that their decision is correct when said kid (at 6 years of age) beats his bully to death for the right reasons. The adults then make the protagonist (when he gets 11-12 years old) to cause the genocide of an entire alien civilization.

Appeal to the reader's inner psychopath
The book's side story presents two teens, Locke and Demosthenes, that become the intellectual leaders of the planet. During his training, the protagonist does not lose ONE SINGLE BATTLE. They are winners that manage to succeed against all odds, because they are the best and they deserve it! (please add lots of sarcasm while reading the previous paragraph)

Economy uber alles
When Ender arrives on the planet where humans are building a new colony and society, his only concern seems to be the building of a functional economy, of all things!

Little boys are better naked
Despite the fact that the writer has publicly expressed his conservative religious and political views, along with his disdain towards gays and gay marriage, he keeps on mentioning all the moments where the little boys (6-10 yo) in the book are naked. We learn how they all sleep naked, hang-out in their rooms naked, how they run in the corridors naked and how they fight naked in the steamy showers.

America, America, dah-dah-dah...
Overall, the book has the typical American cold war mentality and propaganda (it was written back then). Things like the evil Soviets, the silly French, the 'fact' that in America the truth always shine, etc.

TL;DR: an overrated, militaristic, pedo-homoerotic, genocidal, american-centric sci-fi novel, that is sure to please lonely geeks with psychopathic tendencies, Ayn Rand followers and fans of Twilight
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LibraryThing member HollyinNNV
Enders Game is one of my all-time favorite books! I've reread it and its like going back to an old friend. What are the strengths of Enders Game? Card creates a cast of characters that are both believable and memorable. In the main character of Ender, we have a very likable person with the
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conflicts of....say.....Harry Potter. The battle scenes are as exciting as any that I've read. Card keeps them concise enough to understand. And I especially like the fact that while this book is science fiction, the author does not overburden the reader with too much pretend scientific jargon. I was truly bummed when I first completed the book. Thank goodness the story continues with sequels.
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LibraryThing member TeenBookReviews
Aliens have attacked Earth twice, almost annihilating the human species. To ensure survival and success in the next encounter, the world government has bred military geniuses whom they take as children and train them in the art of war. Early training takes the form of “games” and Ender Wiggen
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wins them all. A genius among the brilliant, he is smart enough to know that time is limited, but will he be able to save Earth? One of the best science fiction books ever written. Card is a brilliant writer who draws the reader fully into the world of Ender and the triumphs and trials he endures. There is not enough praise for this novel and simply put a MUST READ, not just for science fiction fans, but for anyone.
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LibraryThing member baswood
A classic of the science fiction genre first published in 1977, which must have astonished back then and still feels reasonably topical today with it’s ideas of news nets, strategic video game simulations and personal I Pads. It is a rattling good story that could appeal to readers who do not
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usually read science-fiction as themes of childhood, friendship, ethics and love are mixed in with survival of the species, alien invasion and dystopia.

It is a science fiction novel first and foremost, set in the future when humans, with difficulty have fought off two invasions from an insectile alien species and are preparing for the third invasion. A new breed of super intelligent children, have been bred to be trained as military commanders and Ender Wiggin is the last great hope before the anticipated invasion. The book describes his childhood with two elder siblings Peter and Valentine, who have not been selected to attend the elite military command school and then follows him through his training which starts when he is six years old, until he becomes a leader and fully trained commander at 15 and is ready to be pitted against the Buggers (the alien species). On one level it is the story of a boy in a man’s world who must prove himself worthy of the task, there are trials and tribulations with his fellow cadets as Ender must prove his qualities for leadership, he must deal with his feelings of isolation and loss of childhood as well as a paranoia that is all too well founded. He must survive in a brutal regime and be prepared to go to extreme lengths to protect himself and Card does an excellent job of making Ender a character worthy of our sympathy. There is a claustrophobic feel about much of Ender’s life in both the military school and at the command centre, which fits well with the themes and ideas within this novel.

Two elements to the story stand out to set it apart from the more linear sci-fi adventure novel. The first and by far the most interesting is Ender’s own recreational video game, where he is in a world of his own imagination. His object is to get to the end of the game, but it becomes increasingly more personal and takes him to places where he must face his own fears. He becomes appalled by the sometimes violent solutions he has to employ to progress further in the game and Card skilfully interweaves these episodes with Enders more prosaic progress at the military school. It provides a sense of wonder that is essential to most science fiction and becomes an integral part of the story.

The second element is the sub-plot of the fight for control of the Earth, which takes place while Ender is deep in space at the military school. Ender’s two super intelligent adolescent siblings launch themselves over the Internet as political commentators, in an uneasy alliance that is kept secret by the adoption of sock puppet identities. Demosthenes is the name chosen by Valentine for his powers as an orator and political analyst who was active in Athens in the 5th century BC. He agitated to stimulate his fellow Athenians against a threat of invasion from the Macedonians. Locke his protagonist is more complicated, originally I thought he was representing the English 17th century enlightenment thinker; John Locke who has been characterised as the father of English liberalism, who believed that human nature was more inclined to reason and tolerance, however I am more inclined to believe that Card was thinking more of Edwin A Locke the American psychologist famous for his goal setting theory and an advocate of global capitalism and a follower of Ayn Rand. This element of the novel is not so well developed and while it does not add too much to the main thrust of the story, it does prove to be an interesting side show.

While reading I was asking myself whether the book could be considered a literary novel, does is cross over from its pre-eminent place in the science fiction “Hall of Fame”. The short answer is no. While it does deal with interesting themes, has some good characterisation and is both imaginative and inventive, it does not fulfil other essential criteria for a literary novel. Orson Scott Card’s writing is perfectly adequate; it flows well and is very readable, but there is nothing to lift it out of the ordinary; no language usage, brilliant phrases or use of metaphors that can define a unique writing style. The thoughts behind the themes are pretty one dimensional and rarely rise above the popular homespun American talking points that you might find in your average Star Trek episode. It is basically a plot driven story albeit an interesting and imaginative one. Great science fiction, which has made the best seller lists.

This well crafted book is aimed fairly and squarely at the popular market and so I was not too surprised with its militaristic, capitalist right wing stance, which is no worse than much of the pulp fiction on the market today. If you are not too disturbed by this aspect, which is not intrusive, then an exciting and at times thoughtful science fiction novel, is waiting there for you to read. Classic science fiction indeed and I will be on board to read Speaker for the Dead, which is the next book in the series. A four star read. .
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LibraryThing member SlySionnach
Ender's Game is one of the most talked about science fiction books for good reason: It's a fantastic book.

The first book of the series, Ender's Game, revolves around a young boy (he starts out as being only six) named Andrew "Ender" Wiggin and how his life is used (with or without his permission)
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by the space-aged military. We see him grow from six to eleven in years, but far older in maturity in such a small time.

I don't want to say much about the book in fear of spoiling one of the many twists and turns Card takes us through while reading. The novel is one that first takes you on an enjoyable ride, but it then makes you think. Is the child you're reading about really a child? Could an eight year old think that way? And what about everything that's done to him? The last chapters completely blew me away. Completely took me for surprise which is rare for a book to do lately.

I've had this book recommended to me time and time again and always let it sit on my shelf but honestly: Read it. It's more than worth your time.
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LibraryThing member MonkysPaw
My sister made me read this. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail (I'm not the greatest review writer) - just suffice it to say this book was INCREDIBLE! Haha... My sister loves fantasy and science fiction. I have never really been into either - but especially science fiction. Blech! But she
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talked me into it, I read it, and was astounded. It's wonderfully written... the characters are so real. You grow to care for them and want to see them succeed (or fail!). Highly recommend it - even if (or perhaps especially if) you have sworn to never read a sci-fi!
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LibraryThing member Smiler69
Ender Wiggin is incredibly smart and resourceful. In fact, he might have what it takes to save humanity. The Buggers have attacked earth twice in an attempt to colonize our planet. Now the ultimate combat is at hand, and the only hope of winning is to have the right commander lead this war. Ender
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is six years old when he's recruited for training in battle school, and he and all the other children showing promise are trained by playing elaborate battle games that require more brains than brawn. Those in power have decided that Ender can become the ultimate commander if he's manipulated correctly. But Ender isn't just smart, he's also highly sensitive, and he's far from sure that he wants to take responsibility for maiming and killing his enemies; that would make him too much like his older brother Peter, his tormentor with sociopathic tendencies. This is a game with high stakes in more ways than one, and there's no knowing how Ender will play it next.

I'm no science fiction aficionado, but I'd say Ender's Game's got everything one might want from that genre. There's plenty of action, there's futuristic technology and space travel, and it's also a very smartly constructed story that even delves into existentialism, while delivering a great kicker in the end which makes you want to reach for the next in series immediately. I showed restraint, but just, and only because I have so many other books already sitting on my shelves—but this is one kid with a unique journey ahead of him, and I want to follow along.
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LibraryThing member LisaMaria_C
I know the author is controversial (which might explain some of the wildly negative reviews of the book I've seen) but back when I read this, I found it the opposite of the author's reputation.

Card has a crisp, clean style. I was sucked in from the beginning--the six year old Andrew "Ender"
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Wiggins makes for an engaging protagonist, and the story from the first had some thought-provoking takes on military leadership, training and necessity--and then at the end it wallops you with a twist that speaks eloquently, but not in a preachy way, about tolerance and compassion.

I liked the two next sequels, Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide, but for me they didn't have the same impact as the first book. This does the job of great science fiction. It's a great action-filled read. It makes you think. It makes you feel.
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LibraryThing member vikbash
This is an amazing book about a young boy who saves the world of the future -- but it's not that of a hero, but that of a scared young boy who is too smart for his own comfort. I wish that I would have read this book when I was an angsty teen, because I would have related so well to Ender -- as I
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think lots of "unconventional" kids could have. He is smart and through his intelligence and understanding he becomes an outsider.Most importantly, I think that this is a much better book than "Catcher in the Rye" as it's not about depression but about desperation and doing to your utmost abilities and living the days with what you have. The child goes through development and stages and pain and misunderstanding that all children do, and I think that it's a good book to show these emotions and help young adults understand that they are not alone.Overall, the book is superbly written, and goes quickly.
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LibraryThing member atimco
I listened to Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card in preparation for the movie (which I haven't yet seen). It's somewhat of a sci-fi classic and was first published in 1985, winning the Nebula Award and then the Hugo Award the following year.

The story opens on Earth some seventy years after a
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disastrous invasion by aliens called "buggers" because of their insect-like appearance. Earth was almost destroyed, with a victory snatched from the jaws of defeat by one daring space captain, Mazer Rackham. But the current peace is only temporary, because the buggers are sure to return. Because of this, every child is required to wear a monitor (connected to the brain at the base of the neck) to determine if he/she has any military genius or ability that might help the humans win the next bugger war. Ender Wiggin is one such child. When the authorities determine he has the aptitude they're searching for, they take him up into the space station where children are trained for war. It's simply called battle school.

The story is colored by brutality — bullying at school on Earth, a terrible kind of physical and emotional torture at home by Ender's older brother Peter, and then constant danger and animosity at the battle school where survival of the fittest really is the guiding principle. At battle school, the children are divided up into armies and fight battles in the zero gravity of the battle room, where strategy and agility are key. Ender, highly intelligent and self disciplined, fights his way to the top of the lists and eventually graduates to command school, where he is trained not just to fight but to command whole armies and ships in the skillful maneuvers so critical to space battles.

But all is not as it seems. Get ready for a twist at the end that I don't think anyone could foresee. I won't spoil it, but it gives the whole story a different flavor, moving it from a thoughtfully written action/adventure story to something a little more philosophical (and memorable?). I am still unsure if I would prefer the simpler formula for the story or if the twist gives it something more valuable than the usual happy ending. You'll have to read it yourself to decide.

Ender's siblings, Peter and Valentine, are fascinating characters — especially Peter with his propensity for enjoying pain in others. A little chilling, and I wonder where Card got his inspiration. I did find it a stretch how much political power two teenagers could garner simply by using the forums on "the nets" (Internet) to build a following for their opinions. I suppose politics would be less stable and more open to grassroots change on an Earth so shaken and destabilized by its near destruction seventy years prior, but still. It wasn't really necessary to the overall plot, though it was certainly effective to explore the relationship between Peter and Valentine.

The audiobook I listened to had an afterword by the author, talking about how he got the idea for the story and its winding road to publication and acclaim. It was an interesting peek into the world of science fiction and fantasy novel publishing, if nothing else, though I also enjoyed Card's thoughts (and candid jokes hoping the upcoming movie would make him a lot of money).

The narrators of this 20th anniversary edition, whose names I do not recall, did an excellent job. At first I didn't like how it switched from a male narrator (for Ender's story) to a female (for Valentine's story). But I got used to it and came to enjoy it as the story progressed.

I'd recommend this book to mature teenagers, not children. There is some potty humor realistic for the setting of a school, and a few crass jokes. Otherwise the language is fairly clean. I very much enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the movie (despite its widely varying reviews). It's certainly a story I will remember, when a lot of other adventure stories have faded in my mind. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member MrJay
If asked whether there was any one book that began my love affair with reading, it is Ender's Game. There were some books that came before and many, some even more enjoyable, books that came after, but Ender's Game will always be my first love. I always make sure to read it at least once a year to
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keep my memory of its fantastic plot fresh in my mind.

It is everything a science fiction should be, while also containing several elements that would appease those who would not normally stray into the genre. What's more: even a young person can fully appreciate the book. I first picked up this book in the beginning of my 7th grade and is still one of my favorites as I enter college. The action is plenty and the deep sympathy you feel for Ender will keep you cheering for him the whole way.

Plot Introduction

Andrew Wiggins, commonly called 'Ender', a nickname granted to him by his sister who could not pronounce his proper name, is a genius who's recognized by the International Federation, a military organization that represents the Earth's alliance against the alien enemy, the "Buggers", as a potential leader of the IF fleet. Though highly intelligent, Andrew is only a child, and his emotional and physical struggles as he goes through battle school form the bulk of the story. I believe it would be simply unfair to say anything more and I can only say that you must pick up this book as soon as possible. It is a somewhat light read and can be tackled in a week by most people.

Very highly recommended!
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LibraryThing member MissDiggy
I don't usually choose, like, or enjoy Science Fiction but Ender's Game has changed that. In the Introduction from Orson Scott Card he explains how he wrote this story to be as 'clear and accessible' to anyone, avoiding all the 'literary games and gimmicks' that make some writing so impenetrable to
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general audiences. I'm so glad he did, and I don't mind being classed as General Audience, for he has taken a story of complexity, given it a twist by placing children as the main characters, created a new world quite unlike (yet somehow still similar) to our own, and set us loose to make of it as we will. Children as pawns in an adults war? Aliens as protaganists? Painful seclusion, and innocent killing? It's all here. I loved it, and will remember forever that the enemy's gate is always down.
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LibraryThing member sirfurboy
This book is one of my all time favourites. Perhaps these days I am less sure why that should be the case, but for some reason it still is.

The ending is perhaps predictable. The characters are perhaps not quite as realistic as they could be - although much of this can be explained by their
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unnatural intelligence perhaps. But the plot is good, novel and solid. Readers will be drawn in and carried along, and at the end of it you will simply not want to leave Ender be. The sequel is necessary (and in some aspects better than this one even).

I have read the book several times, including the original short story form, and every time Card writes a new Ender novel I read it. But, in fact, Card should really have quite after "Children of the Mind" if not before. Some of his recent shadow series has pretty much ruined the originals for me, and it becomes increasingly clear in later novels that he is not particularly au fait with the science that seems to form such an important aspect in this novel.

But that does not detract from this one. This novel is not one you would ever regret reading.
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LibraryThing member Matke
[Ender's Game] is completely plot driven and thus moves the reader forward quickly. Unfortunately, that's about the best thing I can say for it. Poorly written in a mix of styles (not driven by character's speech or p.o.v.); implausible at best, since Ender is perfectly compassionate, perfectly
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brilliant, perfectly soldier-like (did I mention that Ender ages from 6 to 10 in the book?) and in the end, perfectly unbelievable; an obviously tacked-on, hoked-up ending that attempts to mitigate the book's emphasis on the value of violence--this is just a mess.

I'll be reading the first Harry Potter book this week, and it will be interesting to contrast the two--especially since Card has stated that the basic Potter plot is the same as the Ender plot. I hope Rowling did better.
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LibraryThing member bnray
A great book about a young boy who is thought to be the young hero prophesied to bring an end to the "bugger wars". At a very young age he is sent to training school where despite being very young he excels at combat training and eventually becomes the hero that destroys the buggers. This is a
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surprising and unfortunate event for him as he believes that the entire war was only a game being played at the battle school.
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LibraryThing member Waterlylly
I'll be thinking about this one for awhile. I liked the end a lot more than I expected, but parts of the beginning dragged and I skipped the parts about Earth's developing political mess. I didn't miss that stuff at all, as the story still made sense and the ending still worked without the great
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dull bulk of those sections. The story isn't about Earth, Valentine, Peter, or the planetary political situation, and the coverage of those things was on the whole a waste of time.

I also didn't completely buy that actual children would or could be made to endure the kind of training described in the book, no matter how brilliantly intelligent they are. And don't get me started on how the kids never, ever sounded like kids, which made me wonder if Mr. Card has ever actually had a real conversation with a real child and been in charge of an actual child or group of children for any length of time. It just didn't ring true for me, and I grew up with really intelligent and odd children and I know quite a few now. No matter how smart they are and no matter how much you academically pressure them, they still act and talk like kids. Intelligence does not confer maturity, and anyone who thinks is does has no idea about actual children.

So, 5 stars for story and for a main character who I sympathized with and wanted to see win, 3 stars for reality errors that messed up my ability to suspend disbelief and boring crap with non-core characters that dragged us away from the story in the middle for no good reason. Average: 4 stars. I'm tempted to shave it to 3 1/2, but I actually liked the ending enough to make up the difference.

That said, I have no intention whatsoever of reading any of the sequels to this. The only reason I read this was that it's a multiple award winner and wildly popular with the kind of people I hang around with. The book had to stand on its own, and it did.
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LibraryThing member clstaff
I can see why this book was a popular read for high school english classes. Well written book about human psychology. For some reason it didn't make me want to read any more of the series. The movie will be out around 2013, should be great. Can't wait!
LibraryThing member Hiromatsuo
I've had this book for nearly 7 or 8 years but never really got around to reading it all the way through. I've since picked it up and read it due to my interest in science-fiction, military history, and especially leadership theory. I will say that Ender's Game was definitely enjoyable and provided
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an interesting look at leadership dynamics and various principles of military training (applicable to the present day as well).

I would classify Ender's Game as a character study which is set in a sci-fi setting. In fact the science fiction aspect is barely there. There's no lengthy discussions of interstellar travel or futuristic weapons and devices, but merely a mention of them and that they are there. What I found most interesting about the book was that Ender faced a great deal of situations and dealt with a great many problems that leaders face as people. The uncertainty, isolation, hard decisions, fatigue, stress, and general worries that Ender experienced as he was pushed through Battle School are something most military leaders can relate to. That is because Ender, like any commanding officer, is not there to be a friend to his subordinates (as much as he may have wanted friends), but rather he is there to lead them all to a victory. He couldn't have afforded to be a nice guy and let others do as they pleased, he had to push them in the direction they needed to go. Ender's feelings of guilt and lonliness are only magnified by the fact that he is only a child in a war where no quarter is given. Such is the burden of leadership that Ender faced that his instructors forced upon him.

I did find certain aspects of the book a bit lacking in reality. Specifically, the fact that everyone at Battle School was able to cope with the situations they found themselves in (despite being children). Furthermore, the fact that Ender was able to lead so well in spite of his young age (even though he was a genius). I don't really think that effective leadership is something that comes with a person's IQ, but rather with their experiences in life. My last gripe is that numerous times throughout the book, I felt things were severely glanced over when more detail or description would have been appropriate. For example, it would read that Ender and his Army won the next several battles, but it never specifies anything more. How did they win? How competent was their competition? How did Ender feel?

Other than those things, I really did enjoy the novel. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in leadership and group dynamics.
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LibraryThing member bmozanich
Ender’s Game is an intriguing and scary glimpse into an imagined future. It is a complex story asking the reader to think about war, control, power, influence, and politics. The reader feels empathy for Ender who is obviously lonely, bullied, and being used. The reader accepts that Ender is aware
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of his being manipulated and is full of self-doubt but is unable to free himself from the situations. The technology is advanced but well described and believable. The youth and power/influence of the characters is harder to believe. The violence was unsettling. I found the story a little repetitive and drawn-out.
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LibraryThing member santhony
I vaguely remember reading the novella length precursor to this novel at some point in the late 1970s. It was subsequently released in its current form in 1985 and won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards in 1986. As a result, mid way through the book, I knew what was going to happen, but that knowledge
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did not detract from my reading experience, and the denoument, which I don't believe was contained in the earlier novella was brilliant.

The Earth has been attacked twice by Buggers, insect like aliens, and has barely survived. Ender Wiggen is the result of a breeding program to develop a supreme commander for the purpose of commanding the human space fleet in order to ward off an anticipated third attack. Ender is six years old when he is snatched from his family and put into rigorous psychological, physical and tactical training. His training and the looming Bugger threat are the centerpiece of this novel.

Without going too deeply into the plot and the various twists and turns, suffice it to say that this book is every bit as much about human psychology and philosophy as it is about science fiction. The events leading to the climax involve a major plot shift and the action following the climax is magnificent.

My only quibble with the novel is the language, actions and mindset of the very young trainees, starting at age six and advancing to age twelve. They are simply not realistic, even in the context of genetic engineering. Card addresses this point in an introduction, which is otherwise excellent. He argues that advanced children do, in fact, think and behave this way, though perhaps not in front of adults. To support this, he produces a letter from a group of 12-13 year old prodigies. A letter from 12-13 year olds hardly reinforces an argument that 6 year olds are as sophisticated as advanced adults. In my opinion, Card could have added five years to the ages of all the children in the book and presented a far more realistic scenario. Nevertheless, it is an excellent novel and well deserving of the accolades it has earned.
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LibraryThing member tapestry100
Holy wow, but did I love this book! My friend Kristin has been after me for years to read it, and for one reason or another, I've never gotten around to it, and for that I am sorry. The book is compelling, touching, riveting, exciting, thrilling... well, I could just go on.

Maybe I'm a little too
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excited as I just finished listening to the audiobook (which is exceptionally produced), but I couldn't get over how much the story pulled me in. I found that I was genuinely concerned for Ender's well-being and the outcome of his story.

The Earth has been at war with the Bugger's (an insectoid alien race who have attempted two previous invasions) and in preparation of a third invasion, the world's governments have been training the smartest children they have to become commanders in the army. Sent off at an early age to Battle School, these children live and breathe the battle games that they play to learn the techniques necessary for battle. Ender Wiggin is possibly the brightest student that Battle School has ever seen, and will be the final answer to the Bugger invasion. If he can't defeat the impending invasion, the Earth may not have a chance. It is Ender's growth, however, that truly makes this story so unforgettable.

I really don't want to give too much away about the story and ruin what Ender has to go through at Battle School, but needless to say, you may not be able to step away from this story once started.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member mckenz18
I wish I read this book when I was little, I really do. Because as amazing as it was reading this as a twenty-something, I can’t imagine how much this would have blown my mind when it still held the capacity for pure wonder, untainted by mind-numbing garbage passed on by professors. The character
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of the title, Ender, is a kid upon whom the fate of the world may rest. “Buggers” have invaded planet earth twice, and it seems are making head for a third invasion that will undoubtedly wipe out the entire race of earthlings. In preparation for the inevitable coming war, the government is breeding military child geniuses. The test of each child’s aptitude comes in the form of games. Ender excels at every game they put in front of him--even when they destroy the rules. When galactic war finally approaches, the culminating events and Ender’s role in them completely pull the rug out from under the reader. Aside from Ender’s immediate circumstances, the characters (and the whole idea behind them) of Demosthenes and Locke are both entertaining and incredibly clever.

Ender’s Game helped solidify my evolving thoughts about science fiction: Science fiction is frequently looked down on and regarded as trite when compared to the massive beast of Literature. But this is not how it should be. By its very nature GOOD science fiction is the perfect medium for presenting ideas of great philosophical consequence. Science fiction is not just a genre of adventure stories set in outer space. It is an arena in which reader and author may discourse on the heady implications of hypothetical situations--no matter whether they are feasible in contemporary times or not. By its nature, science fiction IS literature of the utmost degree, and it should be regarded and respected in such terms. I had been slowly coming to this conclusion for a while anyway, but Ender’s Game is such an amazing novel that it completely made concrete in my mind everything I was struggling to put words to about the genre of science fiction.

I look forward to reading Speaker for the Dead at some point in the near future.
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LibraryThing member NogDog
While now considered a classic of the genre and at or near the top of many people's lists of favorite sci-fi novels, I was not totally blown away by it. It has a lot going for it: an original, clever plot and strong characterizations, as well as good writing that draws the reader along. For me,
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however, what keeps it from my own "best" lists is the lack of any underlying theme that really resonates with me. In a way, the main theme seems to be that, in this case, the ends justified the means; which while possibly true, does not do much to move me.
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LibraryThing member kdebros
I'm not usually a fan of science fiction, but this one was really interesting. Ender is essentially training to save the world, while dealing with bullies and his relative youth and short stature. A fantastic ending :)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

352 p.; 6.78 inches


0812550706 / 9780812550702
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