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When the world's deadliest terrorist organization, Scorpia, stirs up trouble in the Middle East, it is up to fourteen-year-old MI6 agent Alex Rider to thwart their plans.

Media reviews

This is the ninth and final novel in the Alex rider series. I think this was by far the best one. I think it was the best because it is much more serious in tone and the author, Anthony Horowitz has become a better writer as the series progressed. I like how the whole story comes togther and old
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characters from past books come back into this one. Another good thing about this book is that it is long enough to be enjoyable but not too long that it becomes boring. The best thing in my opinon about this book is that the end of the book really makes the series come full circle and leaves you with little to no questions. I would reccomend this book to anyone that is a fan of the series and read the first 8 books. You won't regret reading this book.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member Robin.D..Green
The criminal organization know as Scorpia is back. And they are trying to redeem themselves by taking on a job to get Britain to return the Elgin marbles. And they decide to put Alex Rider right in the middle of it. And expose him and MI6 to the world. Of course the reason they need to redeem
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themselves is because Alex Rider put a wrench in their plans twice before.

I felt the story was fast paced and Alex was drawn back in to the world of MI6 rather quickly. But with the way the story was laid out, I should have caught on early that there was going to be a traumatic moment that would devastate Alex's world. It was inevitable that there would be a death but even so, it caught me off guard and this book is still haunting me. You really feel for Alex because of all he's been through. The only happy part was when Mr. Pleasure came and took Alex to live with him family in America. Which is something that Alex never really had but with the way he feels and all he's been through, I wonder if it was going to be too little, too late. This story is going to be sticking with me for awhile but overall, the series is enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
I love this series, but I have to say that this last (final, hopefully) installment was mostly a disappointment. The plot was okay, not great, but that's never really been Horowitz's strong point. I did like Alex, Smithers and Jack quite a bit, along with the insights from Mrs. Jones and Blunt. But
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I felt that Horowitz spent far too much time discussing the bad guys and the places they (and Alex) were going to. It felt much more rushed than the other novels. I was also disappointed with how neatly Horowitz dispatched of all of the strings tying Alex down. I know he wanted to tie everything up so we (and Alex) could feel some closure at the end of the series. And, well, at least in my case it didn't work. Without going into too much detail, there were some choices that Horowitz made regarding some characters, including Alex, that I did not like nor thought it with the way Alex's been written in the previous books. I felt the book was missing a lot (of character/plot/emotions), had too much unnecessary detail (about everything), and was far too neat for such a messy series like Alex Rider (the messiness being something I loved about the books). All in all, it's a very disappointing end to a fun series
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LibraryThing member YouthGPL
There is lots of action, practically nonstop once Alex arrives in Egypt. It is an exciting ride and once you get started, you cannot stop turning the pages. The really big question is will Alex survive this last mission? Or will his life end at age fifteen?

The additional characters are the usual
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one dimensional bad guys or the good guys. Still they are interesting and you enjoy hating them.
The plot is more complicated than the other novels and you will get closure in this last novel. There are some interesting surprising and at least one shocking one.

This is probably a time to end the series, instead of continuing like some television series that should have ended much sooner. I will, however, miss this younger version of James Bond. I enjoy the gadgets that he employed and how he always managed to survive the horrendous mission he was assigned. I will also miss Jack Starbright, Smithers (and his gadgets) and even Mrs. Jones.

So pick this one up, enjoy Alex's final mission. I don't think you will be disappointed. You will be turning the pages because you won't be able to wait to see what happens next. I know I was looking forward to reading it, as I had enjoyed the other books in the series. Goody-bye Alex Rider and thanks Anthony Horowitz for letting us share his adventures.
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
I'm sad the series is over. Many reluctant readers have consumed these gateway books, and discovered that reading isn't so bad at all. No spoilers for this last book (9) because if you've stuck with the series this far, you'll want to find out everything for yourself. I will tell you that there is
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a death, and I'll tell you that there's a great surprise with one of the regular characters in the book that I didn't see coming at all. I think it would make a great movie scene. You'll know it when you come to it.
I didn't like the ending very much. Had I been the writer, I would have chosen something more exciting for Alex, but perhaps he was out of options.
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LibraryThing member Junlibrary
A spectacular book with very amazing twists and turns. The plot and storyline was definitely the best I've read so far, and Anthony Horowitz's last Anthony Horowitz's book is definitely fit for a prize.
LibraryThing member FrenchHornFroggy
Sad ending to the series. I liked them all overall, but this wasn't my absolute favorite. Not the worst though :)I'd recommend it if you've liked the series.
LibraryThing member yarmando
Scorpia manipulates MI-6 into using Alex so they can expose him and use the scandal to blackmail the government into giving the Elgin marbles back to Greece. Bizarrely complicated set-up, but expertly handled by Horowitz, and all in the service of the deepest, most moving novel in the series.

Why I
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picked it up: I lurve this series, and Simon Preble's performance is superb.

Why I finished it: The darkness of the themes. For most of the series, Alex has been in "typical" danger. I thought "Snakehead" was noticeably darker, nearly making Alex a victim of sexual trafficking. In here, Alex is nearly waterboarded, and by the end is, perhaps, emotionally broken.

I'd give it to: The real question is, "What do I give teenage boys now that this series is over?"
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LibraryThing member mamzel
I read the entire series in sequence and have come to the end of one year in the life of an extraordinary British teenager, a young James Bond. Alex is trying so hard to rid himself of this career he ended up in thanks to his uncle, a deceased member of MI6, the British CIA. In the course of a year
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he has been shot, stabbed, been in every type of conveyance imaginable, and saved the world many times. His bosses at MI6 know that using a teen for this work is highly unethical but can't help use his unique talents and skills just one more time.

This time Alex is drawn into a plot by a familiar diabolical group known as Scorpia. They maneuver Alex into slipping into an international school in Cairo at the same time that the U.S. Secretary of State is due to give a speech in that city. They have surgically created another Alex Rider who will assassinate her and then they will leave the real Alex to take the heat for her death. By this time, readers know that Alex will not allow this to happen and that once again the bad guys have underestimated him.

We know, of course, basically how this will end but Mr. Horowitz has put some major surprises in this book that help bring this series to a pretty satisfying end. Once I even uttered aloud, "Oh!" because I did not foresee something and I was knocked back by it.

This has been an exciting adventure series which took me around the world and I would recommend it to action-loving kids, 12 years and up.
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LibraryThing member KarenBall
This is the ninth and final book in the Alex Rider series, and it's best for those who have read other books because Horowitz brings back characters and events from those stories. Alex is back in school, with a part in the school musical and the captain's spot on the football team. He's got an
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active life, and his beloved guardian, Jack Starbright, is debating leaving him to go back to America to care for her very ill father. Neither of them has any intention of ever dealing with MI6 again... until the body of a senior leader of the criminal organization Scorpia is found floating in the Thames River. The only clues lead MI6 to believe that the organization is targeting an international school in Cairo, whose students are the children of extremely wealthy and politically powerful people. And thus the need to convince Alex Rider to return for one final mission, and hopefully put Scorpia out of business forever. The twists and turns are epic, the action nonstop, and the danger is everywhere, with evil psychotic criminal masterminds on one side, and Alex, Jack, and gadget master Smithers on the other! Grade 6 and up: bonus points for anyone stopping by my desk who can tell me what a doppelganger is and name Alex Rider's!
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LibraryThing member rhonda1111
the final mission was a good book. it was emotional roller coaster ride. The familar cast of characters. Alex is now 15 and he is threw with MI16. Scorpia is back and are going to use Alex to blackmail the british goverment. So they set a trap and Blunt falls for it. Alex is in his school looking
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older in the school drama and rowing club till one day a sniper tries to shoot him in his classroom at school. He ends up going to a school in egypt with jack in tow. Smither's going with him. was a little disappointed in ending and will miss Alex. I have enjoyed the series.
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LibraryThing member TLHelen
This is an excellent book and is recommended to any Anthony Horowitz fans, and any spy book fans. It's probably aimed at slightly older readers, more specifically 10+, and is more for boys than girls, even though they might enjoy it too.

The story is about a boy called Alex Rider, who is a fifteen
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year old boy who is also a spy for the British Intelligence Service. In this book he faces old enemies, and struggles with not wanting to be a spy like his father and uncle before him.

It is the last book in the series, and its probably a good idea to read the other ones before reading this, as though there is a good introduction which is fairly descriptive, it would be easier for the reader to read the other books so it all makes sense.
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LibraryThing member 5SILit
Alex Rider: Scorpia Rising

Alex Rider is a 15 year old spy. His parents died shortly after he was born, in a plane crash. He was raised by his uncle Ian until he died in a car accident. Alex accidently discovers the truth when he walks into a junk yard and sees his uncle’s car filled with bullet
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holes. How does he handle the truth? Does he carry on the Rider legacy? In the final book of Alex Rider series, Alex goes to Cairo to take on his arch enemy: Sorpia. Sorpia is a criminal organisation that has only failed two operations, both because of Alex Rider. They set up an operation to get back the Elgin marbles, ancient Greek statues, back to Greece. This plan also is put in place to kill Alex. Scorpia was going to blackmail the British government to send the Elgin marbles back or they would show the whole world about Alex Rider. Alex finds out and spoils their plan for a third time to put Sorpia out of business. In the process, Scorpia kills Alex’s legal guardien (and his closest freind) Jackie. In the end, he moves to San Francisco to live with his girlfriend and her parents who moved to America from London.
I really like this series. I can relate to Alex’s troubles, which draw me into the books. I also love action packed books! I also love the ingenious plans and gadgets that Alex has! I would recommend this series to anyone who likes action.

By Alex
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LibraryThing member MomsterBookworm
The last book in the 'Alex Rider' series. And being the finale, you can be sure that something explosive is going to happen. Then again, Alex Rider is a teenage spy for MI6, equipped with cool gadgets, so there's always something momentous about all his exploits. In this conclusion, does he
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'graduate' on to become a super spy like James Bond, or does he reach the end of the line (hence, the last book)? *No spoilers, just a teaser... :)
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LibraryThing member JohnS.B4
Fifteen-year-old spy Alex Rider working for MI6 has defeated Scorpia twice in the past year, and they fell below their reputation as being the world's most formidable crime organization. So when Scorpia is hired to coerce the British government to return a collection of classical marble sculptures
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to Greece, the organization cannot fail. An elaborate blackmail scheme is hatched to accomplish this goal, while getting revenge against Alex in the process. They paln to blackmail the prime minister and kill Alex in the process. Despite orders from the British Prime Minister that he is never to be used for a mission again, Alan Blunt,MI6’s leader, gets Alex to do one last mission. Alex is drawn into the trap set by Scorpia. The organization cruelly manipulate his thoughts into believing MI6 was his enemy. He is able to outmatch their manipulation and goes to an international school in Cairo where he is discovered and captured. They let him watch his house keeper and his best friend, the one who had raised him after his uncle’s death. He was soon rescued by backup but was emotionally devastated by the death of his house keeper Jack.
I gave this book for countless reasons. The description was extraordinary. I fell in love with the series and I believe this book was no exception. The action was like riding a rollercoaster with a blindfold. The constant flares of actions with their short downfalls kept me reading from cover to cover. I felt I knew each of the characters well. For these reasons and many more this is why I believe this book deserves five stars.
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LibraryThing member eglinton
Final book in the Alex Rider oeuvre: his story, and boyhood, come to conclusions. Same enjoyable formula as before: dramatic, nay cinematic settings, no digression, adventure and thrills, striking locations. Without the philandering and the self-ironising, but otherwise like James Bond; indeed the
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author acknowledges this series as an Ian Fleming homage. And just as with Bond, the well-resourced foes, calm but brittle, more painstaking than impulsive, eventually over play their hands.
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LibraryThing member FHFroggy
Sad ending to the series. I liked them all overall, but this wasn't my absolute favorite. Not the worst though :)I'd recommend it if you've liked the series.
LibraryThing member ftbooklover
During school, someone takes a shot at Alex, misses, but hits Tom and puts him in the hospital. Since it seems that Alex is in danger, when a mission to Egypt arises, it is decided that Alex would be a good fit to enter a school that seems to be in jeopardy, minimizing the possible peril for Alex.
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However, the school is a manipulation by Razim, a new member of Scorpia, to cause Alex to be sent by MI6 to Egypt. When Alex arrives, he discovers a plot to kill the United States Secretary of State is part of a revenge scheme to get back at Alex for all the trouble he has caused Scorpia. Alex finds he is in for more than he bargained for.

Scorpia Rising was initially meant to be the end of the Alex Rider series. We see the toll taken by the many missions that Alex has been assigned, and in the process, Alex loses someone he can't afford to live without. It is difficult to believe that one year in the life of an adolescent could be any more devastating than the one Alex has lived through. This book is the most brutal and heart wrenching in the series so far and makes it tough to want to continue reading the rest of the stories. Overall, Scorpia Rising is a hard sell as a middle grade book, but would have been a fitting end to the series.
3 1/2 stars
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Concorde Book Award (Shortlist — 2012)


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Physical description

7.72 x 0.79 inches


1406364894 / 9781406364897
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