Onni ja siniset kengät

by Alexander McCall Smith

Other authorsJaakko Kankaanpää (Translator)
Paperback, 2009



Call number




Helsinki : Loisto : Otava, 2009.


Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Humor (Fiction.) Life is good for Mma Ramotswe as she sets out with her usual resolve to solve people's problems, heal their misfortunes, and untangle the mysteries that make life interesting. And life is never dull on Tlokweng Road. A new and rather too brusque advice columnist is appearing in the local paper. Then, a cobra is found in the offices of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Recently, the Mokolodi Game Preserve manager feels an infectious fear spreading among his workers, and a local doctor may be falsifying blood pressure readings. To further complicate matters, Grace Makutsi may have scared off her own fiance. Mma Ramotswe, however, is always up to the challenge. And Blue Shoes and Happiness will not fail to entertain Alexander McCall Smith's oldest fans and newest converts with its great wit, charm, and great good will.… (more)

Media reviews

This will be familiar territory for fans of the series. Cases are cracked thanks to her traditional common sense and the consumption of vast quantities of tea, while the main concern of the novel is the pursuit of that most elusive state of being: happiness.

User reviews

LibraryThing member MrsLee
This book was very pleasing to read, as they all are. If anything, I liked this one more than some of the earlier ones. It dealt much with relationships, communication, the expectations we have of others and some of the presuppositions we make about one another.
LibraryThing member isabelx
Mma Ramotswe has very little to investigate in this book, while Mma Makutsi is mainly concerned with the progress of her engagement to a man she met at her dance class. I think I might be getting a little bored of this series, but I have already bought the next book, so I will leave a gap before I
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read it.
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LibraryThing member Niecierpek
The seventh book in the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. As cozy and good as ever, and full of gentle humour and local folklore.
LibraryThing member reading_fox
Precious Ramotswe continues her investigations in Botswana, now almost famous she has many many cases to deal with, and her male assistant tries his best but is simply not her equal. The children have faded away in the last few books, and although they are still mentioned they have little impact on
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the stories. However this book is devoted to new cases and problems with the people of Botswana. Mma Ramotswe is equal to them all.

There is some great commentary on diets and troubles of 'traditionally built' ladies.

After re-read: not much elseto say, as always the actual problems are just a side show for the interaction of these wonderfully polite civilised characters. Sketched in a light flowing style easily readable, enjoyably concerned with each others lives. As always the moralising of Mma Ramotswe is the highlight, what shoudl friends say to each other regarding personality quirks?
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LibraryThing member ErstwhileEditor
See comments under The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. I will add that I found the series a lot more charming when I thought the style somehow correlated with life in Botswana, but later seeing how Alexander McCall Smith uses the same style in his other series, I unfortunately came to view it as an
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idiosyncrasy of the author--and an annoying one at that.
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LibraryThing member CaroTheLibrarian
If you've read the others in this series you'll know what to expect. If you haven't then I suggest you start at the beginning with The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. These are gentle, charming books giving a wonderful picture of life in a slightly idealised Botswana.
LibraryThing member bibliophile26
I think this is the seventh book in the No. 1 Detective Agency Series. I never tire of these books. A few cases are presented in each book and Smith's characters are wonderfully written. Mma Makutsi is my favorite.
LibraryThing member bluesviola
I really liked AMS's first book and the recording voice is wonderful. By the third book the stories had become formula. I "read" other books inbetween each one, not good recommendation.
LibraryThing member smik
Number 7 in the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. I read this in paper copy last year and really enjoyed it, but, although "complete and unabridged", the audio version highlights that some of the things that we like in the written version may become tedious in the hearing. One thing that begins
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to grate is the constant repetition of names. Perhaps it was simply that I was listening to it in the company of my SO who is not a fan of the series. However it is still a pleasant way to pass time
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LibraryThing member ethelmertz
Another great story about Mma Ramotswe and friends. Mma Makutsi and her shoes are great!
LibraryThing member aspotoft
Mr. Smith never fails to please and Precious is still my favorite detective out there. Another great book in the series.
LibraryThing member seoulful
In the seventh book in this very popular series by Alexander McCall Smith, we once more get into the minds of the thoughtful cast of characters of Gabarone, Botswana. We listen to the usual ruminations of the No. 1 detective, Mma Ramotswe, and her husband and mechanic, J.L.B. Matekoni, as they
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decry the passing of the old ways of Botswana and the coming of the new generation of more careless, materialistic young people as particularly exemplified in the apprentice mechanics who spend every leisure moment ogling the girls who pass by the repair shop. Mma Ramotswe summarizes by saying, "People did not know just how much we had in those days--those days when we seemed to have so little, we had so much." Although we have often heard Mma Ramotswe's description of herself as "traditionally built," in this book we see the inner musings of a woman challenged to call her condition in blunter terms and go on a diet with all the attendant temptations and rationalizations. The incendiary topic of feminism is also dealt with as both J.L.B. Matekoni and Assistant Detective, Mma Makutsi in different situations have to confront and perhaps modify their positions. The subjects of Mma Ramotswe's detective ventures this time deal with ancient superstitions, an advice columnist of questionable activities, falsified blood pressure readings and the threatened love life of her co-worker, Grace Makutsi. All done with a warmth and gentleness that keeps us in anticipation of the next offering of Alexander McCall Smith.
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LibraryThing member allison.sivak
I felt unsure about this series; I am hesitant when it comes to books about people of colour written by white authors -- particularly, fiction. And particularly best-sellers. I think about the Telling It conference that documents how Lee Maracle (and other writers) asked Anne Cameron to quit
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writing in the Native voice -- in no small part because Cameron's writing was more-accepted by publishers than the writing of First Nations authors. And once the publishers had published Cameron there seemed to be an 'aboriginal quota' that was suddenly filled. It didn't mean in greater publishing rates for First Nations authors.

I'm not 100% of my feelings regarding this book. I don't want to feel that I'm looking at these characters' lives as 'simpler' than my life, and therefore 'moving' or 'charming'

A very small part, in which I felt I 'read' the author's voice in a very honest way, made me let out a little breath of emotion, though: the nine repetitions of the word 'africa' in a diamond shape on the last page of the book. I let go of some of my worries with that breath.

It's easy to enjoy these characters and their worries, compassion for one another, and the beautiful cadences of their speech.
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LibraryThing member dsc73277
If you are already a fan of McCall Smith's work in general, or the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series in particular, then, like me, you wont be disappointed. All the trademark warmth and humanity of these books is here once more in abundance. Surely the perfect antidote to all the grim news around
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at the present time?
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LibraryThing member TheoClarke
A reassuring positive view of humanity as the traditionally-built Mma Ramotswe worries that her fiance may be having doubts about marriage as she investigates problems at a hospital and a game reserve and copes with a cobra in her office.
LibraryThing member jepeters333
Danger hits close to home when a cobra is found in Mma Ramotswe's office. Of less immediate danger, but greater general interest, are the faulty blood pressure measurements being recorded at the local clinic. But perhaps the biggest mystery is why Mma Makutsi's fiance has missed their usual dinner
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date. Is he discontented? And if so, will cramming her feet into a pair of fashionable blue shoes help Mma Makutsi find happiness?
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LibraryThing member Elpippino
This was the first book of the series I have read. I found it entertaining and easy to digest. I thought the author could have presented a slightly bigger challenges to the characters to make the book more interesting, however, this book was a good break between heavier books.
LibraryThing member Berly
The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency with Mma Ramotswe returns! I have enjoyed this series so much, but this one was a let-down. It has all the same characters, all the same places, so it should have been charming. Unfortunately, I found the "mysteries" weak and I think I was just not in the right
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place to read it. Rats.
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LibraryThing member alanna1122
It is hard to believe that this is the seventh book I have read in this series. Each one reads so quickly and is like a little burst of fresh air. Like all the other ones, this seventh installment brims over with the author's love for Botswana. I have to say that I had never given Botswana much
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thought before reading these books - but now, each time I pick one up I find myself enchanted with the land and the people described by the author.

All the characters that we have come to know and love through the series are here and well represented. The stories are gentle and would be much better described as character studies than mysteries.

All in all - another successful installment in a series that has consistently delivered warm stories about characters who are easy to like and care about.
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LibraryThing member jo-jo
This was another enjoyable installment of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency that is chock full of the old Botswana morality. The apprentices are still at work trying to earn their certification and Mma Makutsi is still trying to light a fire under them to give them something to strive for. This
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book doesn't contain many mysteries for Mma Ramotswe to solve, but it does share plenty of simple life lessons that should be followed by all.

Since Mma Makutsi is now engaged to be married it is sure fun to watch the dynamics from her relationship as it evolves. She has always been such a strong woman, working hard to take care of herself, that I really don't see that aspect of her life changing in the future. Throughout this book it was brought to her attention several times that because she is preparing to marry a successful furniture store owner, that she probably will not need to work any longer. Don't count on her giving up her rank of Assistant Detective any time soon. The relationship does experience a bit of turmoil so you find yourself wondering if Grace Makutsi will be getting married after all.

Several times throughout this book the subject of Mma Ramotswe's unhealthy body weight is brought to her attention. Although she is still referred to as a traditionally built woman, there are more negative undertones in these comments than there have been in the past.

After reading these books it was so fun to watch this series when it aired on HBO. They did such a great job of casting characters that fit the descriptions so well. And now I have a good picture of them as I read more of these novels. Mr. Polopetsi has returned in this novel and it will be interesting to see how is character develops in future installments. Several questions about his past have been left unanswered in this book to give him a colorful future in this series.

My book club discussed this one last night and although it was enjoyable, most of the group didn't enjoy this one as much as previous installments. We always look forward to discussing books from this series together and I am sure we will be reading the next one. These books are always such a fun and delightful reading experience, so if you are looking for something quick and light, you might want to look into reading this series.
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LibraryThing member OzzieJello
All the books in this series are a delight. I read all of them straight through, one after the other, stopping only because I'm waiting for my copy of "The Good Husband of Zebra Drive" to arrive. If it were possible to actually spend some time with the main characters, it would be a pleasure. I'd
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even try redbush tea.
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LibraryThing member riverwillow
I just love this series of books and this one did not disappoint.
LibraryThing member sweetiegherkin
I read the first six books of this series some time ago and pretty much back-to-back. It took me a pretty long time to get this book though for various reasons, and I have to admit after finally reading it, I was slightly disappointed. The characters are still as wonderful and engaging as ever, and
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I love McCall Smith’s writing style – it’s simple yet deep at the same time. However, this particular book in the series really strayed from the detective work of Mma Ramotswe, which I enjoy a great deal. There were hardly any cases in this particular novel and they were not the main focus of the book. Rather, this book liked to look more at the inner workings of Mma Ramotswe’s mind, particularly her silly daydreams. This was not what was I expecting from a No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency book, and I’m hoping that the next in the series will be more in line with the first six than with this one.
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LibraryThing member jennyo
The latest in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency books. Just as light and fluffy as the others, and a treat to read on vacation.
LibraryThing member Karin7
Blue Shoes and Happiness by Alastair Reynolds
Once again Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsa are on the trails of several mysteries. When Grace’s fiancé doesn’t show up for dinner, she gets nervous that their engagement if off, and while waiting for an answer, she purchases a pair of lovely
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blues shoes which are a bit too small, and helps Mr. J.L.B Matekoni buy a chair without his wife being present. This is another endearing, gently humourous book in what I think is the best of all of Alexander McCall Smith’s series. He captures Bostwana beautifully, not only the country, but the people, and this is in great part what makes the book so delightful.
This was a reread for me for a reading challenge, and I had forgotten just enough to make it enjoyable once again.
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Theakstons Old Peculier Prize (Shortlist — 2008)


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Original publication date


Physical description

320 p.; 17.8 cm


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